Sorry to hear the bad news, Sage. Let me know if I can help you out with some snus. Hang in there!
Got fired/laid off today.
LOL, I wish. And yeah, I figured out I can completely file legit in 2 weeks. So that gives me 8 weeks. Feel much better about it all. Plus, when I get it, all the waitting will be paid lump sum. so should be able to do nice snus order after. So I am out listening to musuc at a differnt bar, hoping to see Hannah later. Decided I deserved a pack of ciggs tonight.
Ditto on the help and support man! I try ti avoid cliches whenever possible but I truly believe it all happens for a reason. Somethin bigger and better around the corner.
I got canned a few years back and had similar suspicions as you. I found out an 8 store company I worked for was skimmin cash. In one month went from bein offered a manager job to being fired cause I wouldnt stash the cash. 3 weeks later IRS agents showed up at every managers and the owners homes late one night. Happened for a reason.
Sending good vibes ur way in the meantime.
I agree with the "could be a good thing" theory. The company my husband worked for for about 15 years closed their NH office about 4 years ago. We could've moved to NC or AZ to stay with the company, but turned it down. He ended up starting a new job a week later with the place right across the street from where he was and hated it for the 2 months he was there.
Then he got word of an opening at another place and the increase in pay was around 40% more than what he was making at the first place. He said if the first place had not closed, he knows he'd still be there because he was "comfortable" there and happy with the job. He now says that the place closing was probably the best thing that could've happened. He loves this job 1000% more than the old one and all is good. :P
As everyone has commented, I refuse to cry about this. Because who knows, maybe in a month, I have a better job paying me a bunch more. Would feel really silly if I had cried about it, wouldn't I.
I do reserve the right to be really angry in a couple of months if my life is shit THEN. But not now. Yeah, I am dealing with a range of emotions right now, yeah, it isn't the easiest thing in the world.
But I will be OK, I always am.
But thank you everyone for the kind words. More importantly, thank you for giving me a place to talk some of it out. Just how I process.
Gonna go get coffee soon, then plan on getting my resume updated, apply for a few jobs today. This afternoon, gonna go to the cool used book shop and pick up some books. Have a lot of time on my hands and computer is not where I want to spend it. :wink:
Bro, so sorry to here this. I saw someone mention it on another thread and have just now stumbled across it here.
Anyway, you really might talk to SM about a rep job. You certainly have the passion, and product knowledge. Might be just your thing.
Regardless, I think it is evident that this forum community is behind you. And like the rest of the folks have already said, when the stash gets low, let me know. I will gladly pitch in a few cans to help a friend-- portions of course :wink:When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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