today the power went out at 11 am and it did not come back on untill 5 pm well right before the juice went out i had takin out a can of nick and johnny (thanks again badfish
) i for some reason didint put it back in the freezer well during this stress full day with no power and the temp today was 104 i went through 8 portions of the n&j well after about the 4th one it went right through me it felt like i had taken a intergalactic laxative man i tell ya what it was like it took me all over the universe. (it brought this to mind part of a song by the great Donovan) and here it is
Oh, the intergalactic laxative,
Will get you from here to there.
Relieve you and believe me,
Without a worry or care.
If shitting is your problem,
When you're out there in the stars,
Oh, the intergalactic laxative
Will get you from here to Mars
so in other words n&j original will really clean you out :lol: i just had to share this :lol: 8)

Oh, the intergalactic laxative,
Will get you from here to there.
Relieve you and believe me,
Without a worry or care.
If shitting is your problem,
When you're out there in the stars,
Oh, the intergalactic laxative
Will get you from here to Mars
so in other words n&j original will really clean you out :lol: i just had to share this :lol: 8)