Nothing super epic.... We had a snow storm that was unexpected in it's magnitude. Our power had been out since noon Sunday, and it just came back on today. I just had a few pics of it, and figure it wont snow like that again here (while i live here, at least). The news reported it as "Oh, hey! We might have some snow!!! oooh! That'll be fun!" Not so much. In the south, they dont put salt out and dont plow the roads til its too late. Like an afterthought....
I felt like i was in "I Am Legend" or something, cause I was sitting in the dark, with a candle, reading a book with my german shepherd, listening to the creaking and moaning outside. I have never seen so many trees down.....
But we had fun with the dogs, and Im glad they like snow, cause we are moving back to PA soon. Like I said, nothing crazy, but pretty good for Georgia. I miss it.....

I felt like i was in "I Am Legend" or something, cause I was sitting in the dark, with a candle, reading a book with my german shepherd, listening to the creaking and moaning outside. I have never seen so many trees down.....
But we had fun with the dogs, and Im glad they like snow, cause we are moving back to PA soon. Like I said, nothing crazy, but pretty good for Georgia. I miss it.....
