HI eveyone! New to forum and to snus.

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  • snusalufagus
    New Member
    • Jun 2007
    • 8

    HI eveyone! New to forum and to snus.

    Well I just ordered my first snus. Waiting for it to get here to Texas.

    I just quit smoking last week and am currently using Copenhagen pouches for my nicotine addiction. I am really hoping I love snus more than Copenhagen. I hate all the drool it makes but I do love the taste. I ordered a few different cans from www.swedish-snus.com and I realy hope I like at least one of them. I know that sweedish snus is much healthier than US snuff.

    I know that both Camel and Marlboro is coming out with snus but I think even when they get in this area I will still order Sweedish snus due to it being heavily regulated by their "FDA". Tobacco is not regulated that way here in the US and the tobacco companies can put anything their hearts or pocketbooks desire.

    Anyhow, just wanted to say hi, great forum, and get ready for lots of misspelled stupid questions from me!!! :lol:
  • brendo20
    • Mar 2007
    • 46

    Marlboro snus sounds interesting. I used to like Marlboro Lights. I only wish the swedish manufacturers were able to adopt the character of brands like this, so we can be confident about the ingredients as you say. I would also be skeptical about using an unregulated american made smokeless tobacco product. Perhaps some of us could find a way of voicing such concern to the American tobacco companies. I for one don't have the time or inclination to care that much, and I am sure many of us in this group are happy to stick with the swedes and not support these american tobacco giants any further than we already have done in the past with smoking, but it would be great to try a swedish marlboro pinch or something like that... Oh well. No big deal. I'll stick with my skruf and metropol for now...
    Regarding using dip: A workmate gave me some skoal about a year ago to try. This was before i tried snus. The skoal smelt like the little cakes in the mens public urinal. Haha. Made me think of serious mouth cancer, plus the spitting was very annoying... I used it a couple of times when I walked my dog... If the dog can take a crap in the public park, I suppose I could be spitting tobacco.. All looks the same ahahaha. Nasty stuff.. Won't try it again unless I'm blind drunk or something. Can't say i've tried cope, any better than the skoal straight?


    • snusalufagus
      New Member
      • Jun 2007
      • 8

      I dont care for Skoal too much. IMHO, skoal has a very weird taste. Copenhagen has been my choice of poison (for snuff). Every now and then, for the past several years, I would buy a can of Cop long cut but I would only use about 1/4 of it before it dried up.

      I am in my second week of being basically smoke free. I have cheated a few times. Every time I cheat I pay for it the next morning. I feel like someone kicked me in the chest. I cant believe I have smoked that sh** for so long (more than a pack a day for over 10 years). My poison was Marlboro red 100's for most of that period, Marlboro 100 Lights for the past year.

      I just pray that after awhile of not smoking I will get back a lot of my cardio, endurance, and lung capacity.

      As far as the US regulating tobacco industries, I'm not sure why the tobacco companies have had and still have the right to put what ever they want to in their products. This is why I really want to change to Sweedish snus. I hope I instantly fall in love with one of the brands I ordered.


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