Netbook owners?

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  • ProudMarineDad
    • Aug 2009
    • 573

    Netbook owners?

    Anyone on here own a netbook?

    I am thinking about buying a low end computer for two reasons. One, to surf the net when I am in my recliner while playing my Xbox 360 or PS3.

    Two, yeah I know I am a glutton for punishment but I love to listen to the Atlanta Braves on the radio after I go to bed. I am old school I know but unfortunately no FM affiliate carries them and the closest AM station isn't strong enough. I have a membership on to get the audio feed so I wanted to use the netbook for this.

    Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    I absolutely LOVE my netbook. But did take me about a month to fully adjust to the screen size, some of my forums I use, gotta move all over.

    But once I got used to it, I absolutely love it. Hate surfing the net on my desktop at home now. I watch TV on it too. Sure screen is small, but it is right by my head, so light, can sit for hours on my chest and I never feel it.

    Now, I have an Acer, and can not recommend it. Quality is less than ideal. Yes, I have 160 GB hard drive, runs Windows XP. But sound crapped out after a week, have to use external sound now or earphones. Keyboad started sticking, so can't post anything without spending 5 minutes correcting. And now power cord has crapped out twice. Dell is making Netbooks now, my next one WILL be a Dell

    But huge fan of the concept.


    • ProudMarineDad
      • Aug 2009
      • 573

      Funny thing is I would be using it with headphones because my wife is not much of a Braves fan. :lol:

      I wonder is Asus netbooks are any good. They are cheaper on price but not sure about the quality of them.

      Also, I work for a division of IBM so I can get a decent discount on Lenevo computers so I might go that way. Just wanted some feedback from this diverse crowd so I should have known the Sage man would step up. Thanks as always. I was wondering about the Acer brand.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I have heard OK things about Aseus, but I think they use flash drives Much smaller. And a bit strangely, slower running windows according to all the reviews I read before buying the Acer.

        But Big boys have figured out Netbooks here to stay, so better options these days. But as a concept, I am in love.

        Just waiting for third power cord to come so I can use mine again.


        • sundog
          • Jun 2009
          • 311

          The top 8 Asus netbooks over at all have 160 GB hard drives.

          Asus is a fine brand. Been using stuff made by them for years.

          But I'm seriously looking a the new netbook from Nokia.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Ah, they got smart. Acer proved that was where the market would head I am assuming

            Nokia?? Have a link???


            • Snusophile
              • May 2008
              • 531

              Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
              Funny thing is I would be using it with headphones because my wife is not much of a Braves fan. :lol:

              I wonder is Asus netbooks are any good. They are cheaper on price but not sure about the quality of them.

              Also, I work for a division of IBM so I can get a decent discount on Lenevo computers so I might go that way. Just wanted some feedback from this diverse crowd so I should have known the Sage man would step up. Thanks as always. I was wondering about the Acer brand.
              I can recommend Lenovo. The school I teach in uses Lenovo laptop computers in every class and boy do they take a beating. They're still working great after a few years in the hands of hundreds of high schoolers.


              • ProudMarineDad
                • Aug 2009
                • 573

                Originally posted by sagedil
                Ah, they got smart. Acer proved that was where the market would head I am assuming

                Nokia?? Have a link???
                Found this one. Will look for some more.



                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I have the Asus Eee900 witha 16gb SSD HD. The SSD's kind of pokey, but I prefer that to a standard HD. The keyboard isn't the best either, but I mostly fixed it by putting aluminum foil under it. I may do a little more tweaking to get the couple problematic keys working better. I'm running Ubuntu-eee(now called Easy Peasy), and I'm completely happy with it. I'd buy a faster SSD, but I don't really have the money atm.


                  • ProudMarineDad
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 573

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    I have the Asus Eee900 witha 16gb SSD HD. The SSD's kind of pokey, but I prefer that to a standard HD. The keyboard isn't the best either, but I mostly fixed it by putting aluminum foil under it. I may do a little more tweaking to get the couple problematic keys working better. I'm running Ubuntu-eee(now called Easy Peasy), and I'm completely happy with it. I'd buy a faster SSD, but I don't really have the money atm.
                    I had even thought about the cheapest one with the small screen because as I mentioned, it won't be used a bunch. Just mostly a $250 radio.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by ProudMarineDad

                      I had even thought about the cheapest one with the small screen because as I mentioned, it won't be used a bunch. Just mostly a $250 radio.
                      That works well. My daughter has the Eee700, and that was what made me want to get mine. The 9" screen is far more usable, and worth a bit of a price premium to me, but I could use the 7" also. has had Eees for under $200. They just had a Eee900 for $170 over the weekend. Only a 4gb HD, and the ram was only 512mb, but the price is hard to beat.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        Ah, they got smart. Acer proved that was where the market would head I am assuming

                        Nokia?? Have a link???
                        Found this one. Will look for some more.

                        Very, very nice. And at about the price point I would expect to pay for my next netbook.

                        Thank you, I had not heard of this one yet, definitely moves to the top of my list.


                        • sundog
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 311

                          Anybody here a slashdotter? :lol:


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            i remember an old OJ simpson "DOS" joke from when that was going on.

                            how do you run the OJ simpson program in DOS?
                            type in BACKSLASH BACKSLASH ESCAPE



                            • Ainkor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1144

                              I'd honestly hold off on buying a netbook until the holiday season at least. Being a tech whore myself, I keep pretty on top of things and there are some very cool upgrades coming. Here is a few to whet your whistle:

                              Better processors (some coming in early to mid 2010 though) mostly in the area of non-atom based netbooks. AMD and Intel are putting out some pretty decent ULV (Ultra Low Voltage) chips. Remember that even a Celeron processor has about twice the umph as an Atom chip at the same clock speed.

                              Better video cards - Keep and eye out for the ION chipset from Nvidia. It's able to do full screen HD videos and will make netbooks almost acceptable for most as a primary computing device

                              Any cash you spend right now on one would be wasted though, IMO.


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