Discussion On President Obama

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  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    To me Obama's plan sounds like a systematic takeover, look at how he went after the banks, then some other private companies like the automotive sector, and now healthcare. Where does it end?

    Well today I bring you the latest thing that smells like commies to me:

    Bill introduced that would allow government to shut off your internet if it deems the need to. It can pull the plug on your home computer if a national emergency is declared, under the guise of this somehow providing you "secuirty"

    Sounds like what Iran has going on to me, but hey maybe im just a conspiracy theorist.

    Patriot act, Patriot act, Patriot act.

    As for the internet bill, hopefully the legislature disposes of it. I won't blame Obama till it goes across his desk, signed.

    The banks (started by our last president, who saw that one coming???) and car companies I couldn't give two shits about. Health insurance is the ONLY one that makes a little bit of sense because it directly pertains to our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But even that is a stretch (and it doesn't by any means mean that we must have a government option.


    • VBSnus
      • Jul 2009
      • 532

      Originally posted by sundog
      I try to vote for both Democrats and Republicans simply to make sure I'm not re-electing an incumbent. If they won't impose term limits on themselves, then we have to. It's the time in office that makes them more and more corrupt. Limit that time!
      Haha, I like it! Guarantees fresh ideas too.

      That's one reason I could have never voted for Hillary (besides the fact that I hated her guts). Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton sounds like too much of a dynastic era to me.


      • sundog
        • Jun 2009
        • 311

        You're right. Hillary would have been like Bill's third term. We don't need dynasties; they already think of themselves as royalty.

        I'm lucky that I live in a state where most of our Democrats are conservative.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          We will get someone reliable eventually I HOPE :shock: !


          • sundog
            • Jun 2009
            • 311

            Originally posted by paulwall9
            We will get someone reliable eventually I HOPE :shock: !
            So, y'all want me to run for office? :lol:

            I wouldn't last a day!


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by VBSnus

              Patriot act, Patriot act, Patriot act.

              As for the internet bill, hopefully the legislature disposes of it. I won't blame Obama till it goes across his desk, signed.

              Patriot act was extremely commie in my eyes. Obama and Dems hated it for years, Obama comes into office and says "we are going to keep the patriot act because it helps us keep things safe".
              Thereby either proving Republicans right that is was the right choice, or making dems look like flip-floppers because they protested it for years and now like it all of a sudden because Obama is for it.


              • paulwall9
                • Nov 2008
                • 743

                GOOD POINT GREGER!!! :!:


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Just like the wars actually, dems said that they wanted the troops to come home etc, now that Obama is in they support the wars and have changed their stance to "We always supported the war in afghanistan, just not iraq".

                  The fact is that we are still in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama is increasing the war effort, and Bush's timetable for withdrawl from Iraq is still in effect. Obama has done nothing but keep the war machine a`turnin.

                  I was very in favor of both wars, but it seems that we have forgotten the vietnam lesson: If not prepared to destroy their home, country, family, culture, than don't even start. Cant win by being nice.

                  Afghanistan has long record of beating world powers while wearing sandals. Go balls deep or go home.
                  We proved our point, time to come home. We need the money


                  • paulwall9
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 743

                    That my friend, is something i agree with 100%. We already started it now we have to finish it!


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      @VB SNUS

                      Also, in regards to the senator from Oklahona Jim Inhofe, he said he was not going to read it and oppose it no matter what because he felt it was being pushed to fast

                      "People are not buying these concepts that are completely foreign to America," Inhofe said. "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country."

                      He says we need to wait on this and take our time, and any attempt to push such a tremendous change through in a month or so is not acceptable to him, so he will vote against it. Not because he is just folowing the party line, but because we need to sit down and have a long discussion about whether or not we want to fundamentally change our country and allow the government to control YET ANOTHER of our vital serivces in America.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Another reason I oppose the bill is that democrats are playing dirty and I don't like it.

                        For example, an ad critical of the health care proposal is being blocked by liberal news networks such as ABC and NBCthat refuse to publish it, claiming it is partisan and they will not have any partisan material on their network, when they JUST hosted an hour-long special on health care reform from the White House pushing FOR ObamaCare.

                        The thing is they are trying to squash dissent just like the republicans did the last 8 years. When the liberals protested Bush it was all patriotic and everything, and now when we protest the helath care proposal as concerned citizens we are calling nazi's racists, paid operatives etc. Then they send SEIU union thugs out to beat people up and crash these protests. They allow THE NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY to be involved in helping Obama and coercing people at the voting booths, but we cannot object to things at a freakin town hall meeting without being called racists.

                        Both parties play the same BS when theyr in power and no one wins. I am not supporting it any more, so as long as the dems are playing mob tactics with this bill, I will remain NOT in favor of it.


                        • VBSnus
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 532

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          @VB SNUS

                          Also, in regards to the senator from Oklahona Jim Inhofe, he said he was not going to read it and oppose it no matter what because he felt it was being pushed to fast

                          "People are not buying these concepts that are completely foreign to America," Inhofe said. "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country."

                          He says we need to wait on this and take our time, and any attempt to push such a tremendous change through in a month or so is not acceptable to him, so he will vote against it. Not because he is just folowing the party line, but because we need to sit down and have a long discussion about whether or not we want to fundamentally change our country and allow the government to control YET ANOTHER of our vital serivces in America.
                          It's convenient for a representative of the minority party to say it should wait. He was given another month to think it through while Congress went on vacation, but that wasn't enough time. What will be?
                          When the 2010 elections come around and more Republicans may take seats. That's when he'll feel more comfortable.

                          Every day millions remain uninsured, people are going bankrupt, getting ill, or dying. We can't wait forever, and you know it won't be addressed later if it's not done now. Under no circumstances could I ever see Republicans taking the initiative on healthcare reform if it weren't for liberal pushing.

                          I would also say that health insurance isn't a vital service...it's forced overhead. Get rid of them and it doesn't take away anything from the medical field, as long as Americans can afford the care.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            @ VB SNUS

                            QUOTE: "Insurance companies actually make 2-4% profits, but that adds up to $8bn+ a year. They'd make more, but they have a huge overhead, 30-40%, because of executive pay, advertisements, etc. A government program wouldn't have those, but at the same time a non-profit would also solve this issue. "

                            You are correct, they make about 2-4% which is still a lot. But they have large overhead not just because of executives, but also because they have to set huge reserves for each patient, "how much do we estimate this patient will cost us?" and that is expensive, and it creates a lot of liabilities, which breads volatility. And the insurance industry is very volatile, so they try to make a profit where they can.

                            I agree one regulating, just not a government option, my biggest thing is BIG GOV= BAD. And I stand by that.

                            QUOTE: "Agreed wholeheartedly. I just shelled out $700 for a physical because I feel that it's important. "

                            Lol, man I feel terrible for you. this is what i'm talking about, we've become a system where the poor, under 21 and over 65 have coverage but the average able bodied hard working american is caught with the bill for theirs AND his, thereby meaning he might have to sacrifice his own coverage so that others who "need" it more can have it.

                            I know people who have a degree and long resume who havnt been able to find work since the beginning of the year. How, in the world riches country, can able bodied men not find work and a living income? It is chaos I tell you!

                            QUOTE: "This worries me too. My wife and I just got our son his last round of boosters, and I honestly hate doing it. Why inject my kid with more crap than he needs? Safe or not, they DO contain a lot of harmful materials they add up. "

                            My daughter has not gotten any immunizations because we had 1 family member go blind from a flu shot and I have a cousin who turned autistic after immunizations, not sure which ones. But wonce she starts mingling with other kids in day care etc I will have to get ther the minimum at least.

                            Man has survived for a long time without these immunizations or pills, and I think the track record for immunization is bad, they often times hurt more than they help.

                            I will not be recieving any shtos I dont want, I got enough of that crap when iw as in the army.

                            Also, outstanding HGTTG quote. It is funny because it is true.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              @ VB SNUS

                              QUOTE: "It's convenient for a representative of the minority party to say it should wait. He was given another month to think it through while Congress went on vacation, but that wasn't enough time. What will be? "

                              Dude, we are talking about fundamentally changing the way the USA operates, and doing what amounts to one step short of modifying the consitution. We are talking about letting the ogvernmetn take over a large part of our economy, and the system by which we get treated when ill. This is NOT something that should be pushed through in a month, I know people are suffering, but lets take the time to actually debate it like were doing here and come to a resolution that works instead of passing through yet another failed government program.


                              • VBSnus
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 532

                                Originally posted by sgreger1
                                @ VB SNUS

                                QUOTE: "It's convenient for a representative of the minority party to say it should wait. He was given another month to think it through while Congress went on vacation, but that wasn't enough time. What will be? "

                                Dude, we are talking about fundamentally changing the way the USA operates, and doing what amounts to one step short of modifying the consitution. We are talking about letting the ogvernmetn take over a large part of our economy, and the system by which we get treated when ill. This is NOT something that should be pushed through in a month, I know people are suffering, but lets take the time to actually debate it like were doing here and come to a resolution that works instead of passing through yet another failed government program.
                                Agree with me that the vote will be held one week before 2010 elections and passed or not before then, and I'll agree with you.

                                Then they send SEIU union thugs out to beat people up and crash these protests. They allow THE NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY to be involved in helping Obama and coercing people at the voting booths, but we cannot object to things at a freakin town hall meeting without being called racists.
                                "These protests"? All of them? "They sent"? That sounds ominous and scary, but the truth is there was a minor incident and it's been blown out of proportion. The black panthers with clubs at the voting booth were definitely ridiculous but I did hear a lot of news complaining about that and calling it a perversion of the democratic system. While I support gun ownership (I own a 9mm and a shutgun for when my daughter grows up ), I think it's stupid to bring AR-15s and open firearms to town halls. Even if you HAVE the right, it doesn't mean you flaunt it.

                                I think it's sad when people try to categorize protesters as racists. But what I DO see are a ton of people who either are on medicare or couldn't get insurance due to their weight or other issues. And yelling party lines isn't protest, it's disruption. I agree that we need honest debate...but I haven't seen a single one that could be called honest. The word "clusterf*ck" comes to mind.

                                I will not be recieving any shtos I dont want, I got enough of that crap when iw as in the army.
                                I feel horrible for you for this. My mother-in-law was huge on shots, she made my wife get tons of them, whatever came out, whenever she could. My wife is in excellent shape compared to me, yet she has asthma, digestive issues, neck and back issues, chronic bronchitis, and other issues...while I have none. I will stand by my opinion that a lot of the reason is that I got the bare minimum of shots, avoided drugs at all costs, and beat every minor bug the old fashioned way...chicken soup, sleep, and water!


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