Fell off the wagon

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  • Dunno
    • Feb 2009
    • 94

    Fell off the wagon

    I feel like a junkie that had to have one last fix.

    Tonight was my friend's b-day party at a bar. Bummed one cig and ended up buying a pack there and smoked several more. This coming monday would've been a full 2 weeks since my last.

    I feel so dirty...
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    No Harm, No Foul bud.

    I've done it many times. I smoked a cig today myself. I have one once in a while for shits and giggles.


    • Starcadia
      • May 2008
      • 646

      Yeah, man, it's no problem. Just spend a day or two with some strong snus in your lip and you'll forget about them again. Cigs are like ex-girlfriends. You'll only think about them if you're lonely or if your current replacement is not doing her job. But an occasional revisitation won't kill you.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        Originally posted by Starcadia
        But an occasional revisitation won't kill you.
        Unless she happened to contract herpes between then and now... Then you're SOL.

        *Always remember to scratch & sniff and conduct a thorough visual inspection when dealing with the strange :lol:


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          Originally posted by Xobeloot
          Originally posted by Starcadia
          But an occasional revisitation won't kill you.
          Unless she happened to contract herpes between then and now... Then you're SOL.

          *Always remember to scratch & sniff and conduct a thorough visual inspection when dealing with the strange :lol:
          LOL. Even herpes won't kill, but if she managed to contract it since your last meeting, I'd say she's probably not worth it either way. In other words, if you smoke again and it makes you feel ill, then why bother?


          • TBD
            • Jul 2008
            • 817

            Most of us so called ex-smokers have fallen or jumped off the wagon now and then. Cigarettes were a part of our lives for years and it's not an easy thing to change years of habit. No worrys. Just get back up on the wagon and we'll move over, there's plenty of room.


            • outsidelinebacker20
              • Aug 2008
              • 187

              You are worthless and weak. :twisted:



              • Dunno
                • Feb 2009
                • 94

                Originally posted by outsidelinebacker20
                You are worthless and weak. :twisted:

                Yeah I was pretty loaded when I started this thread. I'm really not that worried about it, especially now that I've been up for a while and don't feel like smoking. I'm gonna keep the pack b/c I don't know that I can be in a bar/drinking w/out smokes.

                If I can keep it to just when I drink, which isn't that often I think I can keep it under control.


                • Snusophile
                  • May 2008
                  • 531

                  Originally posted by Dunno
                  Originally posted by outsidelinebacker20
                  You are worthless and weak. :twisted:

                  Yeah I was pretty loaded when I started this thread. I'm really not that worried about it, especially now that I've been up for a while and don't feel like smoking. I'm gonna keep the pack b/c I don't know that I can be in a bar/drinking w/out smokes.

                  If I can keep it to just when I drink, which isn't that often I think I can keep it under control.
                  I think you're making a huge mistake here. The point is to quit smoking, not cut down. There is no cutting down. Soon you will be back to square one. Toss the pack and pick up where you left off. Right now your mind is telling you it's okay to smoke again, so you need to get over that mindset. When I was in the early stages, I would just repeat to myself "non-smokers don't smoke". It's simple but very effective.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    I quit cigarettes for six months and tried one a few weeks back. All I could taste were chemicals and ass. In a few months, your taste buds will recover completely and you will be disgusted by cigarettes.


                    • mercvrivs
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 484

                      I've thought about smoking a few times, but then I always rememeber how heavy it makes your lungs feel, and more importantly: I'm worried that it would mess up my discriminating snus taste buds. I think some people can smoke here and there, and for others that may not be the best option. There's definitely room for differences, but we are united in our common love for snus.


                      • JBean
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 445

                        I did it just last weekend.

                        It usually only happens when I either have been drinking or something really really upsets me. :?


                        • Soft Morning, City!
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 772

                          I have a cigarette from time to time. It's no problem for me to stick to the snus and just have a cigarette every now and again. If I had to smoke a cigarette every time I needed nicotine, I'd smoke two packs a day. I don't want to do that at all, so I keep the cigarettes to a minimum and snus about 90% of the time.

                          I refuse to smoke factory cigarettes, however. A lot of states (including Texas, where I currently reside) have passed Fire Safe Cigarette legislation that makes the addition of EVA (an chemical whose COMBUSTION TOXICITY HAS NOT BEEN TESTED) mandatory in all factory made cigarettes sold in the state. I refuse to inhale that shit. Instead, I make my own cigarettes with organic tobacco and old fashioned, pre-FSC cigarette tubes.

                          I absolutely detest the taste of most cigarettes since getting into snus, but the ones I make myself taste wonderful.

                          Considering that I smoked two packs per day a year and a half ago, my current pack per week (usually less) of organic grown, additive free tobacco doesn't worry me too much. I'm 20 years old. As long as I quit cigarettes entirely by the time I'm 30, I'll be happy.


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