Greetings from Slovenia

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  • punkka
    New Member
    • Apr 2007
    • 11

    Greetings from Slovenia

    As I said in my first post, I'm a new snuser. I tried for the first time snus a week ago, although my boyfriend is using it for a long time. As a young scientist I did a broad research on snus, and I think is really shitty that EU wants more us nicotine addicts (or better said-lovers) to die than to give us a possibility to enjoy in our luxury and stay healthy. I'm sure that is all just because of a great tobbaco and farmaceutical (nicorette gums costs more than almost two cans of snus in SWE, not to mention how much money farmaceutics gets from cancer releaving drugs....) lobby. Those bloody bastards. It is really difficult to get fresh and genuine snus, and really expensive if I want to buy it here- under the counter of course.
    I did not found any reason why is better to smoke cigarettes than use snus, looking financially and through health. I hope ban from selling will end soon.
    Well I do not have any problems, no nicotine withrowal, better beverage taste and no bad odour (which is extremly important for those intimate moments with my man). And I love it.
    I'm really surprised how many different tastes and how fast a shippment comes from SWE. And cheap. I'm of course still in a phase of trying different brands and flavours. I use pouches - because I'm a sissy.
    Thanx guys, my favourite nation in EU.
  • Cap'n SnusBeard
    • Jan 2007
    • 59

    Slovenia, eh? I'll be questing to Tolmin in the summer to attend the Metal Camp festival... you mentioned 'under the counter' snus? :wink: :wink:

    But anyway, I do believe that all the fat-lipped folk here share your sentiments about the EU ban - it's backwards logic at its finest (or, perhaps more accurately, vilest). It must be a pretty grim snus situation in Slovenia, though, being that you're both a lot warmer than and a lot further from the snusland of Sweden, especially compared with us here in Britain, at least! And I imagine that more of the transit of the snus would be on the ground rather than in a nice cold aeroplane freight compartment or ship's hold (however it actually gets to the rest us!), perhaps increasing the risk of nasty snus spoilage in the warmer months. Pretty grim indeed.

    Also - Didn't Slovenia only join the EU a few years back? Just out of curiosity, was snus widely available there before us previous members, in all our infinite wisdom, steamrolled you with a bunch of idiotic legislation? Just wondering - who knows? Maybe it was available over the counter here in the UK pre-1995!

    Ah well, I guess that all we can do is hope that the suited men in Brussels come to their senses and let the good stuff loose on Europe!


    • punkka
      New Member
      • Apr 2007
      • 11

      As I remember, I really did not pay any attention to snus before, but I know that my boyfriend has been buying it normally I think until 2002/2003. And then they (again- bastards) banned all sells. Before that you colud buy snus in almost any bar, newstand.... shop with food. And after that ...we have what we have... no snus!!!


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        It's the same in Germany - and maybe any other country of the E.U., though some states may not have had such a strong oral-tobacco-tradition.

        What makes me a bit angry, is, that one single "freak", namely David Byrne, the former EU commissioner (not he musician!), has the power to stop the snus-sales all over Europe. This much about E.U. and democracy.

        I don't want to say anything against David Byrne as a person, also his point of view, that (smoking) tobacco is deadly instead of 'glamorous', is absolutely not wierd in my view, but overall, I guess, there's much to do, until the E.U. really gains democratic structures and a single person's point of view will no longer affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people in a ridiculous way, since I think (as probably all of the forum-members), the snus-ban is ridiculous.


