Is it as easy to defend the policies, actions, and presidency of George W. Bush as it is to critisize the first 6 months of the Obama administration?
Now first let me set the record straight. I voted for the guy, and so far, I have been fairly impressed with his foreign policy, public speaking ability, overall intelligence, and regard for America's role on the stage of more cooperative world politics. I have been unimpressed by his domestic agendas, for the most part, in their entirety. I have simply not given him enough time to judge his overall effectiveness in making America a better place. He's only been given one sixteenth the amount of time that Bush robbed us of.
Having said that, and let me state as the original poster that this thread is not for the purpose of defending Obama or starting any ugly arguments, I ask you this: were we better off with a numb-nut who could barely speak an intelligible sentence, who ravaged two very far-away countries and destroyed what semblance of political order that may have existed, one of which posed absolutely zero threat to the United States, and the other of which actually trained and harbored terrorists but has historically proven themselves to be virtually resistant to forceable change; a man who sent thousands of young Americans overseas to come back in bodybags for the good of... Who? And finally, to name but a vey few of his faults, led our economy into its deepest recession and finished with the worst approval rating in the history of the US Presidency?
Is Obama really an easier target? I really don't mind the Obama-bashing at all; as I said, this isn't intended to defednd him. This is Bush bashing. And the reason I post is because I don't remember much Bush bashing going on during my time here when he was president, yet I find him so much more deserving of negative attention given his role in our current situation. Please advise. Thanks.
EDIT: I know it's ill-advised to START a political thread here, but I was bored and have always been curious about the seemingly Republican slant on this forum. From the way it seems, all of us are in fact dissatisfied with US politics in general and most of us probably don't subscribe to either party. I sure don't. Hope we can keep it civil, not trying to rile things up. Thanks for your opinions.
Now first let me set the record straight. I voted for the guy, and so far, I have been fairly impressed with his foreign policy, public speaking ability, overall intelligence, and regard for America's role on the stage of more cooperative world politics. I have been unimpressed by his domestic agendas, for the most part, in their entirety. I have simply not given him enough time to judge his overall effectiveness in making America a better place. He's only been given one sixteenth the amount of time that Bush robbed us of.
Having said that, and let me state as the original poster that this thread is not for the purpose of defending Obama or starting any ugly arguments, I ask you this: were we better off with a numb-nut who could barely speak an intelligible sentence, who ravaged two very far-away countries and destroyed what semblance of political order that may have existed, one of which posed absolutely zero threat to the United States, and the other of which actually trained and harbored terrorists but has historically proven themselves to be virtually resistant to forceable change; a man who sent thousands of young Americans overseas to come back in bodybags for the good of... Who? And finally, to name but a vey few of his faults, led our economy into its deepest recession and finished with the worst approval rating in the history of the US Presidency?
Is Obama really an easier target? I really don't mind the Obama-bashing at all; as I said, this isn't intended to defednd him. This is Bush bashing. And the reason I post is because I don't remember much Bush bashing going on during my time here when he was president, yet I find him so much more deserving of negative attention given his role in our current situation. Please advise. Thanks.
EDIT: I know it's ill-advised to START a political thread here, but I was bored and have always been curious about the seemingly Republican slant on this forum. From the way it seems, all of us are in fact dissatisfied with US politics in general and most of us probably don't subscribe to either party. I sure don't. Hope we can keep it civil, not trying to rile things up. Thanks for your opinions.