Glorior Belli- Meet Us At The Southern Sign. Trying to decide if I like enough to buy.
I think I'll starting buying actual CD's instead of ITunes from now on. It's rare that any stores here in Oklahoma ever carry any of my music (F'N Bible Belt) so I've been downloading off of ITunes instead.
I could have ordered them all from Amazon, etc... but with shipping costs it would be more expensive and I don't want my wife to know just how much of our money is spent on this "devil music" as she calls it. I get enough of an ear-full about beer and tobacco as it is.
But now that I've pretty much filled my library I should be able to buy CD's here and there without any problem. I like CD's so much better for the artwork, etc..
NonServiam, I never understood the Bible belt's hypocritical views on things. I consider myself a Christian and you see what my musical taste consists of
NonServiam, I never understood the Bible belt's hypocritical views on things. I consider myself a Christian and you see what my musical taste consists of
I think it comes down to closed minds, fear, ignorance, etc... I also think that despite the separation of church and state, church leaders and goverment officials are doing a lot of under the table handshakes. But just speculation.
It appears to be even worse here in "The Buckle" because of only 3.2 % beer and the heavy restrictions on adult entertainment. While I can go one state in either direction and see a billboard advertising all nude dancing serving 6 point beer with a Jesus Loves You billboard right after it.
EDIT: The fact that no stores around here (with exception of a head shop with outrageous CD prices) carry black metal etc.. could have nothing to do with the Bible Belt and more to do with demand.
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