Anime discussion thread

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  • spike
    • Sep 2009
    • 136

    Anime discussion thread

    you guys like anime if so which ones?
  • spike
    • Sep 2009
    • 136

    anyone?? bump bump


    • spike
      • Sep 2009
      • 136

      guess no one likes anime..lame asses. 8)


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        Hey, give it more time, Spike! I'm sure there will be some anime lovers posting on here eventually. I know BadFish was into it, but he hasn't posted lately.



        • VBSnus
          • Jul 2009
          • 532

          I'm a Fullmetal Alchemist fan myself, but that's the only one unless you count the old school stuff like Macross and Robotech.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I don't care for Japanese animation. It's always bothered me. Everything's a little too "edgy".


            • spike
              • Sep 2009
              • 136

              Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
              Hey, give it more time, Spike! I'm sure there will be some anime lovers posting on here eventually. I know BadFish was into it, but he hasn't posted lately.


              im good dude..just reaaaallllyyy.. bored at work.. which is why i post a lot on the forum on the weekends. the internet is a very boring place without video games/streaming media/porn yeah gotta lurk on the forum or look at other stuff on the web..


              • CM
                • Apr 2009
                • 329

                My big brother is huge fan of anime, Im trying my best to destroy his videos allways when its possible.


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  i LOVE me some anime. though i must stress SOME. there is a lot that i really dont like. pretty much dont like anything with robot gundam shits. my absolute favorite is fullmetal alchemist. i started watching the new FMA brotherhood on hulu but i havent kept up on it since i started posting on here a lot. my other favorites are: cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, paranoia agent, FLCL, lupin the third, and case closed. oh and trigun was pretty cool but i never ended up seeing the whole story. my least favorite ever is inuyasha. that shit sucks hard. i grew up on DBZ but around the cell saga i realized its pretty retarded. i grew weary of the whole 4 months of episodes for someone to land a punch kind of thing. they really draw that show out way too much. i also liked ronin warriors when i was a kid, and galaxy express number 9 or whatever thats called. things id like to see but havent: berserk and hellsing.i have a couple hellsing mangas, but now regard them as a waste of money since the stories in one book are very short, and i like closure.


                  • spike
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 136

                    Originally posted by daruckis
                    i LOVE me some anime. though i must stress SOME. there is a lot that i really dont like. pretty much dont like anything with robot gundam shits. my absolute favorite is fullmetal alchemist. i started watching the new FMA brotherhood on hulu but i havent kept up on it since i started posting on here a lot. my other favorites are: cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, paranoia agent, FLCL, lupin the third, and case closed. oh and trigun was pretty cool but i never ended up seeing the whole story. my least favorite ever is inuyasha. that shit sucks hard. i grew up on DBZ but around the cell saga i realized its pretty retarded. i grew weary of the whole 4 months of episodes for someone to land a punch kind of thing. they really draw that show out way too much. i also liked ronin warriors when i was a kid, and galaxy express number 9 or whatever thats called. things id like to see but havent: berserk and hellsing.i have a couple hellsing mangas, but now regard them as a waste of money since the stories in one book are very short, and i like closure.
                    yeah hellsing and berserk are both awesome..darker then black is a good newer anime..outlaw star and cowboy bebop are both great..i collect this shit so i got a lot of series on hand useally..and i do like the mech's on some shows like gundam wing was amazing..but.. .hack/sign wasnt bad..bleach is oky i guess..naruto sucks along with pokemon and digimon...dbz like you i grew up with and there is no point in buying it ever ive seen it like 20 times...oooh! and yu yu hakusho is great and the seasons are cheap. and ergo proxy if you havent seen it watch it, it's deep and alittle mundled but good psychological thriller..a weird one try paranoia agent really ****ed up shit man... i like full metal dont own it yet though and wanna see some of the new one but i will wait till it comes out on dvd box set for that. i pretty much like anything with a compelling story or dark and violent in nature...kenshin is another good one, it is on my purchase list asap...just need money :cry:


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      yeah i love paranoia agent. i forgot about bleach, that ones pretty good, well ive only seen a few episodes, i missed a bunch of it, tuned in to adult swim one night and didnt know what the hell was going on anymore, it mustve gotten really weird. pokemon i will admit that i really, REALLY like the video games. the show is really bad though. if you havent seen FLCL, youre really missing out, its only 6 episodes long but its maybe the best anime out there. also saw you didnt mention samurai champloo, its by the makers of bebop if you havent seen it. its similar to the way bebop blends the scifi bounty hunter shit with jazz music, but its vagabond swordsmen mixed with hip hop.


                      • spike
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 136

                        i havent seen much of champloo i will check it out and yea flcl is on my list too along with eureka 7 complete, darker then black, kenshin and possibly inuyasha (yeah i know) but maybe scratch that last one it did get kind of dumb after a while but i like sesshi..those who hunt elves is pritty funny thinking big o..gonna give to my sis she hates not sailor moon..ive got evangelion although didnt like it much it is defiantly on the weird scale..devil may cry im gonna buy too.. love the games, and pokemon games are awesome..death note looks ok but only saw a couple episodes so probally gonna pass...elfen lied i might by cause of the gore ive heard...or claymore as the box set comes out soon..for now i think thats all.. havent seen much new stuff yet.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I'm not an anime fan, but I do like Metalpocalypse.

                          I also like Joseph Lai, so I kinda like Space Thunder Kids and Protectors of the Universe for their badness.


                          • daruckis
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2277

                            i gotta check out kenshin and darker than black, ive heard good things. death note is pretty cool actually, but ive only seen a little here and there. sometimes its pretty boring, but when its good, its really cool. i like the hannibalesque mind games between the kid and the detective.


                            • spike
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 136

                              it's called rouroni kenshin it is about a wandering samurai who used to be a master killer and refused to kill anymore and he meets a girl and then it just escalates it's pritty badass. he uses a reverse blade katana so the sharp end is on the back. and well darker than black is about this guy called the black reaper and he is what they call a contractor basically each contractor has a special power and has to pay for it by doing a certain task. they work for like big companies as assasin.. and hei who is the main character is looking for his sister.. thats pretty much all i know but it is good so far been watching it on ondemand..


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