Discussion On President Obama

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Originally posted by Snusdog
    There is one political party in the United States and only one. It is the party of major corporations. Just follow the campaign contributions to each political candidate and the money behind the lobbyist in Washington- NPR interview (paraphrased)
    You nailed it perfectly.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      All but one of you has exactly the right idea here. It's an open discussion to share your opinion without calling people names because they don't agree with you. If you don't want to help me prove that we gentlemen and a few ladies can discuss what really doesn't need to be such a sore subject, like intelligent adults, start your own thread please. Thanks. Best Regards, Roo.


      • MasterGuns
        • Jun 2009
        • 312

        When I was in Youth in Government there several branches you could be a part of in mock legislation. I was in the Red (experienced) Senate. There was also a Red House, Blue House and Senate (for the newbies), the Governor, the Tennessee Supreme Court, and the press. It was amazing. We got to use the Tennessee Capitol building, the Supreme Court Room, and took lunch at the same restaurants the state movers and shakers did. I loved every minute of it. Except....
        the LOBBYISTS!!!!! That's right, we had LOBBYISTS. We were high school kids playing government and we had other high school kids trying to buy our votes. They would send cards to our hotel rooms inviting us to the restaurant on top to speak with representatives of interests groups. ooooh they were good too, they sat you down, plopped free food in front of you (good food) coffee (which is my soft spot) and made sure that if you were a guy, you got to sit next to a GORGEOUS lobbyist chick. They worked us over good, and they all represented something from the real world.
        Looking back it really was fun, especially to see how the students who wielded the power would try to abuse it (I almost got our Speaker fired for it), and to see what we high schooler's thought mattered. It was a four day long ordeal, and by the end of it you stood back and realized that we really did start to act like politicians in there. The in-fighting, the political parties, people laying each other and scandal breaking out (well, okay, the media didn't report it but we all knew!). It mirrored real politics to the T, and I picture our representatives of government now and all I see are those fond days of high school memory: a bunch of teenagers who don't know s*** about s*** and all the drama that goes with that.


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Here's an interesting point of view :shock:

          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • zmanzero
            • May 2009
            • 766

            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
            I think Little Lulu was freakin hot!!
            christ, now you got me wondering what popeye saw in olive oil.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              Originally posted by Roo
              All but one of you has exactly the right idea here.........

              are you trying to tell me something?
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by zmanzero
                Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                I think Little Lulu was freakin hot!!
                christ, now you got me wondering what popeye saw in olive oil.
                Slippery ;^)


                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  Wow this is awesome!!!! For once we have a thread where human beings simply state their opinions and beliefs without all the drama! Nobody is quoting the opionions of outside sources to support their own opinions. That's what chaps my hide!! How can someone base their opinions on the opinions of someone else? We actually have thread with with free thinkers, and it's making for a great read!

                  I personaly think we abolish any kind of federal government, and go back to tribes, and living off the land like the people we stole this country from! Free trade and the bartering system is the way to go. Alas, I fear that humanity is too far gone to ever live that way again, unless of course we band together and wipe out the crackheadawa tribe! :lol:

                  Great job moderating BTW, Roo!


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    Great thread!

                    Like Badfish, I yearn for simpler times. I was born an old man.

                    I voted for Obama and am not really disappointed yet. I am scared of where this county seems headed no matter who the president is.

                    But, that's just me. I have a lot of respect for what other people think as well. And I always believe I'm allowed to change my mind as I learn.


                    • Ainkor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1144

                      Originally posted by MasterGuns
                      and made sure that if you were a guy, you got to sit next to a GORGEOUS lobbyist chick. They worked us over good, and they all represented something from the real world.
                      Originally posted by MasterGuns
                      It was a four day long ordeal, and by the end of it you stood back and realized that we really did start to act like politicians in there. The in-fighting, the political parties, people laying each other and scandal breaking out

                      You hit on quite a few interesting points there. If I could expand on them a bit....

                      In the first part that I quoted, you hinted at the base issue with anything that human beings do. Humanities sole purpose is to attract a suitable mate, mate, care for offspring so that they in turn can attract a suitable mate and do it all over again. We forget that. Men especially when put in a position of power use that power in much the same way that lesser primates and animals do. To attract more mates.

                      The other point you hit on is that unfortunately, a democratic (or representative republic as ours is) is mainly successful due to inaction versus action. The constant infighting keeps them from doing real lasting harm and while it is an ugly sight to see, ego and bravado dick swinging keeps everything in check.

                      Some of the best commentary I ever heard on politics was from a guy in Minnesota, Joe Suchuerey. He once mentioned that since nothing was voted on and nothing passed the state house that it was a good week.

                      Even if every single politician was replaced with a brand new set of politicians, they are still going to do exactly the same thing. it is human nature.

                      What's the solution? If I knew that, you would be reading my new best seller and I would be on all the talk shows telling you about it



                      • Badfish74
                        • May 2009
                        • 1035

                        Ainkor hit the nail on the head there! Until someone with enough power and influence comes up with the "perfect" way to govern a nation, nothing is ever gonna change. And i really don't see that happening.

                        Basically every election is the same...everyone roots for their favorite team, and only one team can win. The losing team jumps on every little thing that the winning team does wrong, and the winning team retorts by pointing out that atleast it wasn't as bad as what the losing team did the last time they won.

                        It's a never ending cycle...this nation was founded on the basis of freedom, and each year, no matter what team won, we lose more and more of our freedoms.

                        I gave up worrying about it a long time ago....I guess I just keep waiting, hoping that things will change, but knowing that they won't. Greed and corruption are just part of human nature. Like the tee shirt says...The one with the biggest toys wins. Or the most toys...you choose.


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          I've made clear several times here how I feel about Barack Obama. I'm the usual Southern, middle class, Bible belt American...Conservative but not narrow minded. For me a thriving America is a nation with as much individual liberty without anarchy. I'm not completely anti-government in general. I believe government should be a very small aspect of the American life. It obviously is not a small aspect of our lives. I believe in a small government that is effective and efficient. I am weary of a President that is looked upon as some sort of savior, literally, by so many people. Socialism, Marxism, Fascism and Communism are what they are. Even in America. Yes these actually have been applied in America lightly for quite some time now before Obama. I believe, however, this President is a student of this ideaology and believes in them directly and is in fact applying them with a full head of steam. The Healthcare bill is the first HUGE step toward that. I'm unapologetic about loving my country and actually caring about what happens to it. A soft tyranny doesn't belong here, but if nothing's done it will be here. Fact's are...Obama will probably be a one term president. Tearing down Capitalism and moving into a communistic method of rule isn't a quick process, at least not here in America. This process will be so long and drawn out and painful that I believe his one term as President will quite possibly be the biggest failure of any administration in American history. Strong words, yes, but I have strong feelings. If somehow his plot is successful, Capitalism will fail and a statist tyranny will rise in replacement where government is all powerful and all knowing. I don't expect all to agree with my opinions, but I have a gut feeling.


                          • Badfish74
                            • May 2009
                            • 1035

                            VRC.....I don't know how much opposition you'll get. It's really hard to argue with your statements....the proof is in the pudding! The only thing i have to add is that one man can't do it alone. But a President and a cherry picked Cabinet have a much better shot!

                            I too love this country and the basic beliefs that the vast majority of its citizens hold dear. But our government has snowballed into a moster that is pretty much out of our control. Unless something drastic happens, I don't look forward to the next 20 years!!!


                            • zmanzero
                              • May 2009
                              • 766

                              i tend to avoid political discussions, in reality i view taking part in them comparable to joining a flock of pigeons pecking on the ground. socialism, big government, spending, blah blah blah. the truth is not one of us knows what's going on. no one. we're just the pigeons pecking at the seeds we're looking at, we haven't a ****ing clue where those seeds are coming from. with that said, i ran across a little cartoon that begins to explain the magnitude of the ****ing mess that america is in. yep. a ****ing mess that we cannot even grasp because we don't know the facts, just whatever little seeds we see thrown in front of us by whatever media we put our beady little eyes on. watch this -



                              • digitalerik
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 126

                                I'll bash liberals, and obama all day long. You'll feel the same way in a year, or two. Until then continue on monitoring your carbon footprint and shopping at wholefoods. Maybe get a new pair of crocs for those special occassions.


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