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  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    Kinda OT, but I wonder how bidis will fare with this new legislation. I used to smoke those every once in a while as well, although they pretty much had the same effect on my throat and lungs as Djarums. Probably more so... :P


    • paulwall9
      • Nov 2008
      • 743

      I used to smoke those for a brief period as well Jason! They are actually pretty good when you get a box that was made right and the strings hold together like they are supposed to!


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        they don't sell djarum here anymore? i liked them, they sparkled.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          Haha, Chad i have to say when they used to sizzle and spark on me I always felt like I was smoking rock or some other sort of elicit drug!


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            we used to get a box every night before we went to the club, and the next morning we'd wake up, hung over, and go out to the car and smell djarum for DAYS.


            • paulwall9
              • Nov 2008
              • 743

              I totally agree with that. The smell of cloves lingers forever, but on the plus side if you like clove it smells a hell of alo better than cigarettes. 8)


              • MasterGuns
                • Jun 2009
                • 312

                Apparently legend has it that the guy who invented kreteks around 100 years ago used them to relieve his asthma symptoms...
                Sound counter-productive?


                • desirexe
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 1170

                  I used to love clove cigarettes and hadn't smoked them in years until a few weeks ago. I visited a cigar shop and they had some Djarum Cherry cigs. I paid some insane amount right around $8.50 for them, smoked one and ditched the pack. I guess I just burnt myself out on the clove cigs. I do love Springwater cigarettes but have not been successful in finding those. If any of you happen to spot those, send me a PM and I'll not only pay for a few packs and the s/h but will also make it worth your time.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    This is where I stand on clove cigarettes. Smoked them as a teenager. Cause well, that's what teenagers do. Then one day,. boom, could simply not tolerate them again. If I tried now, even 28 years later, I expect I would probably throw up.

                    Every friend I used to smoke them with says the same thing now.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      I bought a pack of Djarums this summer. $$$ I only smoked one of them. :roll:

                      Sage is right. I thought they were good when I was a teenager.


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        Originally posted by bakerbarber
                        I bought a pack of Djarums this summer. $$$ I only smoked one of them. :roll:

                        Sage is right. I thought they were good when I was a teenager.
                        Teenage lungs can probably handle them better. :wink:

                        I liked to indulge on occasion, but I still was not that huge a fan of them even back then........if you were smoking cloves, you were probably listening to "Bela Lugosi's Dead" and cutting yourself. :P


                        • tool77
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 30

                          I actually smoked more cloves than regular cigarettes before snus. Djarum black, bali hai, and supersmooth specials. The supersmooths smoked like a regular cigarette, and I went through too many of those for my liking.

                          First one I ever had was an International though, like the tin on the front page. Those were great! Could maybe smoke one or two a day though because they were so strong/harsh.


                          • tool77
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 30

                            Originally posted by MasterGuns
                            Apparently legend has it that the guy who invented kreteks around 100 years ago used them to relieve his asthma symptoms...
                            Sound counter-productive?
                            Eugenol (sp?) is the thing in cloves that has the numbing effect. I read that it was used in dentistry before novacaine. But yeah, it numbs your throat, then it wears off, and your throat is irriated from the smoke. Then you have another... :roll:


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