I have never had this happen *knocks on wood* and I hope it never does
It wasn't funny at the time, I felt pretty humiliated. Major blow to the ego.
Now I guess it is funny.
I'm just glad my girlfriend was at work and didn't find out.
It was the middle of winter and i was 17 and at the doctor's office with the flu with my mom. I had to go to the pediatrician because of the rules of my da's insurance. We were on one of those "everyone is sick and there is a two hour wait" and I was sitting there in sweat pants and tighty whities (before I started freeballing) and wrapped in a blanket. It is the sickest I remember being.....
I had to sneeze and crapped the hell out of myself.
I had to tell my mom, sit in it until I could see the doctor, tell the nurse, the doctor and walk through the office with "I just shit myself" stains all over my pants for everyone to see.
I got home and my dad and my brother found out......
The only thing that saved me from utter humiliation was they both already had an "I shit myself" story.
Hey, you guys think Dead Rabbit comes here to see if we forgot about this thread yet so he can tell us about his new truck?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Are there any other road warriors here? I average about 200 miles per day and I see a lot of stupidity on the road. Yeah, I have a lead foot but some...