Originally posted by Frosted
Religious affilition, what do you believe?
I live in Utah, and I am not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the LDS church. Being a non-mormon in Utah, it's quite easy to harbor anti-religious sentiments. Although I consider myself an atheist, I have no problem with adherence to any faith (even Mormonism). As long as you don't wear it on your sleeve, I won't on mine. I don't believe in any truth in a given faith (or lack thereof)–there are no wrong ways of looking at things, just different ones. Faith is completely subjective, which many seem to forget. I was raised in the Mormon stronghold (as a non-mormon), attended a Catholic high school (as a non-catholic) and consider my greatest spiritual/philosophical influence to be my uncle, who is Zen Buddhist of sorts, a disciple of Schopenhauer, a misanthrope and misogynist through and through, and the most intelligent and well-read man I know.
Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.
Originally posted by BrugsI live in Utah, and I am not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the LDS church. Being a non-mormon in Utah, it's quite easy to harbor anti-religious sentiments. Although I consider myself an atheist, I have no problem with adherence to any faith (even Mormonism). As long as you don't wear it on your sleeve, I won't on mine. I don't believe in any truth in a given faith (or lack thereof)–there are no wrong ways of looking at things, just different ones. Faith is completely subjective, which many seem to forget. I was raised in the Mormon stronghold (as a non-mormon), attended a Catholic high school (as a non-catholic) and consider my greatest spiritual/philosophical influence to be my uncle, who is Zen Buddhist of sorts, a disciple of Schopenhauer, a misanthrope and misogynist through and through, and the most intelligent and well-read man I know.
Originally posted by blotgodehttp://dudeism.com/
Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.
I believe in a religion where we find it offensive that certain things can't be legal because its against other religions. We also find it offensive that other religions say things are wrong while they disobey other laws written in their religious scripture. By default all other religions will have to cease so that I am not offended. Since I will no longer be offended by anything my religion will cease to exist. Thus ending all religions.
I'm one of those "spiritual not religious" type of people.....No, not the New Agey kind that refers to stuff like "ascended masters", or "angels" or "spirit guides" etc. Rather than subscribing to a Diety or giving a human type of personality to energy, I pretty just chill out much like "Dudeism" (hahaha! That's a brilliant website!) and Taoism. However, I respect those of any religion that follow the premise of their religion instead of their interpretation of it (insert Westboro church reference here). I meditate, practice Tai Chi and Qigong (which a Christian once told me is work of the devil because I am not meditating on the word of God but rather on my breath.....what????), do Reiki, like drum circles, and other seemingly "New Age" type of stuff, but many "over the top" New Agers tend to look down on me and other "DudeTaoists" because we're apparently not as "spiritually advanced" as they are. Well, to those people I tend to say the same thing I say to my martial arts classes.... "perception of self (skill) and actual skill are two different things....I can put on a black belt and do one kick really hard and see one good result, but it doesn't make me a Black Belt. Get your Ego out of it and stop thinking you know everything".
Just an afterthought note: when I studied in the 80s under the Communist rule in my country, one of the compulsory subjects for every university student was a two-semester Scientific Atheism course. I wanted to graduate, so I passed this, too.
So I am Roman Catholic by faith and Scientific Atheist by education
Originally posted by truthwolf1If you have not seen it, I recommend SLC PUNK movie. Over a high school ski trip back in the day I ended up with a few friends sneaking out of the hotel to head to the local heathen music clubs. I can only imagine what those kids had to go through living in that town.