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  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    I have been playing RDR.... not bad at all, glad I bought it.

    I have it on PS3.... PSN: Dalek_Dex

    Hit me up if you wanna play or add me. A message telling me your from here would be nice.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by visiON View Post
      Expansions too?

      I just started playing Dragon Age: Origins, this is awesome. The story is just mindblowning
      I played the darkspaws chronicles (which I wouldn't recommend). It was only 1 level, too short, but you got to play as darkspawn. I am goign to play "awakening" the official expansion pack, and then leave it at that. The game was awesome but way shorter than I was expecting. Make sure you do all the side missions before you finish the main storyline, but then again, it doesn't matter, earning all that extra gold is worth nothing as there is nothing relaly expensive or relevant that you need to beat the game or anything. I think they could have done a much better job with dragons age, oh and if they could have used post PS1 graphics that woul have been cool too. Other than that, it was a great game.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        I have obtained a copy of Red Dead Redemption, it is in my possession. Difficulty: I can't play it till sunday night/monday morning. But I have monday off and another day this week off (I know, it's gonna be a super short and sweet week for me) and I am going to play THE shit out of this game.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and The Legend Of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Trying to finish them up before June 8th, when Rock Band: Green Day comes out.


          • tuxdapenguin
            New Member
            • Jun 2010
            • 3

            WoW & CoD:MW2 ... all dayyy longgg


            • MasterGuns
              • Jun 2009
              • 312

              I've been playing the hell out of Red Dead Redemption, I personally have enjoyed it more than GTA, but I haven't played that in years. I recently revisited Oblivion and played that to death AGAIN, and plan on finding an old copy of Mass Effect and starting up a new storyline since I finished my first with ME2, GREAT pair of games.
              once RDR is done I'll be biding my time until Fallout: New Vegas. I gotta say, I hope Obsidian doesn't screw the pooch like they did with Alpha Protocol. I haven't played it but from what ive seen online the gameplay looks like utter hack-work shite.
              Also, has anyone else who's been playing RDR mastered the dueling mini-games yet? I suck some donkey-junk at it to be honest.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by MasterGuns
                I've been playing the hell out of Red Dead Redemption, I personally have enjoyed it more than GTA, but I haven't played that in years. I recently revisited Oblivion and played that to death AGAIN, and plan on finding an old copy of Mass Effect and starting up a new storyline since I finished my first with ME2, GREAT pair of games.
                once RDR is done I'll be biding my time until Fallout: New Vegas. I gotta say, I hope Obsidian doesn't screw the pooch like they did with Alpha Protocol. I haven't played it but from what ive seen online the gameplay looks like utter hack-work shite.
                Also, has anyone else who's been playing RDR mastered the dueling mini-games yet? I suck some donkey-junk at it to be honest.

                Holy shit, have you commandeered my xbox? We are playing the exact same things in the same order lol. RDR is way better than GTA and I would pay another 60$ just for an expansion pack with more missions.

                My only problem is I can never get anywhere because i'm obsessed with hunting everything that moves. Then, to go and piss me off further, I find they have a very good poker simulation (that you can even cheat in!) so now i'm like "aww cummon how the hell am I to ever get anything done when at every turn is a buffalo to shoot or some cards to be played? But I love this game, I finished the main game and am now doing the last few missions on the ranch.

                MasterGuns, you played the multiplayer yet? I rocks, you can form posses and theres all new missions and achievements and unlockables, it's crazy fun though a bit glitchy at times (enemies spawning in the ground etc)

                I am eagerly awaiting Fallout NV, and I pray that they don't ruin it for me. I had to wait all these years to get a new fallout and frankly I just want an exact mirror of fallout 3 with maybe some new features but really they don't even have to build on it imo. I have a feeling they will mess it up but I hope not.

                Edit: You mean dueling? It's easy, when it says "draw", press down, then slowly move the cursor or to the head and when the reticle is red just click the hell out of RB to fill up that meter. The key is not clicking RB even once before the cursor is on a body part and red, if you click it while it's white you'll lose every time.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  So i just beat RDR... and well, wtf. cool ending with a definite twist. I wont spoil it.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    dude i have spent hours just playing the poker. i havent beaten it yet, im still in mexico.


                    • Bdubz
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 49

                      I play mostly COD MW2 online right now. If anyone wants to play I am on xbox live B dubz420(space between the b and d)


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by daruckis View Post
                        dude i have spent hours just playing the poker. i havent beaten it yet, im still in mexico.
                        Their interface is better than a standalone poker simulation. It's beautiful and fun to play. If they had spades i'd be out of a job and a family because I would never turn off my xbox.

                        Once you get near the end, if you join the social club for rockstar, you get an outfit that allows you to play high stakes poker. It's like 250 to play but i've made several thousand dollars on it before, lots of fun. I beat everything and got to level 10 on every challenge, and beat the social club challenges, so now I am just unlocking every achievement in the book (such as shooting every buffalo in the game to unlock the achievement "manifest destiny" lolol).


                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Is L4D2 better enough than L4D1 and if my computer runs L4D1, will it run L4D2?


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Not sure about the computer aspect of it, but L4D2 is better then 1. You have melee weapons, campaigns are longer, graphics are sharper.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              New preview of Fallout: New Vegas


                              It looks just like a giant expansion pack of Fallout 3 in a new city, exactly what I wanted!!! I can't wait!


                              • deadohsky
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 625

                                Just got my xbox back today! They replaced it with a 'new' one, probably refurbished as it was manufactured in 2009, oh well though. Despite how happy i am to have it back, i can not get it to connect to my pc anymore. Pain in the ass if you ask me.

                                Oh well, now, what do i play since i've been without it for so long? Continue with Fallout 3 or Fable 2? I haven't purchased any new games in a while since it has been dead. Either way, happy day when you get your xbox back lol.

