Glad somebody bumped this thread. I too am a Foodie cook who worships at the altar of Alton Brown. My other favorite TV Cook is Tyler Florence. I cook it all. Made Sunday Pot Roast dinner yesterday and Tacos tonight. I probably cook 5 times a week trying to utilize the best proteins on sale that particular week. I also bake cookies, cakes, and pastries. Not big into bread but I do have the French Baguette down... As a matter of fact I have to fill a standing order of craisin' oatmeal cookies for my Mom.
Ive been cooking for 25 years, since I was a wee lad. My grandmother started me off peeling potatoes at the age of 6. God help me if I took too much off!
I've worked in a variety of restaurants and settings over the years, picked up some new tricks along the way. My wife isn't afraid to admit that I'm a better cook than she is.
I have a few personal rules:
1. I do not follow directions.
2. I do not measure things.
3. I pay attention.
My wife is an amazing cook. Her family owns a restaurant in San Francisco to. They come from a province in the philipines that is known to be the best cooks and I gotta say, they can whip up some delicious shit out of some pretty basic ingredients.
I on the other hand can barely cook a piece of toast without screwing it up.
Probably not as good as wa3zrm's news posts and this article is a tad old, but nonetheless, I am sharing it here because it is a good lesson for smokeless...
There are many different reasons why people might like to try making their own snus at home. If their country has restrictions on importing snus, because...