I hope you thoroughly take a couple of weeks now and enjoy yourself with relaxation, sleep and time with friends and family.
I took a hard hit during the bomb days right before 911. Rode the 9 months of unemployment while also working on a number of odd jobs before the market finally opened up again two years later.
It is amazing that our generation has had to live through two of these recessions within a decade.
work will set you free!
LOL, yes, it so sucks to be us. I was first laid off at the end of 99, my company bought out by Tyson when they were busy fraudulently pumping their numbers up. Was unemployed again 2 weeks before 9/11. Went through it a couple of times later when I got burned by dirty managers (who both eventually got fired, but too late for me)
We live in a different world now than our fathers. The days of having a job you can always depend on are just long gone.
So I realized something, I think I may have been fired cause I accidentally learned the truth. My boss has been claiming poverty these past few months. Never made sense to me, as I know better than everyone our exact incoming revenues down to the penny. but she keeps saying that we are still "paying off" last year. our shop steward, who literally makes this company work, hasn't had a raise in two years. last Christmas, our Christmas bonus was $50.
So I got an e-mail last night in the general company box that I shouldn't have seen. Was from her Realtor, seems she is shopping for properties with money she claims she doesn't have. (and of course, never mentioning it to us at all) I just forwarded it on to her. Now I am wondering if they got rid of me cause I found out. If my shop steward found out, and he will NOW. I am betting he will walk out on them. The company would collapse without him. Simply no way to replace either him, or the knowledge he has.
I made sure I got his number off my work cell phone before I left. I just told my boss I had a couple of personal numbers I needed on it (true btw). I had been debating if I should tell him about that e-mail. now, of course, I must.
Damn dude that sucks...I know you can put up a good front and unemployment will keep you going but I know how tough it is. As you and many know when you guys met me I had been unemployed for 6 months. I also will give you the if you need anything let me know line. Hey if it helps lighten the mood you will have even MORE time to be on snuson now Ok smart ass line over. Hopefully everything works out and its a short term stay on the dole.
So sorry to hear Sage, seems unemployment is spreading faster than swine flu now a days! I hope you get out of this little slump fast! Or take a break if you need it!If you need any thing snus or just some support don't feel hesitant to ask!
I promise I will. My only fear right now is that unemployment will take forever to be done. I can't even file for another month as I got a month's severance. As long as Unemployment kicks n, should be fne.
I just logged into Monster, already seeing some great opportunities to apply for.
So I guess tomorrow, job one is update the old resume, start sending some things out. I haven't been smoking other as much lately, so I should be clean within 10 days. Who knows, maybe I can get through this before I even have to file for unemployment.
I'm just good at dealing with this type of sh**. I know how to process things at lightening speed so I can focus on what really matters. I waste no time on things like anger, hurt, etc. It's just life, stuff happens. The measure of a man is how he picks himself up and moves forward after.
So just sat down and worked through my money situation. If stop a $400 debt payment, and cut a few necessities (including my next planned snus purchase), I should be good for money until December 1. I can't even file for unemployment until next month, so will be leaving just 6 weeks for that to get resolved. Worries me a bit, but my boss said she would act immediately when she gets the notification from them, I have every reason to believe her.
I guess if that goes wrong, I can beg and plead family for help. Just dreading that idea. But do what you have to.
But have at least 4 months snus built up (See, reason I always harp on building a stash?? :wink: ) But no more snus or snuff purchases until I start collecting unemployment.
Low-balled what I expect to get from unemployment, and still fine once I start to actually get it. A few years ago, I managed to make it on about $250 a week. NOT fun, but I can do it if I must. Times like this make me kind of glad I went through those poverty moments before, keeps the panic at bay.
Yeah, unemployment sucks. Been there too. I work in telecom, and have had two layoffs this decade.
Not sure about NC, but I know how it works in Ohio: Claims are filed weekly, so they deal with severance according to how the employer pays it. If the severance is paid in a lump sum, you can claim benefits beginning a week or two later. If bi-weekly, then you can't claim it during the week you were paid severance. If weekly, then you don't begin claiming it until after all severance is paid out. But either way, they encourage us to file the application ASAP after separation, to avoid delays.
Things will work out. It's already been said by everyone else, but the Sacred Brotherhood of the Pris will be on hand to meet that particular need.
Yeah, it's true, and weird. But it only confirms things I have been thinking. First of all, I'm kinda glad, as I HATED this job, it was the worst job...