Discussion On President Obama

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    @ VB SNUS:

    QUOTE: "Agree with me that the vote will be held one week before 2010 elections and passed or not before then, and I'll agree with you. "

    Both sides are using this to try and get elected/re-elected. Republicans will get the majority back because thats how the pendulum swings, but they will continue turning a blind eye to all of the nations problems like they always have. Both parties have fallen to pure trickery to gain votes, instead of effective legislation or properly representing their constituents.

    QUOTE: "I think it's stupid to bring AR-15s and open firearms to town halls. Even if you HAVE the right, it doesn't mean you flaunt it. "

    Yah, I am all about the 2nd ammendment, and I am an avid supporter of Open-Carrying just to let criminals know that we don't play that shit in my town, but bringing an assault rifle to a place where the president will be speaking is sure to accomplish nothing but making a news riot. Bad move on their part.

    Quote: "And yelling party lines isn't protest, it's disruption"

    I have been 2 a couple of these in CA, and I have to say that shouting is the only way to get dems to listen to you. Republicans are normally the quiet type, and because of that the liberals have taken over. We need to start screaming over the liberals and let America know that at least half the country is not for this, and therefore needs to have a second though about whether it should pass or not.

    I would love to debate my reps at a town hall meeting, but they will not debate. Like barney frank who will just insult his consitutents and say that "having a conversation with you would be like having a convo with my kitchen table".

    The liberal news networks wont even let dissenting opinion ads air on their networks. The dems do not want to debate. The republicans have their own plan for reform but the dems wont even include 1 aspect of the republican -plan into theirs.

    I have been to these tea parties and town halls, and I consider ymself an honest person who has some legitimate complaints about how they want to handle this reform. So we have to disagree on that.

    QUOTE: "I will stand by my opinion that a lot of the reason is that I got the bare minimum of shots, avoided drugs at all costs, and beat every minor bug the old fashioned way...chicken soup, sleep, and water!"

    Lol, drink water, its the cure for everything haha. Im the same way, I wont even take tylenol for pain and I dont use caugh medicine. This is why I am usually sick 1 time a year and it is for like a day and is mild. I have an excelent immune system despite my used to being a borderline alcoholic. I dont drink anymore except on occassion but I think that not taking a pill or a shot for every discomfort has made my body strong.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I don't think we will have a "black" president again. I knew once he won, it would all be about race, and everyone that disagreed with him on any issue would be branded a racist. And why do so many blacks and non whites think they would be better affected under government liberal socialism? I think they have been lured and misled to believe they are "victims" and think a new system would give them freebies.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by tom502
        I don't think we will have a "black" president again. I knew once he won, it would all be about race, and everyone that disagreed with him on any issue would be branded a racist. And why do so many blacks and non whites think they would be better affected under government liberal socialism? I think they have been lured and misled to believe they are "victims" and think a new system would give them freebies.


        lol, it's true though. Obama becoming the first black president has set back the civil rights movement 100 years. How ironic is it that the first administration with a black President, and a female speaker of the house would also be the one who robbed/ spent all of the countries money and credit, and left us to pay the bill?


        • MrSnusNSnuff
          • Jun 2009
          • 280

          Obama's domestic policies = disastrous.

          Obama's foreign policy = hmmmm... I don't know. Personally, I'm against him shaking hands with the likes of Hugo Chavez.

          Obama as a person = seems like a decent, intelligent guy, if not a bit deceptive at times.

          I'm glad we finally elected a minority as a president. However, I wish it was a minority with a more sensible political agenda :cry:

          I didn't vote for him, though. I voted for Alan Keyes.

          8 months down. 3 years and 4 months left to go. I would really love to see a libertarian candidate. Down with excessive government. Down with politicians bought and sold by large corporations, and/or radical groups and trade unions. I wonder when people forgot the ideal that WE'RE supposed to be in the charge of the country, not vice-versa. Thomas Jefferson is puking in his grave.


          • MrSnusNSnuff
            • Jun 2009
            • 280

            The "real" health care reform for America:


            Every time government decides to "fix" something they complicate the hell out of it. It was Nixon himself who ushered in the age of HMOs in America.

            Imagine if there was only "catastrophic coverage." You know, insurance that only covered massive injuries, life-threatening or chronic medical conditions?

            You would have to pay up from for regular doctor visits. Is this a bad thing? IMO, no. Doctors would run their clinics like a BUSINESS. And all competitive businesses 1) Put the customer first. 2) Offer competitive pricing. 3) Guarantee customer satisfaction. 4) Offer new and innovative ways to keep their customer base. If you have a little imagination, imagine advertisements for medical care on billboards: "Quality medical care for $25 a visit." Drug companies having to DRAMATICALLY lower their prices to survive. Almost as bad as the GOVERNMENT determining your healthcare is some actuary sitting behind a computer. Let's put them all out of commission.

            That, and reform the ridiculous lawsuit regulations. Doctors have it hard enough without having to pay ridiculous premiums for malpractice insurance due to the frivolous lawsuits.


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              The free market has really worked well for laser eye surgery. The technology has gotten better and the prices have gotten lower.

              I like the idea of catastrophic coverage. That's basically the way house insurance works. You take care of the minor stuff yourself and let the insurance cover the major stuff. I don't expect my homeowners insurance to buy me a new faucet when the old one quits working or paint the house every few years.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/q1byTDgu7iA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>
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                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xxDwBYjL3Fc&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>
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                  • VBSnus
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 532

                    Originally posted by MrSnusNSnuff
                    Obama's domestic policies = disastrous.

                    Obama's foreign policy = hmmmm... I don't know. Personally, I'm against him shaking hands with the likes of Hugo Chavez.

                    Obama as a person = seems like a decent, intelligent guy, if not a bit deceptive at times.

                    I'm glad we finally elected a minority as a president. However, I wish it was a minority with a more sensible political agenda :cry:

                    I didn't vote for him, though. I voted for Alan Keyes.

                    8 months down. 3 years and 4 months left to go. I would really love to see a libertarian candidate. Down with excessive government. Down with politicians bought and sold by large corporations, and/or radical groups and trade unions. I wonder when people forgot the ideal that WE'RE supposed to be in the charge of the country, not vice-versa. Thomas Jefferson is puking in his grave.
                    Ignoring all the excess propaganda instead of real debate on this page, I read this post and loved it.

                    I don't know that his policies are disastrous. Every President that comes in, the other side always says their policies will end America. It's been happening since the country began.

                    But I do wish a true libertarian could come in and clean things up. If it weren't for some of his wackier points, I actually really liked Ron Paul. I do NOT like the Republican party anymore, I think it's a party that's strayed from the ideals of small federal government with strong support for free business in the US and more of a party that has strayed to hot point moral issues and big/foreign corporation support, which I will not stand behind.

                    Had McCain been the year 2000 McCain and a real VP candidate was brought on, I probably would have voted for him. I've always respected John McCain...but I think he's beyond his Maverick years.

                    Going into the election, my thoughts were these: What I would like is a stripped down government where all the crap is gone. Lobbyists, business subsidies, tax breaks for the biggest companies, all of it. I want my 35% tax rate to go down. If there's a candidate who can do that, I will vote for them...I liked Huckabee with FairTax, and Mitt Romney knows his economics. But if I'm going to choose between two mediocre candidates, I'd rather the one that gives me something of a return on the exorbitant amount of taxes I pay. If we're doomed to pay like this, then at least I can get healthcare from it (which I cannot get now).

                    And maybe this is the answer to your dreams. Push us far enough and there will come a time when we MUST audit every single facet of government. Maybe we'll start with the Fed soon as Ron Paul suggested (and B-b-b-barney Frank bandwagoned on).


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      ..........and the cheeze stands alone.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • VBSnus
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 532

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Originally posted by tom502
                        I don't think we will have a "black" president again. I knew once he won, it would all be about race, and everyone that disagreed with him on any issue would be branded a racist. And why do so many blacks and non whites think they would be better affected under government liberal socialism? I think they have been lured and misled to believe they are "victims" and think a new system would give them freebies.


                        lol, it's true though. Obama becoming the first black president has set back the civil rights movement 100 years. How ironic is it that the first administration with a black President, and a female speaker of the house would also be the one who robbed/ spent all of the countries money and credit, and left us to pay the bill?
                        I'm confused. On the one hand you decry the concept that race is any factor in the negative attitude towards Obama or liberalism, and on the other hand you say that there won't be any more black presidents because of him. If race isn't an issue, it shouldn't matter.

                        Conservatives hated Carter. Did anyone say there wouldn't be any more white presidents?


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          @ VB SNUS

                          "But I do wish a true libertarian could come in and clean things up. If it weren't for some of his wackier points, I actually really liked Ron Paul. I do NOT like the Republican party anymore, I think it's a party that's strayed from the ideals of small federal government with strong support for free business in the US and more of a party that has strayed to hot point moral issues and big/foreign corporation support, which I will not stand behind. "

                          While we disagree on many things, I must say this is one thing we can both agree on. The republicans are losing their influence because they forgot their roots, it has become the corporations against the hippies with hands out begging for a free lunch.

                          This is why I am now calling myself a libertarian, they are closer to the roots of what the republicans used to be, with the largest emphasis on small government of and for the people.

                          Tired of seing Bought and sold politicians like Bush and Obama.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by VBSnus
                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            Originally posted by tom502
                            I don't think we will have a "black" president again. I knew once he won, it would all be about race, and everyone that disagreed with him on any issue would be branded a racist. And why do so many blacks and non whites think they would be better affected under government liberal socialism? I think they have been lured and misled to believe they are "victims" and think a new system would give them freebies.


                            lol, it's true though. Obama becoming the first black president has set back the civil rights movement 100 years. How ironic is it that the first administration with a black President, and a female speaker of the house would also be the one who robbed/ spent all of the countries money and credit, and left us to pay the bill?
                            I'm confused. On the one hand you decry the concept that race is any factor in the negative attitude towards Obama or liberalism, and on the other hand you say that there won't be any more black presidents because of him. If race isn't an issue, it shouldn't matter.

                            Conservatives hated Carter. Did anyone say there wouldn't be any more white presidents?

                            Allow me to unconfuse you. I dont believe race was a factor in picking him because many whites voted for him and everyone was voting AGAINST bush and the republicans. But since then, liberals seem to claim that race is the reason why people disagree with him, and not because his ideas aren't good. Im saying that the racial tension in America has only INCREASED since he took office, and felt that it was ironic.


                            • paulwall9
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 743

                              I believe ,infact, that there might be another one soon! That man would be Colin Powell, he is just a really great man and has all the qualities of a leader! The only reason he has not run is because as he told obama he did believe that america was ready for a black president right now! Of course he was wrong they were and they did elected one! Unfortuantly, they elected a man that has to little expirence!!


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by paulwall9
                                I believe ,infact, that there might be another one soon! That man would be Colin Powell, he is just a really great man and has all the qualities of a leader! The only reason he has not run is because as he told obama he did believe that america was ready for a black president right now! Of course he was wrong they were and they did elected one! Unfortuantly, they elected a man that has to little expirence!!

                                Yah, for such a hisotrical first they should have found a martin luther king type, someone who people not only liked but agree with. Him coming in and building a 9 trillion$ deficit in 8 months is not a step forward for his effort.


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