A sneaky little tip for Alltel customers.....

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  • Badfish74
    • May 2009
    • 1035

    A sneaky little tip for Alltel customers.....

    If you happen to be an Alltel customer, and are wanting to upgrade your phone, but are nowhere near your contract renewal date, here's a tasty little tid bit for ya.

    If you go you your local Verizon retailer, and tell them that you want to go ahead and switch your plan from Alltel to Verizon due to economical reasons ie wanting to save a little dough, or you need slightly fewer or more minutes you automatically qualify for an upgrade.

    OK here's the rub. they are so grateful that you want remain in the Verizon network that not only will they upgrade any lines that qualify, but they will also upgrade any lines that do not qualify, AND give you another $30 off the lines that don't qualify! Sounds too good to be true? So thought I until i did it yesterday, and walked ouy of the store with $1000 worth of phones(a brand spanking new HTC Ozone smartphone with Windows OS, an LG enV3, and a regular LG flip), 2 cases, car charger, and a 2G Micro SD card for $230!

    Any way hope this helps someone out there! And no ido not work for, or am not in any way affiliated with Alltell or Verizon!!!!!! 8)
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    SCORE!!!! :lol:
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • Badfish74
      • May 2009
      • 1035

      Originally posted by Snusdog
      SCORE!!!! :lol:

      Yep! But i figure I deserve it, i've been getting BOHICA from them for 4 years! :lol:


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