Do you have a pet?

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  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    Do you have a pet?

    So I made the mistake of trying to put a Wintergreen Portion in the droopy mouth of my basset hound (in front of my gf)...

    I spent last night on the couch...

    Anyway I believe that dogs (especially if he is MINE) have the right to snus if they are of age (in dog years) :P
  • RobME
    • Jul 2008
    • 387

    you can't be serious...


    • pangloss
      • May 2009
      • 183

      Originally posted by RobME
      you can't be serious...
      ok well i was introducing snus to my buddy and was doing it as a joke and my gf walked into the living room


      • Starcadia
        • May 2008
        • 646

        My cats don't share their 'nip with me, so I don't feel obliged to share my snus.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Given that nicotine is a poison, and what dosage may be OK for me would probably kill my cats....NO

          Now I did have a cat once who loved to eat my marijuana stash whenever she could get into it And once licked a partial line of speed and spent the next few hours running all over the apartment.

          But I don't intentionally give any of my drugs to my cats. Well, I do maybe occasionally blow some pot smoke at them. :lol: :lol:


          • pangloss
            • May 2009
            • 183

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Given that nicotine is a poison, and what dosage may be OK for me would probably kill my cats....NO

            Now I did have a cat once who loved to eat my marijuana stash whenever she could get into it And once licked a partial line of speed and spent the next few hours running all over the apartment.

            But I don't intentionally give any of my drugs to my cats. Well, I do maybe occasionally blow some pot smoke at them. :lol: :lol:

            Lol. Yeah I tried so hard to give Goose (my tog named after Maverick's wing man Goose in Top Gun) beer but he never drank it.

            He does however like to gobble up the coffee beans i spill in the morning when i'm half awake and those give him a good buzz...


            • bellmr
              New Member
              • May 2009
              • 12

              I was loading up my icetool on the coffee table the other night. One of my cats loves jumping up on the tables, the kitchen counters etc to see whats going on and see if there are a few scraps for her. Needless to say she hopped on the coffee table, stuck her nose in the los, must have taken a bit of it in her mouth, and instantly started gagging and drooling. Definitely not for cats.


              • Badfish74
                • May 2009
                • 1035

                My cat once snagged a xanax off my coffee table! She was drunk for like 2 days. She would stagger about and run into stuff, and whenever she tried to jump up to the platform to get to her food she'd miss it by about a foot and crash. Needless to say I've been much more careful with my prescription meds since then!


                • gentlemanly
                  Banned Users
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 247

                  When I was a kid, we had a cocker spaniel that would lap the last of my dad's scotch whiskey out of his glass and get tipsy.


                  • Fightin Phils
                    • May 2009
                    • 74

                    Originally posted by sagedil

                    Now I did have a cat once who loved to eat my marijuana stash whenever she could get into it
                    I've always thought there might be some similarity between catnip and cats sure seem to get a good high from it!


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      HEY NOW! If my dogs are good enough to lick peanut butter... errr...



                      • 9 Jack 9
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 84

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        Now I did have a cat once who loved to eat my marijuana stash whenever she could get into it
                        Hah! I had that happen once. I was rolling a joint when the cat hopped on the coffee table and started eating the shake. The stuff is quite similar to loose catnip, so I can only guess he was jealous that I was going to enjoy some catnip and he wasn't.

                        I found him about an hour later half-under the couch, stoned out of his gourd. He was a great cat.


                        • ponysoprano
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 562

                          A good friend of mine used to have 2 old Rottweiler/Lab mixes who seemed to intentionally knock half full beers onto the kitchen linoleum so they could get their alcohol fix, slurping away until somebody discovered the spilled beer. Whenever I get an order of nasal snuff from nicotine rush, my old cat has to sniff the box and poke her head into the styrofoam peanuts before I can inspect the contents.


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