Longest rant competition: sgreger1 vs. snuppy. Do not enter

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Longest rant competition: sgreger1 vs. snuppy. Do not enter

    By David Swanson, TomDispatch
    It sounds like the plot for the latest summer horror movie. Imagine, for a moment, that George W. Bush had been allowed a third term as president, had run and had won or stolen it, and that we were all now living (and dying) through it. With the Democrats in control of Congress but Bush still in the Oval Office, the media would certainly be talking endlessly about a mandate for bipartisanship and the importance of taking into account the concerns of Republicans. Can't you just picture it?

    There's Dubya now, still rewriting laws via signing statements. Still creating and destroying laws with executive orders. And still violating laws at his whim. Imagine Bush continuing his policy of extraordinary rendition, sending prisoners off to other countries with grim interrogation reputations to be held and tortured. I can even picture him formalizing his policy of preventive detention, sprucing it up with some "due process" even as he permanently removes habeas corpus from our culture.

    I picture this demonic president still swearing he doesn't torture, still insisting that he wants to close Guantanamo, but assuring his subordinates that the commander-in-chief has the power to torture "if needed," and maintaining a prison at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan that makes Guantanamo look like summer camp. I can imagine him continuing to keep secret his warrantless spying programs while protecting the corporations and government officials involved.
    If Bush were in his third term, we would already have seen him propose, yet again, the largest military budget in the history of the world. We might well have seen him pretend he was including war funding in the standard budget, and then claim that one final supplemental war budget was still needed, immediately after which he would surely announce that yet another war supplemental bill would be needed down the road.

    And of course, he would have held onto his Secretary of Defense from his second term, Robert Gates, to run the Pentagon, keep our ongoing wars rolling along, and oversee the better part of our public budget.
    Bush would undoubtedly be following through on the agreement he signed with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for all U.S. troops to leave Iraq by the end of 2011 (except where he chose not to follow through). His generals would, in the meantime, be leaking word that the United States never intended to actually leave. He'd surely be maintaining current levels of troops in Iraq, while sending thousands more troops to Afghanistan and talking about a new "surge" there. He'd probably also be escalating the campaign he launched late in his second term to use drone aircraft to illegally and repeatedly strike into Pakistan's tribal borderlands with Afghanistan.

    If Bush were still "the decider" he'd be employing mercenaries like Blackwater and propagandists like the Rendon Group and he might even be expanding the number of private security contractors in Afghanistan. In fact, the whole executive branch would be packed with disreputable corporate executive types. You'd have somebody like John ("May I torture this one some more, please?") Rizzo still serving, at least for a while, as general counsel at the CIA. The White House and Justice Department would be crawling with corporate cronies, people like John Brennan, Greg Craig, James Jones, and Eric Holder. Most of the top prosecutors hired at the Department of Justice for political purposes would still be on the job. And political prisoners, like former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and former top Democratic donor Paul Minor would still be abandoned to their fate.

    In addition, the bank bailouts Bush and his economic team initiated in his second term would still be rolling along -- with a similar crowd of people running the show. Ben Bernanke, for instance, would certainly have been reappointed to run the Fed. And Bush's third term would have guaranteed that there would be none of the monkeying around with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that the Democrats proposed or promised in their losing presidential campaign. At this point in Bush's third term, no significant new effort would have begun to restore Katrina-decimated New Orleans either.

    If the Democrats in Congress attempted to pass any set of needed reforms like, to take an example, new healthcare legislation, Bush, the third termer, would have held secret meetings in the White House with insurance and drug company executives to devise a means to turn such proposals to their advantage. And he would have refused to release the visitor logs so that the American public would have no way of knowing just whom he'd been talking to.

    During Bush's second term, some of the lowest ranking torturers from Abu Ghraib were prosecuted as bad apples, while those officials responsible for the policies that led to Abu Ghraib remained untouched. If the public continued to push for justice for torturers during the early months of Bush's third term, he would certainly have gone with another bad apple approach, perhaps targeting only low-ranking CIA interrogators and CIA contractors for prosecution. Bush would undoubtedly have decreed that any higher-ups would not be touched, that we should now be looking forward, not backward. And he would thereby have cemented in place the power of presidents to grant immunity for crimes they themselves authorized.

    If Bush were in his third term, some of his first and second term secrets might, by now, have been forced out into the open by lawsuits, but what Americans actually read wouldn't be significantly worse than what we'd already known. What documents saw the light of day would surely have had large portions of their pages redacted, and the vast bulk of documentation that might prove threatening would remain hidden from the public eye. Bush's lawyers would be fighting in court, with ever grander claims of executive power, to keep his wrongdoing out of sight.

    Now, here's the funny part.

    This dark fantasy of a third Bush term is also an accurate portrait of Obama's first term to date. In following Bush, Obama was given the opportunity either to restore the rule of law and the balance of powers or to firmly establish in place what were otherwise aberrant abuses of power. Thus far, President Obama has, in all the areas mentioned above, chosen the latter course. Everything described, from the continuation of crimes to the efforts to hide them away, from the corruption of corporate power to the assertion of the executive power to legislate, is Obama's presidency in its first seven months.
    Which doesn't mean there aren't differences in the two moments. For one thing, Democrats have now joined Republicans in approving expanded presidential powers and even -- in the case of wars, military strikes, lawless detention and rendition, warrantless spying, and the obstruction of justice -- presidential crimes. In addition, in the new Democratic era of goodwill, peace and justice movements have been strikingly defunded and, in some cases, even shut down. Many progressive groups now, in fact, take their signals from the president and his team, rather than bringing the public's demands to his doorstep.
    If we really were in Bush's third term, people would be far more active and outraged. There would already be a major push to really end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan. Undoubtedly, the Democrats still wouldn't impeach Bush, especially since they'd be able to vote him out before his fourth term, and surely four more years of him wouldn't make all that much difference.

  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    As I was reading through it, I kept thinking to myself, this is what we have now. Bush Part 2, the Tan Edition.


    • outsidelinebacker20
      • Aug 2008
      • 187

      He has his Democrats controling both branches of government, and still wants more. Poor baby. Why doesn`t he just move to France and be happy.



      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        OH WAIT........I have a comment....................oh nevermind.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          I found this intiresting because it was written by an uber liberal anti-bush guy. It is good to see that some people are judging people based on facts and not just playing parties. For the anti-war protestors to hate bush but love Obama simply isn't right, same thing where if you didn't like Obama's bailouts, than why did you support Bush's?

          I think the parties are playing us against each other. We should all vote libertarian next time just to make a point.


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            I think we should all write in Paul Ruben. Now that would make for some interesting politics!


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I think in todays Hollywood celeb style politics, that is all guided by money and name, for another party to break through, you need some big name rich celebs to openly back them. Like Michael Moore, though I am not a fan of his, or Bill Maher, or Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Snoop Dog, etc, if they got on the Libertarian Party wagon, used their name/fame and cash, such a party may be able to break the duopoly that is pulling this nation down.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by tom502
                I think in todays Hollywood celeb style politics, that is all guided by money and name, for another party to break through, you need some big name rich celebs to openly back them. Like Michael Moore, though I am not a fan of his, or Bill Maher, or Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Snoop Dog, etc, if they got on the Libertarian Party wagon, used their name/fame and cash, such a party may be able to break the duopoly that is pulling this nation down.

                T-pain for prez?


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  I'd vote for Snoop!


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696



                    • sm0ke42o
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 105

                      Originally posted by sgreger1

                      We should all vote libertarian next time just to make a point.
                      My thoughts exactly...


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by truthwolf1

                        BWhahahahahaahahhahahhahahahahahaha. OMG this is replacing the picture of my daughter on my desktop at work. lololol

                        They are a happy bunch, aren't they?


                        • sundog
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 311

                          Well, until he died recently George Carlin was always my choice for President. Of course, Gallagher would have been his running mate.

                          Yeah, I say vote Libertarian! Know any good ones?
                          Would anybody vote for Neal Boortz?


                          • victoryredchevy
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 303

                            I honestly never thought I'd say I'd in fact vote Libertarian,but I would vote Libertarian. Some say he's a bit wacky, but Ron Paul is a very individualistic Libertarian thinker. I like Ron Paul, not to mention, he's a Texan. I used to be a proud Repub. Blah. Conservative strictly, not Repub anymore. Dems...seem to always have this brother's keeper and free healthcare thing going on and Repubs need to grow a set of walnuts and revive conservative values in the party or it will die off or do what it's trying to do now and evolve into a watered down "progressive" Repub party. I'm just against big government period and right now, it's REALLY big. That's poop. Like we the people cannot take care of ourselves. Self preservation and responsibility and as much individualism as possible without total anarchy is what I favor and Libertarians represent those ideas best. But I'm not even gonna put faith in them. Don't put faith in ANY party or representative.


                            • Condor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 752

                              Give me a Ron Paul / Alan Keyes ticket. We need some strong Constitutionalists to repair the damage.


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