It's getting really hard to posts now So I missed the whole apology thing and everything else. I think this might be the most forgiving and awesome group of people on the whole damn planet Anyways just wanted to second what sage and bad have already said...yesterday is yesterday we generaly only ever judge on the here and now anyways.
the beginning and middle parts, well.............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well my Granny used to say, "It don't matter what kinda shit you put in the cake, as long as it tastes good in the end!".
She didn't really say that, but it would have been cool if she did! BTW, cj where been, haven't seen you on Yahoo lately, ya sorry barstard!
lost my internet for a lill while the modem went out so i am using my laptop have to go out side to catch a signal and i cant remember my yahoo password for messenger
I hate to bump up an old thread, but I joined around the time this was happening. I didn't really know any of you guys then, I was just looking for help with snus. All of the "old timers" who posted in this thread did not scare me away. They welcomed me and made me feel like a part of Snuson. I just wanted to say Thank You.
I’m so glad I grew up in the 70s and 80s, it’s a shame my kids will never see the place I called home. The lack of respect in today's society is unreal,...