Feel free to comment no arguments or anything though be civilized if you want to say something
I don't believe everything happens for a reason...I believe there is a reason that things happen(make sense?)...some people are born mentally challenged some aren't, some people get on the rock(some get off some stay chasing a high), basically sh*t happens... i'm not going to bash religion or anyones beliefs this is what i personally believe...
I think religion and morals are just a set of rules and guidelines to make people feel safe and like they have a purpose and that their life is meaningful..it sounds good but it only works until you come across someone who doesnt follow those guidelines
the same with laws..they are made to make people feel safe but people break them all the time...
You're only as safe as you can make it or as safe as the next person will allow you to be..a law or guideline is nothing more than words they arent a magical list that make the world a better place...people will be people regardless you might think someone is a bad person in your beliefs but they arent doing anything wrong in their mind if thats what they were raised to believe..and then there are people that just dont care they do whatever it takes to survive..plus the people that do sh*t that nobody else understands
things are only bad if you were raised to believe they are
alot of people say marijuana is bad but only because thats what they were taught their whole life they're scared to liive their own life and try new things because they're scared of what might happen or what other people will think
i really do hope people come to there senses and worry about issues that will affect the world and not just certain communities
tobacco taxes,marijuana being illegal,age limits for certain activities...its ridiculous if parents would have actual conversations with their kids and let them make their own decisions then things would be alot easier..they're gonna do it anyways why not let them get the info from family instead of the stupid scare tactics the education system and govt try to show em
i know this seems to be all over the place not tryna do that intentionally im just writing as it comes to mind but im done for now
I don't believe everything happens for a reason...I believe there is a reason that things happen(make sense?)...some people are born mentally challenged some aren't, some people get on the rock(some get off some stay chasing a high), basically sh*t happens... i'm not going to bash religion or anyones beliefs this is what i personally believe...
I think religion and morals are just a set of rules and guidelines to make people feel safe and like they have a purpose and that their life is meaningful..it sounds good but it only works until you come across someone who doesnt follow those guidelines
the same with laws..they are made to make people feel safe but people break them all the time...
You're only as safe as you can make it or as safe as the next person will allow you to be..a law or guideline is nothing more than words they arent a magical list that make the world a better place...people will be people regardless you might think someone is a bad person in your beliefs but they arent doing anything wrong in their mind if thats what they were raised to believe..and then there are people that just dont care they do whatever it takes to survive..plus the people that do sh*t that nobody else understands
things are only bad if you were raised to believe they are
alot of people say marijuana is bad but only because thats what they were taught their whole life they're scared to liive their own life and try new things because they're scared of what might happen or what other people will think
i really do hope people come to there senses and worry about issues that will affect the world and not just certain communities
tobacco taxes,marijuana being illegal,age limits for certain activities...its ridiculous if parents would have actual conversations with their kids and let them make their own decisions then things would be alot easier..they're gonna do it anyways why not let them get the info from family instead of the stupid scare tactics the education system and govt try to show em
i know this seems to be all over the place not tryna do that intentionally im just writing as it comes to mind but im done for now