ahhh tis the moment of coming when one fingers a socket of the bulb, but one must approach it most delicately..sort of in the manner one would approach a pmsing wilderbeast..oh so tender yet aggressively..
as i sit and sip on a glass of bacardi 151 and diet dr pepper(as to cut back on carbs i heard they cause cancer) i wonder why o why would i be looked down on for committing a non official foul on a fellow snusards(snusing drunkard) thread which he did not object to...is it that i am a young handsome man that has something going for me or is it the fact that i revealed how to approach the fingering of the socket of the bulb?? surely not that as i thought everyone would know...or i hope they would because if you approached as an obnoxious haggard(haggard is a word right?) then you would be electrocuted(and that hurts mmmkay)..but anyways back to my carb cutting...carbs cause cancer..i think its called obesity(mcdonalds causes this to ive heard) but so does aspartame(or so its said) which would mean im ingesting cancer as i type...but then again im also drowning the cancer in alcohol...so wil i get drunken cancer that will impair my judgement and coordination or will the cancer get a corroded liver before it can cause any harm(i hope the second one) but i digress...
i founde the cure of the busted portion...if it is to bust at one end simply pinch the buted end and flick it back and forth with your finger to get the magical snus powder down to the bottom then fold the busted end over the portion then fold the portion hotdog style and insert haha
the time nears where the bottle is almost empty...a sad time for many but just knowin that i have two more bottle in the freezer puts a smile upon my face ..the heaviness of coming slumber has not yet set itself upon my eyelids so i shall continue to lurk here until it does so moohahaha :twisted:
Ha! Joke's on you! I don't know if you noticed it or not but you really didn't get a Drunken Rant thread...you got the K Mart version...a Durnken Rant thread!!! :lol:
i am in awe of the durnkeness of those posts, truly a magnificent specimen of durnkeness, an exhilarating insight into an alcohol infested mind of the highest order. Bravo!
Rejoice, brothers! File sharing is now an official religion in Sweden. For real. It took two years, but it's done: it's called the Missionary Church...
An elk drunk from eating fermented apples in southern Sweden ended its binge by making off with a family's swing set and hiding it in the woods. Hunter...