I haven't played any pokemon since i was about 10, had one of the games on game boy color i think, but lost it in the car, at least thats how i remember it lol.
Been playing my dreamcast since im without my box for a while.
I played red,blue, and yellow back in the day, Blastoise is the shizznit! I got one of the first ones for the DS, Diamond maybe, but lost interest in it pretty quick.
diamond was alright. they really revamped menu and some gameplay mechanics for heartgold and soulsilver. it works a lot better than diamond/pearl. and the pokewalker is sweet. you put one pokemon on it and its got a pedometer, so you walk around with it and level up your pokemon. perfect for a day at the disc golf course for those who cant part with video games like me.
no, i still have the original ds, i never really had any desire to get a ds lite till i played around with my buddys the other day. theyre so much cooler! the screen looks way better.
finally got around to hooking up the replacement console they sent me. doesnt f*cking work. doesnt even turn on. anything. they sent me a dead console. now i have to go to work and have no time to dick with customer service. im considering trading in all my games and getting a ps3 tomorrow. or just buying an elite. this is too damn annoying.
finally got around to hooking up the replacement console they sent me. doesnt f*cking work. doesnt even turn on. anything. they sent me a dead console. now i have to go to work and have no time to dick with customer service. im considering trading in all my games and getting a ps3 tomorrow. or just buying an elite. this is too damn annoying.
Man, that sucks. My first 360 RR'ed I got it back and it worked fine. About a year later it RR'ed again. I just took it to Gamestop and traded it in for an arcade, kept my original hardrive and saved a little bit of money.
got it last night soon as i got home from work. i wish the new maps could be interspersed with the old ones though. i dont like just having to play 5 maps on rotation to play the new ones.
got it last night soon as i got home from work. i wish the new maps could be interspersed with the old ones though. i dont like just having to play 5 maps on rotation to play the new ones.
That's how it was when they released the COD4 map pack. They'll probably be in regular playlist by next week.
finally got around to hooking up the replacement console they sent me. doesnt f*cking work. doesnt even turn on. anything. they sent me a dead console. now i have to go to work and have no time to dick with customer service. im considering trading in all my games and getting a ps3 tomorrow. or just buying an elite. this is too damn annoying.
Uh Oh....somebody is realizing the mistake they made when they bought an Xbox....... :lol:
Like everybody else, go ahead and buy another one.
And another one the year after that...
And another one the year after that...
And I'll still be here playing the same ol' terrorist enabling, war starting, 911 masterminding PS3....
:lol: :lol: :wink:
EDIT: And Russian subway-bombing. Forgot that one. My bad.