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  • amorican
    • Mar 2009
    • 106

    Hello all

    Just wanted to say hello to everybody. I'm new here, and relatively new to snus, so I figured I should introduce myself.

    I'm a former dipper, and I first tried Camel Snus, and was hooked from there. Next I tried Klondike and Nordic Ice, both from a local Smoker Friendly store, and was even more intrigued. Now I find myself with an abundance of snus in my mini-fridge from Getsnus.com, and I love it. Swedish snus is great!

    So, I guess I should tell you all what I've tried, so here goes.

    Ettan los: very nice snus IMHO.
    Skruf Sterk los: an early favorite.
    Offroad Cranberry los: another early favorite, I love it!
    Grovsnus los: Okay, but I won't be ordering it again.
    Oden's Classic los: Decent, but probably not again.
    General Extra Sterk Maxi Portion: Love it!
    General Extra Sterk: Love it!
    Catch Eucalyptus White Portion: Decent.
    Catch Licorice White portion: Decent.

    And still to try:

    General Sterk Portion, Grovsnus Stark Portion, and a couple General samples.

    So it seems my favorites are the general Extra Sterk's, Offroad Cranberry Los, Skruf Sterk los, and Ettan los, probably in that order.

    I still have more to try but already want to order more, I love this stuff! So glad I found it, and I'm glad to find this informative community.

    So, a bit of a long post, but I just felt I should provide an introduction, and review of some snus.

    Also, any recommendations of brands to try based on my likes would be great.
  • NonEntity
    • Jan 2009
    • 138

    Welcome from another former dipper. Surprisingly (to me anyhow) I ended up strongly preferring portion snus to los, so I can't help much with los recommendations. For portions General Extra Sterk is my absolute favorite and OR Cranberry Strong is another, so we may share some tastes in snus.

    My recommendations for portions to try would be:
    Claq Qui
    Nick and Johny Original
    Granit (very similar to GES in taste) both regular or maxi
    Phantom Blue (different flavor profile than anything you have listed but quite good IMO).
    General Onyx

    General Sterk is not bad but I find the GES to have better flavor and I like regular portions over white. Oh, and I assume you mean General Maxi, if there is a General Extra Sterk Maxi I have not seen it and I would need to get a can immediately!


    • slartie
      • Feb 2009
      • 94

      Welcome to snusland amorican.

      Your maiden voyage into the world of snus has started out really well. I won't throw any recommendations your way, as I and many others have discovered that taste is to vastly different, that recommendations become irrelevant.

      The fact that you love Ettan Los as well as the General Starks at the same time, goes against what I have witnessed on this site. So go crazy, see what moves and shakes. Trade the rest with other snusers here on the site and you're set for a long snus adventure.


      • amorican
        • Mar 2009
        • 106

        Thanks for the welcomes.

        NonEntity you are right, I checked and it is General Maxi. I like it just the same. General seems to have almost a pepper flavor to it, which I love. The Ettan is good too, I taste more of a salt flavor in it. It does seem like we have the same preferences. My two favorites are probably OR Cranberry, and Generel Extra Sterk. And thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a shot.

        Anyway, I love this stuff. I have some Ettan in right now!


        • ddandb
          • Mar 2009
          • 570

          From one Newbie to another. Welcome.

          Seems like a friendly bunch here.


          • amorican
            • Mar 2009
            • 106

            Just an update:

            All of the General Snus have become my favorite by far. I'm starting to appreciate the Odens more now. The Skruf definitely has grown on me as well as the Catch Eucalyptus. I'm out of OR Cranberry and miss it alot. Ettan has started to bore me a bit, starting to like it less than before.

            I just put in another order for more General varieties, as well as a bunch of OR los cranberry, and strong portions, and Skruf Cranberry. Also ordered some Claq Qui. The were out of General Extra sterk and General Onyx, which sucks, but I got some General Los, which I'm excited about. I got about 18 more tins I think, and I still have 10 in my fridge. Also, my buddy who I split my first order with doesn't seem to like any of it, so he's giving me back all of his. He only likes Camel frost, what a weakling.

            Damn I'm addicted to this stuff. :twisted:


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              Hey! Welcome!


              • mercvrivs
                • Sep 2008
                • 484

                Welcome to the forum!


                • Condor
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 752



                  • Eidekker
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 77

                    A n00b salutes you!


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Originally posted by amorican
                      ... Also, my buddy who I split my first order with doesn't seem to like any of it, so he's giving me back all of his. He only likes Camel frost, what a weakling.

                      Damn I'm addicted to this stuff. :twisted:
                      That means more snus for you.:twisted:

                      Välkommen amorican.


                      • amorican
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 106

                        Thanks for all the welcomes! I'm enjoying snus, and enjoying this very informative community.


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