I have an electronic copy and it's a damn fine read. Some stuff will surprise you, most of it is common sense. For example, firearms are great and all, but attract attention. And if you do get a firearm, what would you get? An AR-15 some will say. Nein! Granted new models are reliable enough and shoot straighter than laser beams, but they require a good deal of maintenance and the round is relatively weak. Enter the AK-47. Toss it in dirt, mud, and sand. Shake the grime out and rack the bolt, it's good to go. Also take into account for the ammunition too, you'll want a weapon with plenty of it. Shotguns are fun, but the magazines are relatively small. You'll get what, 10 rounds in one tube magazine? Less if you make it a sawed off? Good last ditch weapon if you can carry the weight.
Melee weapons. What would you pick? Wanna go all ninja and get a katana? I'd suggest against it. Those things were meant to slice and to an extent stab. You could use it well if you trained with it, but you probably wouldn't do enough damage or decapitate too easily otherwise. What about an ax? Very effective but heavy as hell and unwieldy in close quarters. Best bet is to go Gordon Freeman and grab a crowbar. They're strong, can definitely crush a skull in, has sharp ends that can do extra damage, and can be used as tools to pry things open.
More stuff that's too long to write. I'd post it here but I think that'd be copyright infringement. It'd probably be better if I emailed a copy to anyone who wants it, if that isn't illegal too. Lord knows I don't want the RIAA or whoever else on my ass about that... PM me if you're interested. Xobe, I know you want it if you don't already have it. You too, texasmade. =P
Decided to include a rapidshare link of the file instead. Enjoy!
Melee weapons. What would you pick? Wanna go all ninja and get a katana? I'd suggest against it. Those things were meant to slice and to an extent stab. You could use it well if you trained with it, but you probably wouldn't do enough damage or decapitate too easily otherwise. What about an ax? Very effective but heavy as hell and unwieldy in close quarters. Best bet is to go Gordon Freeman and grab a crowbar. They're strong, can definitely crush a skull in, has sharp ends that can do extra damage, and can be used as tools to pry things open.
More stuff that's too long to write. I'd post it here but I think that'd be copyright infringement. It'd probably be better if I emailed a copy to anyone who wants it, if that isn't illegal too. Lord knows I don't want the RIAA or whoever else on my ass about that... PM me if you're interested. Xobe, I know you want it if you don't already have it. You too, texasmade. =P
Decided to include a rapidshare link of the file instead. Enjoy!