Originally posted by daruckis
Okay, so i've been sick since thursday and took Friday off, therefore freeing up 3 consecutive days of Oblivion playing from morning till night. My wife was obviousely very upset about this. But what i'm upset about is the fact that I didn't realize you have to sleep to level up, so I played for 3 straight days without leveling up past level 2. I was like "what the hell is wrong with this game???!" I eventually slept several times in a row and leveled up like 9 levels at once lol
I get how the game works now and am really digging this game. I can't believe I let it sit on the shelf for 5 months before I really played it. It's like a larger version of fallout 3. Outstanding game.
I also played the AVP MP demo, I only played once and as the alien. I gotta say, I was veryy unimpressed. I know i'll catch heat for it, but it was not that fun imo. Maybe because I was the alien, who always sucks.