Does anyone believe that ObamaCare will not cover illegals?

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    But that is NOT what you said.

    The Bill says no. End of discussion.

    Enforcement??? That is a completely different subject


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by sagedil
      But that is NOT what you said.

      The Bill says no. End of discussion.

      Enforcement??? That is a completely different subject

      Why call it reform if it is mroe of the same. If the bill calls for the same thing we currently have, than how is it change.

      How can Obama/democrats lie about hwo they want to somehow reduce costs, and yet still allow illegals as well as saying no to tort reform.

      If you want to save money, why not increase competition by allowing insurance companies to sell accross state lines.

      This is not change, it is just more of the same. Make them go re-write it in a way that changes something for the better.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        This is just like the dems to say something for political gain, but then add a million loopholes which allows criminals to get away with what they are doing.

        For another example of this, look at AIG during bailouts. AIG exec bonuses were allowed by a loophole that the dems placed in. Then they turned around and claimed that they didnt know the execs would get bonuses.

        Same with illeglas, one of the largest strains on the system. They says we won't include them, but then write in loopholes allowing them coverage. Republicans say hey we should close that loop hole, dems vote against it.

        Do not pretend to want change or to lower costs or increase competition if everything your bill suggest will do the opposite, all while ignoring the many thigns that COULD accomplish all of those goals.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          You know how I would fix it? I'd ban medical insurance. Those companies would pack up and get the hell out. Medical lawsuits? Those are finished too. If you don't want to risk going to a doctor? Fix the problem yourself. Professional boards will oversee medical practice and weed out the incompetents. Getting rid of all that bureaucracy and red tape will slash medical costs, and people can then pay cash for the service. The poor can turn to churches and civic groups for help with payment.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            You know how I would fix it? I'd ban medical insurance. Those companies would pack up and get the hell out. Medical lawsuits? Those are finished too. If you don't want to risk going to a doctor? Fix the problem yourself. Professional boards will oversee medical practice and weed out the incompetents. Getting rid of all that bureaucracy and red tape will slash medical costs, and people can then pay cash for the service. The poor can turn to churches and civic groups for help with payment.

            Lol, lx that is the best plan for healthcare reform I have ever heard.

            This is the problem, companies get together and figure how to make monopolies and raise cost, then the gov comes in and tries to over regulate and it ends up in us having the system we enjoy today, where insurance companies have to get even MORE shiesty to turn a profit, then they pay off (lobby) the gov to make regulations that are in their favor to help them gain market share by eliminating smaller competitors.
            And that is how everyone gets ****ed.

            The answer is to kill em all and let god sort em out. Healthcare is not a right, it is a service you buy, and it is something that should also be affordable. Only way to do this is to cut the fat. No insurance, no gov nanny shit. If your dr sucks, than stop seeing him. Choose another. Too easy


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              Even if Congress wrote the bill in such a fashion to specifically EXCLUDE illegals, the courts have already said that it's unconstitutional to exclude them.

              Either Obama was lying or he doesn't know what the f**k he's talking about. Since he taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, I assume he's lying.

              Wouldn't be the first time a politician lied, now would it?

              edited the F bomb by PP....sorry


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by sundog
                Even if Congress wrote the bill in such a fashion to specifically EXCLUDE illegals, the courts have already said that it's unconstitutional to exclude them.

                Either Obama was lying or he doesn't know what the f**k he's talking about. Since he taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, I assume he's lying.

                Wouldn't be the first time a politician lied, now would it?

                I hadn't heard about the courts ever ruling that excluding illegals of gov programs was unconstitutional. If that was the case than how are there still illegals? What part of the constitution could possibly say it's illegal to not cover illegla aliens from other countries who do not pay into your system?

                And I agree with you that I don't think Obama to be stupid, so I have to assume that he knows what he is doing. And he also likes to take ownership for what he does (unless it doesnt work,than just blame bush), so when this whole thing is passed and everyone sees that its still just more of the same, will people hold him acountable like they did Bush?


                • sundog
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 311

                  I'm just going by Judge Napolitano just said on the news a few minutes ago.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by sundog
                    I'm just going by Judge Napolitano just said on the news a few minutes ago.

                    We must have court reform! lol no but seriousely that's f**king retarded. USA needs to decide whether it is illegal to come here undocumented or not, and make our other arrangements accordingly. this thing where we make laws and then do or odn't follow them as it fits us at the moment is a terrible way to run things.

                    If the law is no illegal imegration, than they get nothing and if found get sent home. If the law is you dont need papers to come here, than let them pay into the system and benefit from it like everyone else.

                    We are in immegration limbo right now where we have a little of both

                    again PP edited another F bomb. come on ppl


                    • sundog
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 311

                      Well, Bush pissed me off when he said we're a nation of immigrants. How long do you have to be here to not be considered an immigrant? The European half of my family came here in the mid 1600s, and the native American half got here thousands of years before that. Am I still considered an immigrant?


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by sundog
                        Well, Bush pissed me off when he said we're a nation of immigrants. How long do you have to be here to not be considered an immigrant? The European half of my family came here in the mid 1600s, and the native American half got here thousands of years before that. Am I still considered an immigrant?

                        We are all in one sense immegrants, or at least our ancestors were. But there is a thick red line between immegrant and illegal undocumented immegrant. When you come here illegally and without papers or a SS#, you can slide by without doign things like paying taxes or existing on anybody's records, however illegals then want access to our healthcare system and our welfare and food stamp system as well as other social services.

                        Ive lived in Los Angeles nearly all of my life and the number of illeglas here is downright wrong. It has bankrupted our state and they have protests in the streets talking about the re conquista movement to take back california which they feel is rightfully theirs. Sure, they want it back now that Americans have made it a thriving economic stronghold. Well, at least it was before they all came back, and before all of the liberals invented so many entitlement programs and free handouts that we are now about as broke as mexico. And the only republican we have seen for a hot minute around here is Arnold and he has done nothing but cater to the liberal agenda to spend up all of our cash.

                        We can't afford to be generous right now quite frankly, we need to cut off the enormous amount of foreign aid we give, ESPECIALLY the money Obama immediately broke off to Hamas (to the tune of 900 billion) as soon as the recession kicked off. One of the worst financial moves ever.

                        but that's what you get when you print our seal on pieces of paper and call it money. And if you run out, just print some more! I can't wait for inflation to really start mixing into the equation here, because it innevitably will. What do we do then?


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          Originally posted by sundog
                          Well, Bush pissed me off when he said we're a nation of immigrants. How long do you have to be here to not be considered an immigrant? The European half of my family came here in the mid 1600s, and the native American half got here thousands of years before that. Am I still considered an immigrant?

                          We are all in one sense immegrants, or at least our ancestors were. But there is a thick red line between immegrant and illegal undocumented immegrant. When you come here illegally and without papers or a SS#, you can slide by without doign things like paying taxes or existing on anybody's records, however illegals then want access to our healthcare system and our welfare and food stamp system as well as other social services.

                          Ive lived in Los Angeles nearly all of my life and the number of illeglas here is downright wrong. It has bankrupted our state and they have protests in the streets talking about the re conquista movement to take back california which they feel is rightfully theirs. Sure, they want it back now that Americans have made it a thriving economic stronghold. Well, at least it was before they all came back, and before all of the liberals invented so many entitlement programs and free handouts that we are now about as broke as mexico. And the only republican we have seen for a hot minute around here is Arnold and he has done nothing but cater to the liberal agenda to spend up all of our cash.

                          We can't afford to be generous right now quite frankly, we need to cut off the enormous amount of foreign aid we give, ESPECIALLY the money Obama immediately broke off to Hamas (to the tune of 900 billion) as soon as the recession kicked off. One of the worst financial moves ever.

                          but that's what you get when you print our seal on pieces of paper and call it money. And if you run out, just print some more! I can't wait for inflation to really start mixing into the equation here, because it innevitably will. What do we do then?

                          ..........Shock the monkey.

                          did I miss any additional F bombs in this thread?
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • sundog
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 311

                            From my perspective, Mexico can have Kalifornia back.
                            :lol: :lol:


                            • Ainkor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1144

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              did I miss any additional F bombs in this thread?
                              I just got home and found this thread. let me get my popcorn and a beer and I'll have an F bomb or two for yas :P

                              Edit - We can't use creative language anymore? Has this place turned into a nanny state, like our government?? (just kidding about that :P)


                              • Roo
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 3446

                                When Jane took her shoes off, she was shorter THAN she appeared before. It was THEN that Dick realized he was taller THAN Jane. THEN Dick said, "Jane, I'm taller THAN you". Sorry, just trying to help. No disrespect.

