What do you snusers do?

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  • Condor
    • Sep 2008
    • 752

    Originally posted by physman
    I'm in my last year and a half of school (I'll be graduating after next fall - it should have been this summer but I ended up having to drop a class because I took on too big of a course load considering my work schedule). My bachelors degree will be in physics.

    Once I graduate I'll be working in law enforcement - nothing at all to do with physics, but that's okay. Bachelor's degree = more pay, and I love physics anyways. I ended up choosing this degree because my dad told me to explore anything I might be interested in outside of law enforcement before I really settle on it (my dad is a police officer). I considered a lot of things, from engineering, teaching and/or researching physics, medical school, and in the end I didn't find anything worth doing that I would enjoy more than law enforcement.
    BS in Sociology and finishing my German degree. I'm a NARC and my parents cringe, haha.


    • moneymanmike
      • Jul 2008
      • 133

      I guess I never posted what I do on here so:
      I am in the mortgage industry and have been for the past 10 years. I am currently the SE regional trainer for the largest privately owned mortgage banker in the US. So feel free to ask any mortgage or finance questions if you have them.
      Also for the record the mortgage industry is not the sole reason for the economic collapse we are seeing today.


      • snusfather
        • Jun 2008
        • 227

        Originally posted by moneymanmike
        I guess I never posted what I do on here so:
        I am in the mortgage industry and have been for the past 10 years. I am currently the SE regional trainer for the largest privately owned mortgage banker in the US. So feel free to ask any mortgage or finance questions if you have them.
        Also for the record the mortgage industry is not the sole reason for the economic collapse we are seeing today.
        True, there's the greed inherant in our economy and system of government at fault as well :wink:


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          I'm looking into becoming an old school rapper. If that doesn't pan out I always have my break dancing skills to fall back on.


          • ODurren
            • May 2009
            • 66

            Cryogenics Plant Technician that maintains two Air Seperation Units that creates GOX/LOX @ above 99.5% purity. GAN/LIN under 5ppm O2 purity. GAR/LAR under 3ppm O2/N2 purity.

            God I'd love to advance elsewhere though that separates and liquefies other rare gases.


            Wingon: In America its called a PLC ( Programmable logic controller ) :-D glad to see I'm not the only one messing around with those damn things!


            • Badfish74
              • May 2009
              • 1035

              Ummmm...I've done a little bit of everything of everything and a whole lot of nothing. I was in the U.S. Army where I drove Bradleys, ran around with a whole lot of heavy weapons and gear strapped to me, and jumped out of pefectly good airplanes. I ran a Harris 5 unit printing press for a while. I fabricated and installed commercial lighted signs for gas stations and fast food restaraunts. I worked in security at a nuclear power plant(again running around with heavy weapons and gear strapped to me). And now I stay at home, take care of the baby, sponge off of my wife, and wish like hell I had listened to my parents when they told me to stay in school!


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Intersting thread! I work for a small high-end tour company called MIR Corporation. We specialize in tours to all former soviet republics including silk road tours thru kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan... Places no one knows a damn thing about. Also Iran, China, russia, baltics, etc. I do all air ticketing for the company so if anyone needs to know how to get to extremely obscure places at the best price, hit me up.


                • pangloss
                  • May 2009
                  • 183

                  I buy stock in AIG. Anybody got a submarine? I'm kinda sunk :lol:


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    3 words my friends: LOW. BUDGET. PORN. 8)


                    • 9 Jack 9
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 84

                      Originally posted by aery
                      and before THAT I worked at SOE on Star Wars Galaxies for a bunch of years
                      Before or after NGE? (Heck, before CU?)

                      Oldschool SW:G was where it was at for me. The introduction of player cities was probably the high point of the time I spent on that game.


                      • DaveInPA
                        • May 2009
                        • 119

                        RN during the week. Firearms/self defense instructor most weekends.


                        • Cy
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 101

                          Was a mechanic for about a year, then worked as a metal fabricator/welder for a lil bit then worked setting up and operating screw machines making speacilty nuts and fasteners but I left the job because the cutting oil used in the machines was giving me constant horrible acne on my skin. Will either finish my welding classes for a degree or pursue a different career then cars and metal


                          • Mamafish83
                            • May 2009
                            • 165

                            I'm an "Armed Nuclear Security Specialist" at the local power plant. (fancy name for a security guard) Get paid pretty decent for doing very little. The job allows me to play with guns and serve my community by protecting against possible terrorist threats, it's pretty cool. Putting in for a promotion to become a supervisor next month.

                            Been at a few different jobs before that...mostly retail management.


                            • tical00
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 83

                              No college credits at all. Got stuck wtih OCD during my first semester and all went to hell. Things are better now though, saving up money to hopefully go back. I work at a ivy league college in the shipping and recieving department of their library. I study computer science/languages in my spare time (on my own out of a book) and play RPG's wayyyyyyyy to much.


                              • EsotericPC
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 166

                                I work in Finance as a "Production Research Specialist" (working on our systems and doing some root cause analysis) for the largest student loan company in the world.

                                From the looks of the number of educated people we have here, I am sure a few of you might be familiar with where I work


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