On a side note, what exactly is the plural of Jesus?
Jesuses is the plural, just like bus/buses.
Jesus' or Jesus's are the possessives.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
You've conveniently grouped unicorns and dragons, which are mythological beasts, with God, which is a metaphorical, philosophical device, which messes up your logic.
BTW, the bible groups them together, why shouldn't I?
:idea: I wanna believe in something. Just can't commit. I pray, but not sure anybody is listening. I dunno....I'm to easily influenced to make my own call. Go figure.
:idea: I wanna believe in something. Just can't commit. I pray, but not sure anybody is listening. I dunno....I'm to easily influenced to make my own call. Go figure.
Its really not important whether you think "anybody" is listening............as long as you are listening. 8)
just my opinion.
you can believe me.....because I am always right.....and I never lie
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Atheism is absolutely faith-based. If you're taking a stance that firmly denies a possibility, that is in essence making a guess, and you can't guess about something with empirical rigor. Thus, faith.
Actually, any educated Atheist will tell you they don't believe in God because science and common sense tell the contrary. However, any true Atheist admits there is a possibility a supreme being created the universe. The evidence however is no more beyond that of a hypothesis.
Many people then label Atheism as Agnosticism, since the possibility of a God's existence is plausible. However, the chances of Yahweh creating the universe is no more likely than Zeus, The Flying Spaghetti Monster (I'm sure some will know what I'm talking about!), or an empty beer can creating it.
So yes, there is a possibility that a supreme being created the universe. I disagree with you because Atheism is absolutely based upon the scientific method of thinking, not faith. This means that real Atheists (including myself) still admit that there is a possibility of God's existence, its just very unlikely.
I almost didn't post in this thread, because I'm deeply conflicted about this subject. I know myself to be a spiritual entity, and on some level I'm somehow connected to a higher power. I think that humans are pre-wired for this connection, to whatever or whomever, maybe just the universe.
I am not however a religious man, and I detest organized religion. I think that religion has been "created" by man to control the masses. I believe that early religion was pure and simple and that men have twisted, turned, omitted, or added what they needed to acheive their end goal, control.
I see these men that lead their faiths, saying one thing and doing another, falling prey to the very things that they preach against. Hypocrites of the worst kind. People look to them for guidance, and are sorely disapointed when they fall. The problem is this, if there is a god, or higher power, why would he wire us to "feel" him/her/it, and then put a preacher/priest/pope in between us to act as an intercessor? Why don't people just look inside themselves and go from there? Is that little voice God??
I'm just sick of the hypocrites in this world, if you're gonna believe something, or espouse something...then live it dammit. At least I can respect that, even if I think you're a loon. I grew up in a Pentecostal family, and grew up in church, until my adult life. I have seen things as a child that I cannot explain, supernatural things. Like a deaf girl that I've known since childhood, miraculously getting her hearing back. Is it god, or merely someone wanting to get "healed" so badly and believing so strongly that her mind made it happen?? Not sure, but I was there, and I felt something. Was it god, or our pre-wired connection to the universe??
I cannot believe the fabled religions, but I do believe in something or someone, and it isn't Jimmy Swaggart, or any of his ilk...as they are mere men and when given the opportunity, will disappoint everyone they come in contact with. I put my faith in myself, and my love for my wife and children, and the knowlege that they love me and will always be there for me.
For me, it's not about eating a wafer, or drinking some punch, or whatever other hoop they want you to jump through to go to heaven. It's about listening to my heart, and trying to give of myself to those I love, and even those I don't know. Listening to that little voice inside, that someone or something gave me, and trying to do the right thing when given the opportunity. Humanity is an odd thing, it's both beautiful and sinister all the same. Would a god send me to hell for committing a sin against one religion, or for not asking forgiveness when I did commit a sin against whatever religion?? I was made human by something or someone, should I be punished for that, when I had no control over the design? If so, we're all in trouble, lol
Honestly, I don't know, and this entire post is crap. I do know that something inside me wants to feel a connection to something, or someone, or just people in general. we are a social species, we enjoy and need other people (most of us do) to feel needed, wanted, loved and appreciated i suppose. Does that make us spiritual? Did man invent God to feel like we are part of something better, that rises above our silly humanity?? Maybe, but truth is, we never find out until we're dead.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.