New Convert

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  • RonShiflet
    • Aug 2007
    • 18

    New Convert

    I recently tried the awful Marlboro SNUS and it didn't do much for me. But, it made research the real SNUS and I'm now enjoying my first sample pack. I usually smoke 1-1/2-2 packs of cigarettes a day but am now down to about five. I've placed a second order at (first order from them).

    My favorites so far have been General Portion, Ettan and Tre Ankare.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Hi Ron,

    welcome to the forum!

    I even came from 2 packs of cigarettes a day, immediately fell in love with snus and was a nonsmoker within 3 days. Found snus, when I was searching for something better, than nicotine-gums.

    If you want to fully kick the cigarettes, try Skruf Stark Portion or just take a real big pris of Ettan Lös. Those were the brands, that worked for me.



    • RonShiflet
      • Aug 2007
      • 18

      Thanks for the suggestions. I smoked like a fiend and am going to need something with a big dose of nicotine.


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Me, I didn't even WANT to quit smoking at all.
        It just "happened" one day that I took a look at my pouch of Samson, felt my face grimace like I had smelled a corpse and felt disgust at smoking any longer.
        This must've been about 2 months after a Norwegian friend first introduced me to snus. (but I hadn't even yet bought any myself, go figure)
        I took me 2 months (pretty long) because I only got some prises of loose in the weekends when we saw each other again while drinking and he later on started leaving half-empty cans of General at people's houses for me and friends to try.

        He once confided in me that this also assured him that atleast someone would then occasionally carry that leftover snus with him/her so that when he starts getting nuts after running out of snus while away from home he could get snus from others :lol:


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Craig de Tering:

          I know this is an old thread, but my experience was very similar to yours, even in regards to the type of tobacco I was smoking at the time. I used to roll my own cigarettes too (I only smoked packed cigarettes while driving for convenience). Rolled mostly Jester, but also Samson when the store was out of Jester.

          I never wanted to quit smoking at all. Cigarettes were my passion for a long time. I originally ordered Swedish snus as a means of cutting back nearly two pack per day habit. But by the third or fourth day I had absolutely no desire at all to have a cigarette.

          My friends were all completely shocked. They were so used to me having a perpetual cigarette between my lips or my fingers, but then I showed up at their house one day. We sat around a while and then my friend asked me if I wanted to go outside and have a cigarette and I said, "no, I quit." Then the jaws dropped. They asked me how and I just took out my first can of Roda Lacket and plunked it down on the table and said, "snus."

          I tried to get my friend on the snus, but he still prefers cigarettes, though he likes to have a snus or two when he's with me.

          But in any regard, the fact that you used to smoke the Samson and didn't even plan on quitting made me feel obligated to respond.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Don't sweat it. Always nice to read a story so similar.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Almost the same here also :lol: The difference for me is I still prefer cigarettes. Snus is great and all, but I'd usually much prefer a cigarette. I've cut back on smoking by 2/3 or so, and I'd like to get to the point where I smoke just because I want to, not out of some compulsion. I've been rolling my own cigarettes for about 20 years. I started smoking Drum when it was produced by Douwe Egberts. I think they either dissolved their tobacco division, or Sara Lee (a Part owner of Douwe Egberts) sold their share of the company, and lost the outlet to the USA. When it became unavailable I switched to Natural American Spirit. I had smoked this on and off for a few years, but always preferred Drum to NAS.

              Drum's available in the USA now, but it's produced by Republic Tobacco, and it's not the same product. The flavor's almost there, but it's harsher, and it just doesn't taste the same I always had problems with Jester. It tastes good, but leaves a kind of heartburn feeling in my throat after smoking it. I don't know what causes that, but it's the only brand I've gotten that from. I used to get Old Holburn on occasion also. I haven't seen that in years, but I really enjoyed the flavor for occasional use. It was a powerful smoke though. It would leave my head spinning if I smoked too many in a row :lol:


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Well OK, since you still enjoy a good smoke, here's a must-try dutch hand-rolling tobacco for you:
                Javaanse Jongens (brand) which was once made by Niemeyer tobacco (yes, Samson is/was Niemeyer) and has since been taken over by BAT.
                On this next website you can see all the different types but the only one you need concern yourself with is the last one on the list: Javaanse Jongens Tembaco which is a 3/4 heavy Shag Tobacco and has a truly amazing smell and taste.
       (just a random site I Googled)

                It was for ages my favorite shag. Stays fresh longer than other shags but that's prolly because of the spiffy, modern packaging.
                I hope you can find it as it's a very well-known premium brand.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Thanks for the link. I may see if I can order some online. Real tobacco shops have become kind of scarce in my area. Most tobacco stores here only deal in low priced cigarettes, and cigars. There's not much available for premium loose tobacco, and cigarettes.


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    Like I wrote before: that was just a random link I Googled. Somehow the internet is actually full of european smoking-related webshops so you might wanna look around for others. Heck, maybe there's plenty Stateside too?

