Alex jones sunday show streaming live at you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
I listened for a few minutes. Sounds like psycho talk to me.
Alex will discuss a host of vital issues including an Oxford professor calling for drugging the water supply, Citi field being overrun by illegal aliens waving Mexican flags, impending world war III, and more. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
Hey, this is really good stuff. I'm on Youtube and listening to it right now. Kind of sounds like Lord Belial from maybe the Nocturnus/Seal of Belial era. I'm going to give it a few more listens. I think I'll have to add this to my music-to-buy list.
What is it? I'm at work, and the vid links arn't showing up.
Not sure just how much of his post is being blocked at your work, but it's a band called Hangatyr, the album is Helwege. It's kind of a melodic/atmospheric black metal with themes rooted in Norse mythology. Actually, that could describe just about any black metal band. You'll have to check them out on youtube when you get home. They remind me of Lord Belial. Now that I've listened to them a little longer, there is also some Burzum, Nokturnal Mortem, and folk influences too.
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