Newbie just ordered from Northener

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  • TexanNC
    • Jul 2007
    • 21

    Newbie just ordered from Northener

    So I can't wait to get my snoose. Got skruf, offroad cranberry, offroad spearmint, and whatever brand has the menthol and citrus. All strong portioned.
    I'm quitting smoking and thought snus a better way to get my nicotine.
    Plan on moving on to the loose snus when I buy the icetool next month.
    Any sugestions on the best snus?
  • capkanada
    • Mar 2007
    • 29

    Ah. The eternal question...

    "What is the best snus?"

    I still don't know the answer to this. I'm relatively new to the whole snus thing myself, but I've found that there are a few users on this forum that my tastes line up with. There are a few threads in the 'Snus & snus accessories' section that give an outline of what we like, as well as a few reviews. Feel free to browse them at your leisure. Anyhow.. as someone who is working to remove the stench of burning tobacco from his surroundings myself (its easier than I make it seem...just had some stress recently that kinda made me go back to my old R.J. Reynolds security blanket... ops: ), I'd have to say that its hard to go wrong with Nick & Johnny. The stuff gives a great nic-kick, tastes phenomenal, and has a nice, unique can :wink:.

    Anyhow, welcome aboard, yippie ki-yay, hi-ho silver, and all that, and may your adventures in the world of spitless smokeless tobacco be wonderful, comfortable, and full of taste.

    Hope I didn't go overboard on the Texas stuff there... 'Course, what can I say, I'm from eastern KY, yet I still believe in shoes (and socks) :lol:.

    Snus on, hombre.


    • phish
      • Jan 2007
      • 265

      Just try them all


      • capkanada
        • Mar 2007
        • 29

        Originally posted by phish
        Just try them all
        IAWTP (and am trying to do so myself :wink: )

        (for those that don't get the acronym, it means:

        A gree
        W ith
        T his
        P ost
        Just thought I'd make sure I was understood. )


        • TexanNC
          • Jul 2007
          • 21

          Thanks guys. All four I bought, I really like.... its gonna take me a while to find a favorite. The Skruf stark is pretty dang good though.


          • capkanada
            • Mar 2007
            • 29

            Originally posted by TexanNC
            Thanks guys. All four I bought, I really like.... its gonna take me a while to find a favorite. The Skruf stark is pretty dang good though.
            Ah yeah.. Skruf Stark holds a special, vaunted place in my heart myself. I LOVE the stuff.

            ...Just wish that Skruf was making a push into the US market the way Swedish Match is. :cry:

            Ah well... maybe it'll just take patience. *hopes*


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