You are an IT systems engineer. An extremely geeky but lucrative position here in America. Nice rack!
This has nothing to do with IT. It's more normal analogue electric equipment. I would translate it with switch board or switch cabinet builder or simply electrician...
No, it looks like control systems stuff, either for building or industrial infrastructure systems - programmable logic control, etc. I'd say the English name of the position would be something like Control Systems Engineer.
I think Zero is more right (I forgot completely about my plan on beeing active here. Damn you, politics!).
I now build systems for controling enviroment in mostly stores, so they get the right temperature and stuff like that. So I think Control System is closer than IT system.
And speaking of politics. That's my second "job" on which I use my leftover time after work and weekends. Right now I'm having a nice portion of Nick and Johnny watching live web-feeds from the Norwegian Conservative Party's National Convention. Springtime is politics time, with conventions all over the place. Huzzah!
I'm a document specialist at a corporate law firm to pay the bills. Currently looking for new work, aiming at technical drawings for patents and other intellectual property.
well now i'm an 'engineering coordinator' at a flight-simulator manufacturer. finally using some of what i learned in the military in a field i'm interested in and a decent wage...and not hurting my back or having to wear crappy/dirty clothes...unlike at the fedex shithole which i quit 2 months ago. however i am gaining weight, that's a drawback i can handle though.
Good article if you have time to read it. I agree with most of it except that I think that conservatives in power use issues like abortion, gay marriage,...