POLL: Do you agree that we should stop waterboarding?

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    POLL: Do you agree that we should stop waterboarding?


    "CIA interrogators used the controverisal waterboarding technique 183 times on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, attacks and 83 times on another al-Qaeda suspect, according to The New York Times. "

    --- IMHO my only question is why only 183 times? This guy planned 9-11, he should be getting waterboarded every morning for breakfast.

    Others believe it is torture which is unnaceptable if we want set the standard for doing things the right way as the sole remaining superpower.

    What say you?
  • Thorsky
    • Mar 2009
    • 66

    That's a tough one. My only issue is the "suspected terrorists" that get tortured only to find out they had nothing to do with any of it. I do feel it's a form of torture... But for the shitbags that actually do/did participate in terrorist activities, have at it.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by Thorsky
      That's a tough one. My only issue is the "suspected terrorists" that get tortured only to find out they had nothing to do with any of it. I do feel it's a form of torture... But for the shitbags that actually do/did participate in terrorist activities, have at it.
      I agree, we need to have some kind of proof or at least a serious case of probable cause. I know the people who are detained there are usually picked up when they do a raid on a high value individual (HVI) and usually the people caught are either dealth with localy by the IP's or sent to guantanamo (or similar detention centers) if they know something. They definately arent picking people up off the streets or anything, but the question is should we make waterboarding completely illegal, even to admitted terrorists? Like this guy who planned 9-11, why are americans fighting for him to be treated with rights and compassion?


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        There were numerous articles today about waterboarding two suspects 266 times.
        I think after one time I would of told them anything they wanted to hear.

        What most of the sheep dont realize is that torture is widely used on it's own citizens now and it is politely called "PAIN COMPLIANCE".

        After 911 I was just as anxious as anyone for payback but something always bothered me about the terrorist explanation.

        The number 1 thing was why they never fully secured both borders?


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by truthwolf1
          There were numerous articles today about waterboarding two suspects 266 times.
          I think after one time I would of told them anything they wanted to hear.

          What most of the sheep dont realize is that torture is widely used on it's own citizens now and it is politely called "PAIN COMPLIANCE".

          After 911 I was just as anxious as anyone for payback but something always bothered me about the terrorist explanation.

          The number 1 thing was why they never fully secured both borders?

          What citizens of our are subject this this alleged "pain compliance"?
          I would think (especially with the issue at the us mexican border) and after being so hyped for 8 years about security, we've spent so much of our resources to try to keep ourselvesd safe, without diong the 1 most oviouse thing: SECURE THE ****ING BORDER, you know?

          But the reason is political, the powers that be want them here for some reason, voting power maybe, who knows.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by sgreger1
            ...but the question is should we make waterboarding completely illegal, even to admitted terrorists? Like this guy who planned 9-11, why are americans fighting for him to be treated with rights and compassion?
            Because it's wrong. There isn't much difference between a freedom fighter, a patriot, and a terrorist; it's mostly perspective. All interrogations should be conducted in accordance with the Geneva Convention, or else our guys should expect the same treatment if captured.

            This will probably be my last comment in this thread, so don't expect more ;^)


            • Maximus
              • Jan 2009
              • 222

              Torture does not give you the information you think you need only what you want to hear. See the movie Hanoi Hilton and learn from that. My MOS in the military was 97E Interrogator and what we were taught was that real interrogation is 95% straightup questioning, 5% psychological with no torture as it doesn't really get you the truth. The questioning is all about know how to ask the question and paying attention to your subject.


              • joshua
                • Dec 2008
                • 214

                The only way torture should be allowed is if there's a safety word involved.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  ...but the question is should we make waterboarding completely illegal, even to admitted terrorists? Like this guy who planned 9-11, why are americans fighting for him to be treated with rights and compassion?
                  Because it's wrong. There isn't much difference between a freedom fighter, a patriot, and a terrorist; it's mostly perspective. All interrogations should be conducted in accordance with the Geneva Convention, or else our guys should expect the same treatment if captured.

                  This will probably be my last comment in this thread, so don't expect more ;^)
                  While I see your point, the insurgents have already set the bar for that, they dont torture they just behead their captives and put it on al jazeera and youtube, no matter what we do we have to realize we are dealing with an enemy who is a guerilla force and therefore not a sovereign nation who does not have to comply with international war treaties or geneva conventions.

                  Im just saying waterboarded barely harms you its just uncomfortable, they do it to our pilots and SF guys all the time for training purposes incase they are captured its not like we're using chinese torture.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Maximus
                    Torture does not give you the information you think you need only what you want to hear. See the movie Hanoi Hilton and learn from that. My MOS in the military was 97E Interrogator and what we were taught was that real interrogation is 95% straightup questioning, 5% psychological with no torture as it doesn't really get you the truth. The questioning is all about know how to ask the question and paying attention to your subject.

                    Yah i had a buddy who was an interrogator too and he said basicly the same thing, that especially with Iraqi's there are much more effective ways of getting information from them and the 12 principles or whatever it was called of interrogation. But since at this detention center they seem to feel it is giving something of value than I am curiouse why they are using it if it doesn't work?


                    • Link
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 400

                      Torture isn't needed. Just knock out the terrorist and put him in a room with 72 female agents. When he wakes up, he will tell them anything they want to know about his life on Earth.


                      • Premium Parrots
                        Super Moderators
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 9759

                        I imagine that if I made a comment about nonimating it for an Olymipic event wouldn't be appropriate here. 8)
                        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                          I imagine that if I made a comment about nonimating it for an Olymipic event wouldn't be appropriate here. 8)
                          "It's their intimacy with the sea that saved the Moken. They’re born on the sea, live on the sea, die on the sea. They know its moods and motions better than any marine biologist. They’re nomads, constantly moving from island to island, living more than six months a year on their boats.

                          At low tide, they collect sea cucumbers, and catch eels. At high tide, they dive for shellfish. They've been living this way for so many generations that they've become virtually amphibious.

                          Kids learn to swim before they can walk. Underwater, they can see twice as clearly as the rest of us, and by lowering their heart rate, can stay underwater twice as long. They are truly sea urchins."

                          I think these guys would win :^)



                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                            I imagine that if I made a comment about nonimating it for an Olymipic event wouldn't be appropriate here. 8)
                            "It's their intimacy with the sea that saved the Moken. They’re born on the sea, live on the sea, die on the sea. They know its moods and motions better than any marine biologist. They’re nomads, constantly moving from island to island, living more than six months a year on their boats.

                            At low tide, they collect sea cucumbers, and catch eels. At high tide, they dive for shellfish. They've been living this way for so many generations that they've become virtually amphibious.

                            Kids learn to swim before they can walk. Underwater, they can see twice as clearly as the rest of us, and by lowering their heart rate, can stay underwater twice as long. They are truly sea urchins."

                            I think these guys would win :^)


                            Lol, completely random post, but intiresting


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