Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
We had a big discussion about this issue in sociology class. Dr. McNamara would probably have my ass for not being able to remember most of it, but it's an incredibly complicated issue. There are a number who choose to be homeless, yes, and there are just as many or more who aren't able to get out of homelessness for one reason or another. Mental health issues are abound, and only complicated by not being able to afford proper healthcare. before Faust says anything about the government intervening, there have been attempts. It's just that there are so many factors in these issues that no single blanket program can effectively solve the problem. And the ones that may solve the problem actually only solve part of it and tend to get expensive.
You are correct in that most homeless Americans are mentally unstable. This is not their fault, and should not be held against them.
You are incorrect in asserting that the Imperial government has done anything to really solve this issue. Simply put, if there were enough homeless shelters, homelessness would be solved.
I work with homeless individuals on a weekly basis (pro bono legal stuff - you'd be surprised how many homeless folks have long lists of legal issues). The local homeless shelter out of which I work on these occasions... to put it bluntly, it smells like a cesspool and is run like a concentration camp. And yet, well over 3/4 of the homeless people I talk to are constantly engaged in a battle to gain access to shelter of this sort.
Clearly the standards are low enough to be met with a bare minimum of money/energy/time on the Empire's part. The money spent occupying Iraq for a single week could easily house the Empire's homeless population for an entire year... Sigh.
The homeless men would pump gas for people even though it was a self-service station and would receive tips. Not sure to the truth of this but my buddy tells me this: "these homeless guys had a few thousand dollars on them at all times." They could have easily bought an apartment and found a minimum wage job.
Eh, I doubt it. The homeless population faces more assaults, thefts, and robberies than any other group in contemporary American society. A homeless individual capable of earning "a few thousand dollars" of discretionary income will typically be smart enough not to carry the monies on his person.
Moreover, such an individual is unlikely to flash the "thousands" in front of any other human being. Given this, how exactly would your friend know how much cash his homeless friends were carrying at any given time? It makes no logical sense.
Also, one does not "buy" apartments - one rents them. This involves applying for them, which in turn gives the landowner a great incentive to check one's criminal/eviction/citizenship history. And if something questionable turns up, you'll need a whole lot more than a couple thousand to finesse your way into acceptable, stable housing...
Stop trying to **** up this thread anymore than you have. If you want to post your views on the world start your own thread. And see if anyone responds. Or we will all protest and get this whole dam thread deleted. Then all your spewing will have been in vain.
Reply to this post in whatever fashion you so choose. I won't see it cuz I'll be in the hospital for a day or so. Thats assumeing they release me from the hospital. I have to sleep now to be up very early.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Stop trying to **** up this thread anymore than you have. If you want to post your views on the world start your own thread. And see if anyone responds. Or we will all protest and get this whole dam thread deleted. Then all your spewing will have been in vain.
reply in what ever fashion you so choose. I won't see it cuz I'll be in the hospital for a day or so day.
Just as I have decided to ignore your juvenile discussion on the merits of feces, you may choose to disregard our political discussion. No one is forcing you to read or respond to anything said on this thread.
As an aside, I find it ironic that Americans are always eager to stifle anyone that dares to voice disagreement with their popular beliefs. Not huge supporters of the First Amendment, are we? Heh.
Still, good luck with your medical issues. I hope that you pull through this alright.
As an aside, I find it ironic that Americans are always eager to stifle anyone that dares to voice disagreement with their popular beliefs. Not huge supporters of the First Amendment, are we? Heh.
Bullshit. I think you got your share of airtime on this thread.
As an aside, I find it ironic that Americans are always eager to stifle anyone that dares to voice disagreement with their popular beliefs. Not huge supporters of the First Amendment, are we? Heh.
Bullshit. I think you got your share of airtime on this thread.
The fact that I managed to voice a few of my opinions does not nullify the fact that a handful of Imperial denizens spent a lot of energy trying to silence my voice.
Once more: "land of the free," my hairy ass. Apparently, free speech should only apply to gun-toting, Bible-thumping southerners, and not to any of the rest of us...
My 2 cents and first post, I came here to read and learn about snus before seeing the heated discussion about communism. Please forgive my bad English but what I have to say comes from many years of experience with the old communist regime of Bulgaria. I am now free of all that bs and can be anything I want to be, but believe me, both extreme right and extreme left ideologies lead to fanaticism, why not enjoy a good snus and have fun instead of arguing communism. I used to be a soldier and a wrestler but I am a lover now and enjoy the finer things life has to offer and currently working on a large industrial project in the NE USA.
Judge Faust, don’t you have anything better to do with your time, try Hinduism or Buddhism or just keep it to yourself. Are you practicing your debating skills, is that what this is all about? Go out have a drink get a girlfriend and enjoy life before it is too late. Did you ever consider that you could wake up one day and realize what a big mistake you have been making, having wasted many years of your life filling up your brain with communism?
Xobeloot, you sound like a fine guy and I like what I see. I’m couple of states north east of your location. I’d like to have a drink with you sometime if I am ever in your neighborhood and at the same time you’re always welcome to visit here. I’ll be posting some pictures soon.
Come on guys, forget about communism, it’s old and it is a goner let’s discuss happier and sweeter things, seriously.