i mainly stick with my ps2 but im getting into pc gamin somewhat just started playing halo online its pretty fun but some of the people have some stupid rules...no sniping,shooting down from ledges or cliffs, or grenading the shit outta groups :x
other gamers here?
Originally posted by texasmadei mainly stick with my ps2 but im getting into pc gamin somewhat just started playing halo online its pretty fun but some of the people have some stupid rules...no sniping,shooting down from ledges or cliffs, or grenading the shit outta groups :x
i dunno about the garruk promos, whatcha mean?
n00b t00b for life dude. i love the grenade launchers. im a surgeon with the m16.
i just got shadow complex on the arcade, it is AWESOME. think 2d metroid style with 3d graphics running the unreal engine. its very fun.
and a big hell yeah for debaser!!! love the pixies.
Originally posted by daruckisi dunno about the garruk promos, whatcha mean?
n00b t00b for life dude. i love the grenade launchers. im a surgeon with the m16.
i just got shadow complex on the arcade, it is AWESOME. think 2d metroid style with 3d graphics running the unreal engine. its very fun.
and a big hell yeah for debaser!!! love the pixies.
So I haven't run through this whole forum to see where the convo has headed...I just wanted to drop a line to fellow snussers....I play on the Box quite a bit...if you find yourself on there hit me up GT = Donkey MsKonkey
ps- Borderlands is awesome...get it, play it, and drop me a friends request and we can grab the loot sometime....
I flippin love loot games!
so dragon age comes out in like 4 days. i think im going to get it. i just got the new grand theft auto 4 download. havent played it yet. i guess tonight im playing left 4 dead to enter the shocktober sweepstakes thing. not that i care about winning a trip to new orleans, i just want the 4000 ms points.
Been playing some classic river city ransom as of late. Decided to take the old nes with me to work. Also been using the ipod touch for gaming at work. Today i destroyed Hero of Sparta isn't too bad some epic boss battles. Also have Monkey Island Special Edition on it passed it quite fast since i remember everything LOL.