PC or Mac?

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  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    I love Mac, but I had to give it up to get new hardware. It's great but expensive.

    Currently I'm running Windows Vista 64-bit on a badass desktop and Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala on a Dell 1420 laptop.


    • blotgode
      • Apr 2009
      • 338

      Originally posted by chadizzy1
      Haha, aww man! C'mon!
      Sorry Chad, had to..... :wink:


      • PsychoHazard
        • Oct 2009
        • 267

        Virtual hardware. :lol:
        It lets me run everything. I'm currently running about 9 flavors of Linux, 4 kinds of BSD, 2 kinds of Solaris, 2 versions of Windows, Darwin, ReactOS, Haiku, AROS, Plan 9, and FreeDOS. It has also been rumored that I might be running Mac OSX, but I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor. Running a Mac OSX virtual instance on non-Mac hardware is a violation of the licensing, and I wouldn't want to do that, would I? I can, however, confirm that it can be done. I've seen it. Someplace. 8)


        • Redbeard
          • Sep 2009
          • 390

          Been a PC user since Dad first brought home an XT from work when I was 6 or 7 years old. I'm currently running Win7 on a box that I built. Ideally, I'd like to run an open-source OS, but I can't be bothered to actually learn Linux and Windows is second nature to me. (Read: I'm too damned lazy to adjust myself to Linux.) Plus, I like to game from time to time.

          I kind of have to agree with what others have stated about Apple. While their products are definitely sexy, I dislike the general proprietary-ness of everything they make.


          • RRK
            • Sep 2009
            • 926

            I have been an Apple guy for my whole life. My mother was a teacher and in the 80's Apple pretty much owned the education sector so our first computer was a Woz signature edition Apple IIgs. My first Mac was a Power Macintosh 7200 and it lasted me into college. The graphic design classes I took at OSU and a community college were all Mac based so I stuck with Apple. Since then I have purchased the original iMac, the swing arm iMac, and now an intel based aluminum iMac. I would agree that for the most part the computers have been nearly 25% higher cost then a comparable PC, but I have been able to keep my Mac's for a year or two longer then my peers that run PC's. The iMac line is basically non-upgradable which is totally unacceptable for my gamer friends but other then graphics chips they seem to need to upgrade all of the other components about as often as I buy a new Mac. When you factor in the Windows upgrades they nearly always buy a new Dell rather then rebuild the one they have. I do prefer OS X over other operating systems but it's pointless to debate one being better then another. To each his own but Apple has kept me happy for over 20 years.


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              Originally posted by RRK
              I would agree that for the most part the computers have been nearly 25% higher cost then a comparable PC, but I have been able to keep my Mac's for a year or two longer then my peers that run PC's. The iMac line is basically non-upgradable which is totally unacceptable for my gamer friends but other then graphics chips they seem to need to upgrade all of the other components about as often as I buy a new Mac. When you factor in the Windows upgrades they nearly always buy a new Dell rather then rebuild the one they have. I do prefer OS X over other operating systems but it's pointless to debate one being better then another. To each his own but Apple has kept me happy for over 20 years.


              • RRK
                • Sep 2009
                • 926

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                Originally posted by Jason

                I know Microsoft is guilty of some of these things, but they are also #1 in the market, and they are the industry standard. If Apple loosened up a bit, I think they could really give MS a run for the money.
                MS looks like open source compared to Apple :^D
                ?What parts of Windows is Open source?

                OS X ships with over 200 open source components. http://www.apple.com/opensource/


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

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                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    I own both. I have a Toshiba Sattelite and ym wife just bought the new MAcBook or whatever the're called, the laptop version.

                    I am more familiar with the PC so I still prefer PC, but Mac's OS is much more bullet proof. Problem is I hate that one button bullshit and I cannot for the life of me navigate around her Mac.

                    Also, Mac still hasn't cought up with the software piece either. Once everything is fully compatible with both Mac and Pc than maybe i'll switch. Untill then it's still PC all the way.


                    • RRK
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 926

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      Problem is I hate that one button bullshit...
                      You can use any mouse. I use a Logitech MX Revolution.


                      • daruckis
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2277



                        • MojoQuestor
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 2344

                          I've come up kind of broke and hapless, so Apple was never an option for me. I probably *could* pull it off now, but it's funny how that poor mentality hangs around. Plus there's all the snus I've been buying :-/

                          Anyway, I caught the open-source meme early, and as a curious computer tinkerer (not so much these days), I got into Slackware about ten years ago. A cheap (even donated) box + free OS == love to me.

                          Nowadays I'm using Ubuntu, especially since (finally) I can record with a digital audio workstation (DAW) called Ardour (this takes better hardware, though, and ain't quite Pro Tools).

                          Having said all that, I know Linux isn't for everyone. There's just so much cool stuff in the MS-Win and Apple worlds. I put enough time and self-education into Linux (GNU/Linux, hi, Mr. Stallman :-D) that it's worth it for me. The old saying "Linux is only free if your time is worth nothing" is not without its truth.

                          So for me, it's Linux on PC hardware, and has been for some time. But things keep progressing, and I wish to stay flexible and change with them. That may mean I have a Mac in my future, or it may not. Five years from now I might be laying down tracks on my cell phone, along with everyone else ;-)


                          • captncaveman
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 924

                            I dunno why people say mac are idiot proof or user friendly. If you are a complete f&*king moron and can't keep your PC clean and problem free... The your really don't deserve a computer in the first place.

                            If you really want a mac, build a Hackintosh. Then when the kool aid that mac fed you runs it course, install linux or windows and make use of a real machine.

                            I hate it that "designers" use macs. Most claim better color. Why is that?

                            I have 2 mac's because the wife like the design. Then i have my Beast. Her 24 inch imac was $3000 , i have had my pc for 3 years upgrade every year and at this point has now cost the same. Look at specs my machine make her look like a ****ing 386. Oh and it runs leopard better then her mac as well.

                            haven't had a problem with viruses since i was 12.

                            Edit: fixed my cussing Arg


                            • RRK
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 926

                              Originally posted by captncaveman
                              If you are a complete ****ing moron and can't keep your PC clean and problem free... The your really don't deserve a computer in the first place.
                              Do you know how many people you are talking about here?


                              • captncaveman
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 924

                                Originally posted by RRK
                                Originally posted by captncaveman
                                If you are a complete ****ing moron and can't keep your PC clean and problem free... The your really don't deserve a computer in the first place.
                                Do you know how many people you are talking about here?
                                Is it really that hard to purchase or download a "Borrowed" copy of some great antivirus software? Sure running a virus scan once a day seems tedious, but thousands of dollars saved it makes alot of sense! Plus there is a world of options for a PC. So many upgrades so little money. A person could build a super/gaming/design rendering super computer for 1/4 of the price of a mac! Hit up Tigerdirect's website and take a gander.


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