Is it safe to say that every single popular beer...stinks?

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  • ratcheer
    • Jul 2010
    • 621

    I like fancy beer. But I like plain old American beer, too. I love regular Bud, but I also enjoy Michelob, Yuengling, Samuel Adams, Modelo and Dos Equis Mexican beer, and several others.

    On the other hand, I enjoy trying the fancy micro brews and imports just as much. Pilsner Urqell, Bass Ale, Abita, etc, etc.

    Beer drinkers have become such snobs, these days. It is all good. Uh, except Miller Lite.



    • NonServiam
      • May 2010
      • 736

      I haven't bought a mainstream beer in years, i.e. Bud, Coors, etc... Although, if I'm hard up I don't mind a Miller High Life or Genuine Draft.

      Since I live in a low-point beer state, I go to the liquor store for "6 point beer" (actually it's more like 5.2 % alc/vol). I try to save money so I buy Pabst Blue Ribbon tall boys, Mickey's Big Mouth, a couple of those BIG ASS green Foster cans, and occasionally I treat myself to a really good beer... Sam Adams Pale Ale or Black Lager, Negra Modelo, Bohemia, Beck's, or some Moosehead in the summer.

      Actually, I've found that the liquor store PBR is much better than the low point PBR in the grocery stores. I can't drink a low point PBR, but I like the 6 point PBR. Maybe it's all in my head, but I swear there is a difference in flavor.

      My absolute least favorite beer has to be Bud Light. It seems like everybody drinks that shit and they think it's the one and only high and mighty beer. People always buy me a case of it when I help them move or something. I just think to myself "You S.O.B., what the hell am I going to do with that". You know a beer is pretty bad if it's free and you still won't drink it.


      • Connavar
        • Jan 2011
        • 237


        worst.. beer.... EVER!, if you can still find it anywhere it is dirt cheap, or was... i think back in the late 90's it was like $1.50/ six pack...
        best beer ever? Arrogant Bastard Ale oaked.. but sits around $15/ six pack here... but well worth it


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446



          • enojy
            • Jul 2010
            • 150

            I'm a big fan of Rogue brewery, especially their Dead Guy ale. Rich, tasty, and potent! Barring that, any Japanese beer. Barring THAT... Icehouse, I guess. If you gotta drink mainstream, it's gotta be an Icehouse.

            I'm pretty far from a beer aficionado, though. I'm a frail guy who drinks beer to get drunk, so no more than 3 at a time for me. Most popular beers (Budweiser, Miller, Coors, etc.) are far too watery for me, and just flat out don't taste good at all. I used to drink a whole shitton of Miller Genuine Draft in my early college days since it cost all of $0.50 for a billion bottles, but that savings in cost leads to a huge increase in gut size, since you have to drink a few gallons of that vile stuff to catch a buzz.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              if anyone hasn't tried Moretti should do so :=)


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Here in the South - yes. Popular beer = Bud Light, Miller Light. BLECH! Redneck brew.

                My beer of choice?

                That's m'shit.

                Also, Amber Bock, Shiner Bock, Newcastle.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  Chad, I'm not knocking you at all but someday try a real Belgian that's not made by InBev. You'll be amazed. They are of course expensive but good for special occasions.


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    I live in Arkansas, it's REALLY hard to find good stuff here. It's the closest I can find. There's a good shop downtown that has a few, but as far as liquor stores go, no dice.

                    I'd also love to be able to get my hands on some Carlsberg. I had it when I was in Sweden, everyone drank it, it was really good stuff. But no one here will sell it or buy a small load for me to purchase.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      I maybe drink twice a year when I am camping but my brother in law brought some Michelob AmberBock once and it was delicious. It was very smooth and very comparable to some beers I tried when I was in Germany.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Amber Bock is great. It's surprising for a Michelob branded beer, that I actually enjoyed it. I was skeptical at first. But now I enjoy it greatly. It was part of my man night the other night with snus, cheezits, and rambo!


                        • Roo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 3446

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                          I live in Arkansas, it's REALLY hard to find good stuff here. It's the closest I can find. There's a good shop downtown that has a few, but as far as liquor stores go, no dice.

                          I'd also love to be able to get my hands on some Carlsberg. I had it when I was in Sweden, everyone drank it, it was really good stuff. But no one here will sell it or buy a small load for me to purchase.
                          Touche on Arkansas. I've never been there but I can imagine expensive Belgian imports wouldn't exactly fly off the shelves. As for Carlsberg, it's a nice lager but you aren't missing much. I've never been able to figure out how so many stores in Seattle can sell it for $9+ per sixpack. Get yourself an Asian lager like Tiger, Sapporo, Kirin Ichiban, Tsingtao, etc. There is no difference in taste between those and Carlsberg. Also, I can't tell from your post but Carlsberg is not the little Scandinavian beer you might have thought it was. They are the world's 4th largest beer behemoth with processing and distribution plants in 80 countries. Unfortunately for you, the US ain't one of them.


                          • NonServiam
                            • May 2010
                            • 736

                            Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                            I live in Arkansas, it's REALLY hard to find good stuff here.
                            I know the feeling. But it's even worse over here. Whenever I go to Arkansas I feel like a kid in a candyshop when it comes to buying alcohol. So many more choices. Most Okla. stores only carry one style of the Boulevard brand. But once I cross the stateline, suddenly I can choose from all kinds!


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              I like Sapporo, I get it at this little sushi bar I go to sometimes. I've tried Kirin at Pei Wei before, I'll have to check out some of the others.


                              • GoVegan
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 5603

                                Chad, the AmberBock surprised me. It seems like beer for people who don't normally like beer and it's even better of you do. Whats funny is that regular Michelob doesn't taste that good at all.

