Sitting here on the computer...

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Sitting here on the computer...

    with my office window open, and I hear what sounds like a car accident about a 1/4 mile from my house. Tires screeching and several loud crashes. It's been raining (just quit actually)and the roads are pretty slick out here in the country. There's a pretty sharp turn right up the road and it claims quite a few unsuspecting drivers.

    Anyway, I hear the crash. Mind you I'm in my jammies, I mean hell it was 2am, but I grab my pocket knife and a flashlight and throw on my shoes, run into the bedroom tell Amy where I'm going and take off running. While running up the street which is pitch black, I hear screaming, "help us, help us our car is in the creek!" I turn on the flashlight and pick up the pace, adrenaline is a wonderful thing. Can we get that in a snus?

    As I approach the "scene" I see a woman limping up the road, she's screaming. Her injuries didn't seem too awfully bad, so I helped her onto a neighbors lawn, out of the road as I don't want to get killed by an oncoming car either. I ask what happened, and she's yelling that her boyfriend is still in the car, so I take off.

    I get to where the car ran off the road and into the creek, it's upside down and I hear him moaning. This creek is wide as hell, but not very deep...or warm this time of year. I jump from the bank which is about a 10ft drop to the creek bed, not the smartest thing to do, but I did it. The car was upside down and almost laying on the drivers side door. Water was rocking the car, a Nissan Maxima, so violently that it was difficult to move around the car. I got to the back window and took my trusty Mag Lite and busted the rear window out and crawled into the vehicle.

    Instantly I saw why he couldn't get out of the car. Both of this poor kids wrists were broken, which I assume was from him gripping the steering wheel during the crash, who knows. He was in shock and kept asking my name. I told him and asked his, "Timothy Whitt", he says. "You're gonna be okay Tim, I'm gonna help you get out of this creek, okay?"

    So I cut the seatbelt with my pocket knife, and I ask him if he can move at all. He says "yeah, I think so, but my hands hurt really badly" I told him that I thought they were broken and not to move them, and then asked him if his neck, back or legs hurt at all, he said no and actually pushed himself up in between the driver's seat and passenger's seat. So I grabbed his sweatshirt and helped pull backwards between the seats and towards the back window.

    We're standing in the creek, and he hugs
    He asked where Miranda was, and I told him she's up there, pointing up the creek, "she's okay Tim". He could stand, but not climb the creek bank, it's pretty steep. So, I fireman carried him up the side, which was not freakin easy, this kid was pretty big, lol. We get to the house where I had left Miranda, and she's not there.

    Just then my neighbor comes running out of his house to tell us that she's inside and the ambulance and police are on the way. Tim just lays down in the wet lawn and starts telling me how some dude ran them off the road, and drove off. What a dick, I hope the police catch that asshole.

    I tell the police what happened, the couple go to the hospital, and I go home. Not in the least ready to go to bed now. Oh, and my General Ekstra Sterk quit workin about the time I jumped into the creek. Amy just went back to bed a few minutes ago, she's got to be up in 3.5hrs to take the kids to school, guess I'll be sleeping in tomorrow. Already called and left the message saying so.

    So, that's how the last hour or so has been for me...thought I'd share. The rest of you are probably nestled safely in your beds. Glad everyone is safe.
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Wow! Crazy shit! Great job!


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      Rick + Snus + Mag Light = Real American Hero!


      • Condor
        • Sep 2008
        • 752

        Good job man. Did you have your cape on?


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Originally posted by Condor
          Good job man. Did you have your cape on?
          Naaaah, Amy only let's me wear it on Saturdays, lol.

          Not a hero, just a dude doing what I hope someone else would do if the roles were reversed, and my family needed help in a similar situation.
          That's all. That being said, I didn't sleep for shit last night, all amped up I guess.

          I took the day off of work so that I could sleep that was nice!


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            Originally posted by Roo
            Rick + Snus + Mag Light = Real American Hero!
            The funny part of this is, that I didn't even realize I had a Gen ES in, until it was all over and I was walking back to the house. Oh and on a sad note, the can I had in my pocket got all wet from the creek I guess. No biggie, it was worth it, IMO


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              "Snus; It's how heroes are made"

              Way to go Rick. First Xob, and now you. Further proof that snus should be mandatory for all Americans.

              Nice job in keeping your cool, and helping out a stranger :^)


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Very, very cool rickcharles606. I am proud of you!!!


                • melly mel
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 92

                  *applauds* I wish there were more people like you around. If it were me, I know I would've done the same thing.

                  I saw a car lose control on a highway once, directly in front of me. SUV went to change lanes, saw that there was a car in his blind spot and swerved to avoid it. It flipped a few times and ended up on its roof after hitting the car that it so desperately tried to avoid.

                  I quickly pulled over to see if anyone needed help. By the time I got to the vehicle, the last of the 4 passengers was crawling out of the window. I checked with the other vehicle that was hit and they were fine also.

                  As I got back to my car, my wife was just getting off her cell phone with 911. I left the scene knowing that everyone was alright.

                  It's a great feeling, I've never experienced that kind of rush before. It would have been disheartening had I seen it on the news and found that someone died but could've lived had someone helped them.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    Way to go Dude!!! You should be proud. A few prayers coming your way. 8)
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Thanks all. Truth is I feel weird saying thanks for just doing what I thought was right and would do again in a split second.

                      Funny thing is, my wife was a little pissed about the whole thing. She kept saying to me (after the fact), "you didn't even know what you would run into down there." I explained to her that I was just doing what I hoped someone else would do for my family, etc, etc...

                      Guess she doesn't get it, or maybe she was just worried...who knows, but she can just deal with it..


                      • ctimb2002
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 483

                        Originally posted by Condor
                        Good job man. Did you have your cape on?
                        I'm so glad to see that such wonderful people are on this board. It makes me proud to be apart of this website. You did an awesome thing and you deserve all the congrats and attaboys your getting. BTW is it a superman style cape or more like Batmans? Only curious...not that i'm going to get one or anything...


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Originally posted by ctimb2002
                          Originally posted by Condor
                          Good job man. Did you have your cape on?
                          I'm so glad to see that such wonderful people are on this board. It makes me proud to be apart of this website. You did an awesome thing and you deserve all the congrats and attaboys your getting. BTW is it a superman style cape or more like Batmans? Only curious...not that i'm going to get one or anything...
                          I know Superman can fly n all, but Batman's cape is the shit. I'm goin with Batman'


                          • ctimb2002
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 483

                            Originally posted by rickcharles606
                            Originally posted by ctimb2002
                            Originally posted by Condor
                            Good job man. Did you have your cape on?
                            I'm so glad to see that such wonderful people are on this board. It makes me proud to be apart of this website. You did an awesome thing and you deserve all the congrats and attaboys your getting. BTW is it a superman style cape or more like Batmans? Only curious...not that i'm going to get one or anything...
                            I know Superman can fly n all, but Batman's cape is the shit. I'm goin with Batman'
                            I wonder if I put in a request to northerner they would start selling em...kinda a super hero snus pack...hmmmmm ok way to far with a cape joke but what the hell.


                            • bakerbarber
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 1947



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