eh..i'm gonna pass on this thread..i don't have a place for much politic' opinions are as followed.. mother earth/the horned god are our saviors because paganism was believed way before christianity/judism/hinduism came into play..and well government will always be wrong on some ways or another it's an inherent thing..i still believe in the barter system and anarchy but that's IMO. have a nice day.
Barter system FTW? Can you guys survive without the credit cards in your wallet? How are you going to pay for cars and houses? Wonder what the Saudis would take in trade for a barrel of oil? :roll:
Barter system FTW? Can you guys survive without the credit cards in your wallet? How are you going to pay for cars and houses? Wonder what the Saudis would take in trade for a barrel of oil? :roll:
well..i think it is just an easier way to do things honestly..not in today's world but in a simpler time.. we can revert back to that just will take time. and if fire falls from the sky and all ,it might end up that way. live off the land and such, people can learn just takes a situation desperate enough to bring it out.
Barter system FTW? Can you guys survive without the credit cards in your wallet? How are you going to pay for cars and houses? Wonder what the Saudis would take in trade for a barrel of oil? :roll:
HAha, I was saying it really as a joke. Although the barter system is a nice idea, it must go on the shelf with all the other unobtainable fantasies such as free health care for everyone and a communist workers paradise. :lol:
NEW VIDEO: ACORN workers in San Bernardino advising Hannah to not educate the underage Honduran girls working in their brothel! Full video to be released on the Glenn Beck TV Program tonight at 5:00 PM.
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lol, they played this perfectly. Released one video and let the officias hang themselves by saying this is an isolated incident. Then they release all the others, one each day, to show that it is actually a company wide practice.
I am glad that congress today voted to cut their funding. And I am glad that they will no longer be helping in the 2010 census.
In a blatant attack to silence Glenn Beck, New York Congressman, Weiner (D-NY) is attacking Goldline, a sponsor of the Glenn Beck Show on Fox and on...