[quote="Judge Faust"]
ok 1) homemade bombs can be made from just about anything...trust ive researched it and been trained to do it...improvised weapons....rifles,small arms,du rounds....can all easily be attained by civilians...trust me i know people that sell them legally and not
2) its not just words, ive discussed this with people i know and we have a "small" arsenal that can be accessed quickly in time of an emergency....enough ammunition and guns to supply 500+ people with a main weapon and side arm...not including materials needed to make bombs,grenades,etc..
if indeed the government does start ****ing up bad enough...it is our duty to overthrow it and establish a new...most people talk about it but are to scared to do anything ..but i am one of the few that would be willing to die if i knew that it would start a revolution and turn this country around and build it from the ground up in the time of a national failure of the government....
i dont just speak words...thats not what someone like me does...i have no understanding of pain or hurt in the normal sense because of my disorder..(ASPD look it up)..i look at that as a blessing because if i did i wouldnt be able to write the papers i write or the poems i write...and i damn sure wouldnt have joined the marines...my disorder is something that is rare...and trust me...when i say that if the day comes to step up and take charge of a guerilla task force and overthrow a broken and abusive government i will be the first to do so...
i have an expertise in military tactics i have studied it for many years..and have always been good at strategy..ive read and study about every war i can think of and will continue to do so because i dont like losing...
ima narcissistic,cold hearted,disciplined,indifferent person...ask me if i give a **** about life if it means that it will break the chains of oppression and start a new government thats better for the people of this country...no i dont...and i will say it as many times as needed
ive studied marx's writings...as well as many other peoples...every type of government sounds good in theory...none work on their own....i promote anarchy...not chaos...there's a difference...
and ill be damned if i let any government try to take away my unalienable rights...**** that shit...im pissed right now so im ending this rant with this...when the day comes ill be ready and you will see resistance...dont think i speak hollow words...im as serious as the grave
Originally posted by Premium Parrots
ok 1) homemade bombs can be made from just about anything...trust ive researched it and been trained to do it...improvised weapons....rifles,small arms,du rounds....can all easily be attained by civilians...trust me i know people that sell them legally and not
2) its not just words, ive discussed this with people i know and we have a "small" arsenal that can be accessed quickly in time of an emergency....enough ammunition and guns to supply 500+ people with a main weapon and side arm...not including materials needed to make bombs,grenades,etc..
if indeed the government does start ****ing up bad enough...it is our duty to overthrow it and establish a new...most people talk about it but are to scared to do anything ..but i am one of the few that would be willing to die if i knew that it would start a revolution and turn this country around and build it from the ground up in the time of a national failure of the government....
i dont just speak words...thats not what someone like me does...i have no understanding of pain or hurt in the normal sense because of my disorder..(ASPD look it up)..i look at that as a blessing because if i did i wouldnt be able to write the papers i write or the poems i write...and i damn sure wouldnt have joined the marines...my disorder is something that is rare...and trust me...when i say that if the day comes to step up and take charge of a guerilla task force and overthrow a broken and abusive government i will be the first to do so...
i have an expertise in military tactics i have studied it for many years..and have always been good at strategy..ive read and study about every war i can think of and will continue to do so because i dont like losing...
ima narcissistic,cold hearted,disciplined,indifferent person...ask me if i give a **** about life if it means that it will break the chains of oppression and start a new government thats better for the people of this country...no i dont...and i will say it as many times as needed
ive studied marx's writings...as well as many other peoples...every type of government sounds good in theory...none work on their own....i promote anarchy...not chaos...there's a difference...
and ill be damned if i let any government try to take away my unalienable rights...**** that shit...im pissed right now so im ending this rant with this...when the day comes ill be ready and you will see resistance...dont think i speak hollow words...im as serious as the grave