<---- Newbie here

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  • derango1
    • Jul 2009
    • 46

    <---- Newbie here

    Hi all. I'm new to the board and new to Snus. I'd have to say that I tried the Camel Snus looking to quit smoking but wanted better quality so I looked into it further and here I am. After reading for about a week, I had to sign up.

    Stats about me: I'm a pack a day soon to be ex-smoker. I used to dip Grizzly when I couldn't smoke which in a professional environment is a no-no. I'm going to do this for a while and then begin to step down the amount I use. Since many of the negative effects of tobacco are non-existent with Snus, I figure I can take my time with this.

    My first order was from GetSnus.com after reading that many go through them and included:

    General Mixed Sampler
    Mixed White Portion Sampler 6-Pack Sampler
    Oden's Portion Sampler 6-Pack Sampler
    Jakobsson's Promo Sampler 5-Pack + 2 FREE
    General Wintergreen White Portion FREE SAMPLE
    Black and White Sampler [Double] 8-Pack Sampler
    GetSnus Mystery Can FREE Single

    I figured that should get me a decent start on finding what I like. Anyway, just figured I should drop a line in here and say hello. I've benefited a lot from what I read and wanted to say thank you all for your knowledge and experience.
  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Welcome to the forum derango1. Looks like a nice big order you got yourself there! You know its time to place an order when someone's first order ever is more than you've had on hand in months...

    getsnus is making hand over fist dollars with all the new snusers. They seem to be the preferred vendor these days for most people, but be sure to try another vendor someday for varieties that getsnus doesn't stock. Anyway, welcome aboard buddy, let us know what you think of all that snus.


    • derango1
      • Jul 2009
      • 46

      Haha thanks. It's just once I hit my cutoff date for not smoking, I don't want to run out.


      • Shownarou
        • Jan 2009
        • 124

        Originally posted by derango1
        Haha thanks. It's just once I hit my cutoff date for not smoking, I don't want to run out.
        You'll find it doesn't go as fast as a can of Grizzly. :P Good luck.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Welcome to Snuson derango1

          Looks like you will have a good cross section of Swedish snus. Standard advice to follow....

          Give it time. Your first week, the salt will overwhelm your body and snus will taste a bit strange, coming from Camel. Just give it time. Body takes between 5 - 10 days just to begin getting acclimated to the salt. After a week or so, you will really begin to taste how snus really should taste. Not until then so be patient that first week.


          • zmanzero
            • May 2009
            • 766

            derango, looks like a hell of a first order. i found out about snus from camel too, the swedish stuff is a lot better imo. was a 3 pack a day smoker and this snus made it possible to quit. welcome to the forum.


            • derango1
              • Jul 2009
              • 46

              Well, I got my shipment. Damn they are fast! So far I've tried the General White, Grov White, and Rova Lacket. I'm really digging the General. That little bit of lemon is good. I've been using the Grov today, and it's ok. My mystery can was Grov as well, so I've got two tins of it. And the Rova Lacket.... well, I don't care for it. Something about the grape flavor puts me off, which is weird because I like grapes. Maybe it's because I'm not used to the salt in Snus yet or something. In either case, I believe the Rova Lacket will go back in the freezer for a later tasting in a couple of weeks.

              I will say it's nice not to be running out for smoke breaks at work. My cutoff on smoking is set for August 1st so hopefully I'll have picked out a few that I'd like to make regulars in my rotation by then. Not that I think I'll be anywhere near out by then since I've got so much haha.


              • beja
                • Jun 2009
                • 164

                Give yourself some time to adjust to the salt and you may find that your taste is snus will change. Those that I liked during the first few weeks started to taste too sweet to me after a while.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  And really don't stress the smoking thing. I didn't even think about it. For at least a month, I did both, but slowly smoked less and less, snused more and more. till finally, one day, I just never reached for the cigarettes.

                  The Snus will win this fight. You don't have to try, do anything really, just hold on for the ride. Let the snus do it's work for you


                  • Veganpunk
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 5381

                    Welcome to the boards. This is my second week of real snus (third if you count the camel) and I think I'm adjusting to the salt. I couldn't tell the difference between general and goat. rape yesterday, but today I started the day off with a goat. rape and it tasted distinctivly different from chain snusing general yesterday. Good luck with the no smoking. I didn't really sweat the few cigs. I smoked last week, but this week I haven't had any, not really trying.


                    • derango1
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 46

                      Thanks for the encouragement on the stopping smoking guys. I can't wait to put my little banner on the bottom of my profile showing me how much money I saved.

                      On a side note, Shownarou you weren't kidding saying this stuff lasts. Wow. I don't even think I've made a dent in the Grov after using it all day.


                      • Badfish74
                        • May 2009
                        • 1035

                        I think you've already got the best advice there is. So I just dropped in to say welcome Derango1, and good luck quitting the cigs!

                        Nice order BTW, you've got some great variety there! 8)


                        • teeotee
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 251

                          Hi from another newbie

                          That first order is an impressive one. I'm still ordering 5 to 6 cans at a time. They tend to last me two to three weeks at least.
                          I came to snus via ecigs. They got me off the cigarettes after 30 years of over a pack a day, but i find snus much more convenient and less hassle.
                          I still have pack of swisher cigarillos every once in awhile But mostly i snus now.

                          Anyways, welcome to the forum and happy snussing


                          • sundog
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 311

                            Former 2 pack a day smoker here. Snus is the best thing ever for quitting. You'll find that after using snus for a short while, you just won't think about cigarettes anymore.


                            • derango1
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 46

                              Well, my sampling continues. Yesterday I tried Skruff White and Goteborgs Rape.

                              The Skruff was ok. Very flavorful. I think I like it better than the Grov I was using. But still, I enjoy the general more personally.

                              With the Goteborgs rape, I had the same issue I had with Roda Lacket, it just tasted odd to me. Again, most likely because I'm not used to Snus yet so I'm not tasting it correctly. I will say I liked it more than the Lacket, but that's not saying much I guess. Back to the freezer to try at a later date.

                              Still, I've only scratched the surface of what I've picked up. I've got so many more to sample. In order to not confuse my taste buds, I've been trying only 2 per day. And over the next few weeks, once I've made it through my stash I picked up, I'll repeat the cycle again so I might have a true sense of taste.


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