Poll: What can fix America's current problems

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  • Starcadia
    • May 2008
    • 646

    Yeah, definitely some serious bigotry going on at this forum, especially, ironically, from those who claim to love America and freedom. I think the word "freedom" to a lot of people really means "more for my white people, by force if necessary".

    Just sayin'. :roll:


    • superdevil
      • Jul 2008
      • 158

      Originally posted by amorican

      SNIP Also, you mention that you were in the 82nd airborne I believe SNIP
      That pretty much explains a lot. I live right outside of Fort Bragg, so I know the type.


      • Eidekker
        • Mar 2009
        • 77

        This topic got a bit sidetracked IMO. :?


        • TexDis
          • Dec 2008
          • 63

          Originally posted by amorican
          ...for standing up for some innocent people who were subjected to un-warranted genocide to the tune of 6 million people being killed.
          Please. :roll:

          Or are you talking about the Christian victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks?

          This topic is seriously sidetracked.


          • superdevil
            • Jul 2008
            • 158

            Thank God we're in the US. Holocaust denial is a felony in certain parts of the EU, not to mention making you look like a complete dumbass.

            And yes, we are sidetracked.


            • TexDis
              • Dec 2008
              • 63

              Originally posted by superdevil
              Thank God we're in the US. Holocaust denial is a felony in certain parts of the EU, not to mention making you look like a complete dumbass.
              So it is smart to never question something that a state feels the need to criminalize as a thought-crime?



              • superdevil
                • Jul 2008
                • 158

                Question? I see no questioning here, only denial and accusation.


                • TexDis
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 63

                  Originally posted by superdevil
                  Question? I see no questioning here, only denial and accusation.
                  To state ideological jackboots like you seem to be, any question whatsoever is "denial".

                  I'm surprised you get Lincoln but not this.


                  • Eidekker
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 77

                    Originally posted by TexDis

                    This topic is seriously sidetracked.
                    Politics and religion are sure ways to ruin a good forum. This is a SNUS forum..


                    • Sal1000us
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 384

                      Originally posted by TexDis
                      Originally posted by amorican
                      ...for standing up for some innocent people who were subjected to un-warranted genocide to the tune of 6 million people being killed.
                      Please. :roll:

                      Or are you talking about the Christian victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks?

                      This topic is seriously sidetracked.
                      It is refreshing to see a well-read fellow Snuser stating the documented FACTS amidst zionist pressure to silence any thought or civilized debate on the subject.

                      As you said, This topic is seriously sidetracked.


                      • superdevil
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 158

                        As you said, This topic is seriously sidetracked.
                        By a bunch of Neo Nazi cocksucking Jew hating scum.

                        It is refreshing to see a well-read fellow Snuser stating the documented FACTS amidst zionist pressure to silence any thought or civilized debate on the subject.
                        I see no Zionists here, nor any well read fellow snusers. "Crackpot Conspiracy Theories for the Budding White Supremacist" does not make one intelligent or informed. And if you're accusing me of being a left wing Zionist you're dead wrong. I see two paranoid xenophobes denying the facts and showing a marked disapproval for an entire race of people because of whatever theories your alcoholic fathers beat into you about them furriners and jewboys what controls the media and whutnot.

                        BTW "Sal", everyone I've ever met named Sal has been Jewish. Are
                        you part of the Zionist scheme for global domination?

                        To state ideological jackboots like you seem to be, any question whatsoever is "denial".
                        What makes you think I'm like that? Because I think it's ignorant that you deny the holocaust? That makes me a tool of the state? What the **** ever. I've agreed with you on other issues in the past but there's nothing to agree with if you don't believe that almost six million Jews were wiped out during the holocaust.

                        I'm surprised you get Lincoln but not this.
                        As I said, facts are facts. It's pretty much black and white to me, which is why anyone arguing the holocaust to me is suspect. There's just no arguing facts. Lincoln was a tyrant and the Krauts murdered six million Jews and millions more that were also not part of the future plan. Black and White, done and done.

                        Politics and religion are sure ways to ruin a good forum. This is a SNUS forum.
                        Politics is one thing, religion another, but out and out racism is horrible. (EDIT: THE FOLLOWING IS NOT IN REFERENCE TO EIDEKKER, AS HE IS SOMEONE I ACTUALLY RESPECT AND FIND TO BE AN INTELLIGENT HUMAN BEING-) If you want to sit around with your buddies telling ****** jokes and brag about how many kikes your grandaddy wiped out, don't bring it to a ****ing public forum. Stay in the woods like the animal you are and leave your wacko, crackpot fascist opinions at home.


                        • amorican
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 106

                          Wow, I don't even need to respond to any of this trash because superdevil pretty much covered it all. Good job buddy!

                          Oh, and yeah the topic did get sidetracked, but that's what happens when racist remarks get thrown around. I stayed out of it when it was politics, because this is a snus forum, and I'm on it for snus, and friendly off-topic discussion. When you start talking shit on my people, I have to join in.

                          /thread please.


                          • Sal1000us
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 384


                            This is a part of your vocabulary and also words you have used to describe us:

                            -you getting an electrically charged three foot long dildo shoved up your ****
                            -while cockroaches crawled out off your asshole
                            -come the **** on
                            -on this ****ing forum
                            -cocksucking Jew hating scum
                            -your alcoholic fathers beat into you
                            -What the **** ever
                            -If you want to sit around with your buddies telling ****** jokes
                            -brag about how many kikes your grandaddy wiped out
                            -Stay in the woods like the animal you are and leave your wacko, crackpot fascist opinions at home.

                            And you call us fascist?


                            • Eidekker
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 77

                              Afaik I haven't bragged about anything my grandads did during the WW2, besides they were fighting the russians, not slaughtering jewish folks, I do not tell ****** jokes, and don't consider myself a wacko, fascist or an animal. And I don't live in the woods.



                              I misunderstood that this was directed against me.. Now Superdevil corrected the issue, which is good.


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9758

                                Originally posted by amorican
                                Originally posted by superdevil
                                Originally posted by sgreger1
                                (at the expense of the jews but so what)
                                Yeah, so what. So at least it wasn't you getting an electrically charged three foot long dildo shoved up your **** while cockroaches crawled out off your asshole- so what. Our great Nazi doctors sure advanced medical knowledge, right? Instead of saying something like that, why not list all the great advances the doctors of the SS pioneered? I suppose that if that was your family getting cremated alive you'd still have a "so what" attitude, right?

                                I don't understand all the Jew bashing on this ****ing forum. I'm not Jewish or anything, but come the **** on. Do snus and antisemitism go hand in hand or what?
                                I am a jew, and that's just a completely ignorant and offensive statement you make there sgreger. Way to be a bigot, and an anti-semite. Showing some real character there.

                                Let's discuss some of the pioneering SS medical discoveries. Have you ever been to the holocaust museum? Ever watched the videos of children put into pressure chambers until they implode and die? Brilliant medical work huh? If you care to do some learning, read up on this wiki page about a certain Dr. Mengele, a pretty famous guy in fact. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele Brilliant work he did.

                                Wow, just wow. And thank you superdevil for standing up for some innocent people who were subjected to un-warranted genocide to the tune of 6 million people being killed.

                                Oh, and please nobody harp on me for expressing my opinion. Just as sgreger has the right to express his bigotry, I have the right to express my intelligence.

                                I'm just a jew though I guess.
                                YES!! this thread certainly went way off course, sadly.

                                I usually try to stay out of the political threads myself. I did make a comment early on in this thread. "Think about all the good things that Hitler did". Please understand that I was being sarcastic. Really sarcastic. I appoligize if this offended anyone or if anyone thought it was my real opinion. I hope you all understand this. Hitler was the devil himself. No words can describe the horror he has perpetrated upon the Jews and europe as a whole.

                                I believe that its crazy that some people actually have the balls to denie the terrible acts of Hitler.

                                I do not agree with racism in any form. ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL in my eyes and in Gods eyes.

                                Again, sorry if anyone misunderstood my original post. Nuff said

                                carry on.........
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

