Phile's Christmas Joy (rant?)

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  • Snusophile
    • May 2008
    • 531

    Phile's Christmas Joy (rant?)

    Hey guys!

    I may be a heathen but I sure do like Christmas. Does anybody share in my thoughts? In fact, I can't WAIT for the holidays to come around. It's just so damn depressing when everyone's pissed off at each other, but then Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/whateverthe****yawannacallit comes and for a few weeks everyone treats each other a bit nicer. Of course, here at SnusOn I cant tell the difference between July 29th and Christmas day, because we get along so well. Anyway, the point of this topic is to talk about your feelings on Christmas, because I can't pull anything more interesting out of my ass right now, kiddies.

    Oh yeah! Who's mouth is watering for some more Julesnus right now? Maybe some Kardus 2010?

    Get posting!
  • MasterGuns
    • Jun 2009
    • 312

    I almost feel guilty around Christmas for how absolutely un-religious I am, yet how much I enjoy the season!
    I could care less for the spiritual message of the season, I just like seeing my family and baking cookies and being reminded of good times past present and future.
    Sure the holidays have the ability to depress the crap out of people, my last christmas was something like that, but hey, can't win em all right?
    I mean, I can be spotted at church Christmas eve (dated Catholics for the past four-ish years running so it's kind of a habit now), and yeah, it's cool, but my favorite christmas ritual is staying up way too late christmas eve listening to TSO eating cookies and chugging the good kind of egg-nog.
    Oh, and seein my lil bros freak out christmas morning. It's WAY more fun getting play santa for a change.
    Haven't tried Julesnus yet, but I've yet to meet a seasonal variety of ANYTHING that I didn't like, so I'll probably buy up some when the season rolls around.
    And hey, what's not good about gettin/givin presents and then eating a giant meal?
    Now, in the neighborhood of every month to month and a half I get a christmas of sorts when my snus order comes in. Never fails. The dancing, the singing, the crying, ripping into the package like I don't know what's in there, crying and dancing more when I see that indeed there is snus in the package.
    I must say going to the store and buying it will be fun the first couple of times, but man getting that package is just half the fun.
    Why at 6 a.m. I placed an order with Getsnus, since I lost a can of Gotlandssnus Flader. Looking back I'm a little sad it was at 6 a.m. because I totally missed out on the excitement of the placing of the order, I was just so damned tired and frustrated from not finding my Flader last night :x
    Now that is the OPPOSITE of christmas...losing a can of snus. Can't win em all huh?
    Rant completed.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      My ex told me she was leaving New year's eve. **ck the holidays.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I rather like xmas. It's cold out, everything's decorated with evergreens, good food, good smells... It's a proper pagan holiday :^)


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          The holidays totaly suck IMO. My Bday is Dec 20 and all anyone cares about at that time it trying to get a parking spot at the stupid mall. Christmas seems like just a marketing ploy to me.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
            The holidays totaly suck IMO. My Bday is Dec 20 and all anyone cares about at that time it trying to get a parking spot at the stupid mall. Christmas seems like just a marketing ploy to me.
            You've gotta plan ahead. Internet shopping, groceries at 10PM, creative driving... If you avoid the BS, it's very pleasant. The general public can be douche bags when they're in their cars, but 1 on 1 people seem nicer.

            and whatever the hell you do, STAY AWAY FROM WAL-MART!! :^D


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Oh trust me I'm not out there LOL. I got it down pat. But everyone else is F'ed. They are all in abad mood and stuff rolls downhill IMO.


              • MasterGuns
                • Jun 2009
                • 312

                Ahhh sage....yeah, the new years before last my then-girlfriend cheated on me at party which I was attending... :evil:
                F**k New Years IMO.
                And yeah, Christmas is a huge marketing bit now, but I really try as little as possible to participate in that aspect of it. You would be loath to find me in the mall around Christmas time, since I'm a college student and no one in their right minds expects a christmas present from one of us! Cept for the lil bros, I get them stuff.
                I must advice anyone who is able to go to the Opryland Hotel during the holidays. The indoor conservatories are totally decked out in Christmas lights that are very well done and not gaudy at all. And it's free!


                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  MasterGuns....dude TSO rocks so hard...they take a big huge tinkle all over that Manheim Steamroller!!! I mean, I used to kinda like Manheim, but the first time I heard Trans Siberian Orchestra, It was like "Manheim who?"!

                  Back to the topic of the OP, I like the spirit of Christmas, but hate all the BS baggage that comes with it. I can't stand the traffic, and crowds. Plus everyone out and about seems to be pissier than usual!


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    We heathens get to celebrate midsummer & midwinter solstices. 8)

                    Winter Solstice this year is Dec 21st 17:47 UTC


                    • MasterGuns
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 312

                      Hell yeah Badfish, I still dig Manheim but I got to see TSO live in 07, holy crap were they awesome. They did a bunch of classical stuff too that was amazing, my favorite was their rendition of Pachobels canon.


                      • Snusophile
                        • May 2008
                        • 531

                        I still have 1 portion of Nordstrommen Julsnus left in my freezer...50 bucks


                        • Badfish74
                          • May 2009
                          • 1035

                          Originally posted by MasterGuns
                          Hell yeah Badfish, I still dig Manheim but I got to see TSO live in 07, holy crap were they awesome. They did a bunch of classical stuff too that was amazing, my favorite was their rendition of Pachobels canon.
                          I`ve got a pretty big TSO playlist on my itunes, and I listen to em year round!


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>


                            • Badfish74
                              • May 2009
                              • 1035

                              Wow!! lx...that was awesome!! I love some BSO...Stray Cats kicked a heapo' ass!!!!


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