Just My Thoughts

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  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    Just My Thoughts

    Feel free to comment no arguments or anything though be civilized if you want to say something

    I don't believe everything happens for a reason...I believe there is a reason that things happen(make sense?)...some people are born mentally challenged some aren't, some people get on the rock(some get off some stay chasing a high), basically sh*t happens... i'm not going to bash religion or anyones beliefs this is what i personally believe...

    I think religion and morals are just a set of rules and guidelines to make people feel safe and like they have a purpose and that their life is meaningful..it sounds good but it only works until you come across someone who doesnt follow those guidelines

    the same with laws..they are made to make people feel safe but people break them all the time...

    You're only as safe as you can make it or as safe as the next person will allow you to be..a law or guideline is nothing more than words they arent a magical list that make the world a better place...people will be people regardless you might think someone is a bad person in your beliefs but they arent doing anything wrong in their mind if thats what they were raised to believe..and then there are people that just dont care they do whatever it takes to survive..plus the people that do sh*t that nobody else understands

    things are only bad if you were raised to believe they are

    alot of people say marijuana is bad but only because thats what they were taught their whole life they're scared to liive their own life and try new things because they're scared of what might happen or what other people will think

    i really do hope people come to there senses and worry about issues that will affect the world and not just certain communities

    tobacco taxes,marijuana being illegal,age limits for certain activities...its ridiculous if parents would have actual conversations with their kids and let them make their own decisions then things would be alot easier..they're gonna do it anyways why not let them get the info from family instead of the stupid scare tactics the education system and govt try to show em

    i know this seems to be all over the place not tryna do that intentionally im just writing as it comes to mind but im done for now
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I pretty much agree with everything you have there :^)


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      ok then...........so where ya been lately?
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • CM
        • Apr 2009
        • 329

        Agreed with you texas!

        And as my parents are allowing me make the most decisions, I'm thinking things alot more widely instead if parents are putting you to private schools and stuff where you only think of numbers what you get from mathematics etc.

        I know one friends parents who really are pushing him to the corner, only thing he is doing: School&training&Homeworks etc. Doesn't let him go even to main capital with train without their permission. God damn it really.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I agree with you too. When my daughter gets older, I'll sit her down and explain sex, drugs, and all of that. Weed is not the be all end all fried egg in the pan drug that the government makes it out to be. I'm gonna tell her about the good, along with the bad. Laws with no common sense backing them are pointless. Take the seatbelt one. I always wear my seatbelt. Not because it's a law and I'll get fined, but because it makes more sense to be strapped down in a moving piece of metal going around other moving pieces of metal. If others choose not too, that should be there choice. Not the govenments.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            When my daughter gets older I am going to give her a real reality ride. Not sure what age but maybe 15 just before she gets a license.

            I will take her first to the Native American neighborhood to show her people who have been affected by alcohol. Maybe even stop and have a drink with some of the bums so she can feel the sadness. Then I will take her to a live crack/heroin house to show her in person what addicts look like and act like. If my friend is still working at the downtown hospital I will ask for a tour of the drug and alcohol detox ward. After that we will head to a section 8 house where I will flip a $50 for a tour to show her how a single mother with multiple kids on a government handout lives. We might even stop to take a look at the local prostitutes and the types of men that they service. The women's shelter is also a good place to show a young girl what happens to your face when you date the bad boy.
            There is also women's prison we could drive around to show her the place where she will be living if she takes things that don't belong to her or inflicts harm onto others.
            Finally I will explain to her that marijuana is not harmless and if used daily will lead her to missed opportunities and general apathy like a number of daddy's friends.


            • Snusophile
              • May 2008
              • 531

              Originally posted by truthwolf1
              When my daughter gets older I am going to give her a real reality ride. Not sure what age but maybe 15 just before she gets a license.

              I will take her first to the Native American neighborhood to show her people who have been affected by alcohol. Maybe even stop and have a drink with some of the bums so she can feel the sadness. Then I will take her to a live crack/heroin house to show her in person what addicts look like and act like. If my friend is still working at the downtown hospital I will ask for a tour of the drug and alcohol detox ward. After that we will head to a section 8 house where I will flip a $50 for a tour to show her how a single mother with multiple kids on a government handout lives. We might even stop to take a look at the local prostitutes and the types of men that they service. The women's shelter is also a good place to show a young girl what happens to your face when you date the bad boy.
              There is also women's prison we could drive around to show her the place where she will be living if she takes things that don't belong to her or inflicts harm onto others.
              Finally I will explain to her that marijuana is not harmless and if used daily will lead her to missed opportunities and general apathy like a number of daddy's friends.
              Your username couldn't be more fitting! It's a hard world out there, I commend you, sir.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696


                I fully understand the previous thoughts but wanted to add a step of actual personal reaction to the plate.


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  i have nothing bad to say to your post thats what you believe atleast you dont beat around the bush or try to make everybody else think like you


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1
                    When my daughter gets older I am going to give her a real reality ride. Not sure what age but maybe 15 just before she gets a license.

                    I will take her first to the Native American neighborhood to show her people who have been affected by alcohol. Maybe even stop and have a drink with some of the bums so she can feel the sadness. Then I will take her to a live crack/heroin house to show her in person what addicts look like and act like. If my friend is still working at the downtown hospital I will ask for a tour of the drug and alcohol detox ward. After that we will head to a section 8 house where I will flip a $50 for a tour to show her how a single mother with multiple kids on a government handout lives. We might even stop to take a look at the local prostitutes and the types of men that they service. The women's shelter is also a good place to show a young girl what happens to your face when you date the bad boy.
                    There is also women's prison we could drive around to show her the place where she will be living if she takes things that don't belong to her or inflicts harm onto others.
                    Finally I will explain to her that marijuana is not harmless and if used daily will lead her to missed opportunities and general apathy like a number of daddy's friends.

                    lol, maybe we can get a group discount for both of our kids.


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