Kinda OT, but I wonder how bidis will fare with this new legislation. I used to smoke those every once in a while as well, although they pretty much had the same effect on my throat and lungs as Djarums. Probably more so... :P
I used to love clove cigarettes and hadn't smoked them in years until a few weeks ago. I visited a cigar shop and they had some Djarum Cherry cigs. I paid some insane amount right around $8.50 for them, smoked one and ditched the pack. I guess I just burnt myself out on the clove cigs.I do love Springwater cigarettes but have not been successful in finding those. If any of you happen to spot those, send me a PM and I'll not only pay for a few packs and the s/h but will also make it worth your time.
This is where I stand on clove cigarettes. Smoked them as a teenager. Cause well, that's what teenagers do. Then one day,. boom, could simply not tolerate them again. If I tried now, even 28 years later, I expect I would probably throw up.
Every friend I used to smoke them with says the same thing now.
Originally posted by bakerbarberI bought a pack of Djarums this summer. $$$ I only smoked one of them. :roll:
Sage is right. I thought they were good when I was a teenager.
I liked to indulge on occasion, but I still was not that huge a fan of them even back then........if you were smoking cloves, you were probably listening to "Bela Lugosi's Dead" and cutting yourself. :P
I actually smoked more cloves than regular cigarettes before snus. Djarum black, bali hai, and supersmooth specials. The supersmooths smoked like a regular cigarette, and I went through too many of those for my liking.
First one I ever had was an International though, like the tin on the front page. Those were great! Could maybe smoke one or two a day though because they were so strong/harsh.
Originally posted by MasterGunsApparently legend has it that the guy who invented kreteks around 100 years ago used them to relieve his asthma symptoms...
Sound counter-productive?
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