QUOTE: "Agree with me that the vote will be held one week before 2010 elections and passed or not before then, and I'll agree with you. "
Both sides are using this to try and get elected/re-elected. Republicans will get the majority back because thats how the pendulum swings, but they will continue turning a blind eye to all of the nations problems like they always have. Both parties have fallen to pure trickery to gain votes, instead of effective legislation or properly representing their constituents.
QUOTE: "I think it's stupid to bring AR-15s and open firearms to town halls. Even if you HAVE the right, it doesn't mean you flaunt it. "
Yah, I am all about the 2nd ammendment, and I am an avid supporter of Open-Carrying just to let criminals know that we don't play that shit in my town, but bringing an assault rifle to a place where the president will be speaking is sure to accomplish nothing but making a news riot. Bad move on their part.
Quote: "And yelling party lines isn't protest, it's disruption"
I have been 2 a couple of these in CA, and I have to say that shouting is the only way to get dems to listen to you. Republicans are normally the quiet type, and because of that the liberals have taken over. We need to start screaming over the liberals and let America know that at least half the country is not for this, and therefore needs to have a second though about whether it should pass or not.
I would love to debate my reps at a town hall meeting, but they will not debate. Like barney frank who will just insult his consitutents and say that "having a conversation with you would be like having a convo with my kitchen table".
The liberal news networks wont even let dissenting opinion ads air on their networks. The dems do not want to debate. The republicans have their own plan for reform but the dems wont even include 1 aspect of the republican -plan into theirs.
I have been to these tea parties and town halls, and I consider ymself an honest person who has some legitimate complaints about how they want to handle this reform. So we have to disagree on that.
QUOTE: "I will stand by my opinion that a lot of the reason is that I got the bare minimum of shots, avoided drugs at all costs, and beat every minor bug the old fashioned way...chicken soup, sleep, and water!"
Lol, drink water, its the cure for everything haha. Im the same way, I wont even take tylenol for pain and I dont use caugh medicine. This is why I am usually sick 1 time a year and it is for like a day and is mild. I have an excelent immune system despite my used to being a borderline alcoholic. I dont drink anymore except on occassion but I think that not taking a pill or a shot for every discomfort has made my body strong.
QUOTE: "Agree with me that the vote will be held one week before 2010 elections and passed or not before then, and I'll agree with you. "
Both sides are using this to try and get elected/re-elected. Republicans will get the majority back because thats how the pendulum swings, but they will continue turning a blind eye to all of the nations problems like they always have. Both parties have fallen to pure trickery to gain votes, instead of effective legislation or properly representing their constituents.
QUOTE: "I think it's stupid to bring AR-15s and open firearms to town halls. Even if you HAVE the right, it doesn't mean you flaunt it. "
Yah, I am all about the 2nd ammendment, and I am an avid supporter of Open-Carrying just to let criminals know that we don't play that shit in my town, but bringing an assault rifle to a place where the president will be speaking is sure to accomplish nothing but making a news riot. Bad move on their part.
Quote: "And yelling party lines isn't protest, it's disruption"
I have been 2 a couple of these in CA, and I have to say that shouting is the only way to get dems to listen to you. Republicans are normally the quiet type, and because of that the liberals have taken over. We need to start screaming over the liberals and let America know that at least half the country is not for this, and therefore needs to have a second though about whether it should pass or not.
I would love to debate my reps at a town hall meeting, but they will not debate. Like barney frank who will just insult his consitutents and say that "having a conversation with you would be like having a convo with my kitchen table".
The liberal news networks wont even let dissenting opinion ads air on their networks. The dems do not want to debate. The republicans have their own plan for reform but the dems wont even include 1 aspect of the republican -plan into theirs.
I have been to these tea parties and town halls, and I consider ymself an honest person who has some legitimate complaints about how they want to handle this reform. So we have to disagree on that.
QUOTE: "I will stand by my opinion that a lot of the reason is that I got the bare minimum of shots, avoided drugs at all costs, and beat every minor bug the old fashioned way...chicken soup, sleep, and water!"
Lol, drink water, its the cure for everything haha. Im the same way, I wont even take tylenol for pain and I dont use caugh medicine. This is why I am usually sick 1 time a year and it is for like a day and is mild. I have an excelent immune system despite my used to being a borderline alcoholic. I dont drink anymore except on occassion but I think that not taking a pill or a shot for every discomfort has made my body strong.