Well, I just needed to get some things off my chest that have really been bothering me but that i never really talk about!
Basically, I really, really, hate my life right now! It just seems that no matter what or however postive I try to stay things always take a step backwards and put me righ back where I started if you catch my drift! 5 yrs ago I moved into my own place with my gf and have been on my on ever since! Now, at first we were like every other couple just starting out around the world broke and barely making it! But, we got past that and we were doing very well about a yr and a half later! But in this past yr or so everything has just flipped upside down for the worst! Now for everyone that has been here for a while my inceident that happened about 5 mths ago really set me back that and getting laid off of course! Now I am healed up pretty much and thats out of the way, and I am thkful to still be alive and everything! But now i can only find part time work with shitty companies doing shitty work and making no more than $8.50 an hr. My last job i was bringing in almost 500 a week so this is bad for me! my gf is still working as a pharm tech. at a walgreens and that is decent but not enough. So now I am right back where i started BROKE! Now its even worse because it is causing a lot of hostility between me and my gf something we never had before! This shit is reall killing me! I mean half the time I can't even think of good reasons to get up in the morning the only thing that has been pushing me is hope that I will find something or some way to get out of this slump we are in! But, honestly in my heart I am just not seeing it! I am trying to stay postive and prevent myself from engaging in illegal money making activities because that is just not how i want to live! To make it worse my gf has this shitty ass attitude most of the time now because we never go out anymore because of money of course! I just don't know what to do any more and it is driving me crazy! The other day I broke down and cried for the first time in like 9 yrs! This stuff is taking a big toll on me as I am not that big of an emotional person! But this is not where I wanted to be by now! I turn 22 yrs old on monday and I havent even started going to college yet! I was going to start this fall but I guess that is not going to happen! I wanted to be on my path to doing what i love by now and you know what i don't even know what I want to do or get out of life any more!
I am sorry to bother everyone with this long ass rant I just needed to tell this shit to someone and i figured I would just vent here! I hope everyone is doing well and in good health!
Basically, I really, really, hate my life right now! It just seems that no matter what or however postive I try to stay things always take a step backwards and put me righ back where I started if you catch my drift! 5 yrs ago I moved into my own place with my gf and have been on my on ever since! Now, at first we were like every other couple just starting out around the world broke and barely making it! But, we got past that and we were doing very well about a yr and a half later! But in this past yr or so everything has just flipped upside down for the worst! Now for everyone that has been here for a while my inceident that happened about 5 mths ago really set me back that and getting laid off of course! Now I am healed up pretty much and thats out of the way, and I am thkful to still be alive and everything! But now i can only find part time work with shitty companies doing shitty work and making no more than $8.50 an hr. My last job i was bringing in almost 500 a week so this is bad for me! my gf is still working as a pharm tech. at a walgreens and that is decent but not enough. So now I am right back where i started BROKE! Now its even worse because it is causing a lot of hostility between me and my gf something we never had before! This shit is reall killing me! I mean half the time I can't even think of good reasons to get up in the morning the only thing that has been pushing me is hope that I will find something or some way to get out of this slump we are in! But, honestly in my heart I am just not seeing it! I am trying to stay postive and prevent myself from engaging in illegal money making activities because that is just not how i want to live! To make it worse my gf has this shitty ass attitude most of the time now because we never go out anymore because of money of course! I just don't know what to do any more and it is driving me crazy! The other day I broke down and cried for the first time in like 9 yrs! This stuff is taking a big toll on me as I am not that big of an emotional person! But this is not where I wanted to be by now! I turn 22 yrs old on monday and I havent even started going to college yet! I was going to start this fall but I guess that is not going to happen! I wanted to be on my path to doing what i love by now and you know what i don't even know what I want to do or get out of life any more!
I am sorry to bother everyone with this long ass rant I just needed to tell this shit to someone and i figured I would just vent here! I hope everyone is doing well and in good health!